Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 10

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PêQE g10,- WHFBYFRMUPRER% MWDNESDAY, AUGUW 29,19M0 Saion Gal0ry well-irooted. in ,olimunimt Bcy Trudie Zavàdovics Next month 'Thé -Station Gal- lery proudly celebrates its twen- tieth azmi=versary with a spécial *exuibition 1 Sept. 8 to 30. Crucial to the gallery in its iception' were two unshakable founidations on which it has been built- the* préservation and celebration of art in ail forme, and that of community. It i. Most ftting therefore, that thé building that houses The Station Galler has a history of both art and community. Thé building is, indeed, a work of art. Bufit in 1903, the gallery~s building was first known toth people of Whitby and many visit- ors as théeWityJunction' sud replaoed théerad- Trunk Rail- way Station. It was orignally located on Byron St. on thé north aide of what was'then the Grand Trunk Railwaline hetween Toronto and Màontreal. Today-, thé samé building stands on the northeast corner of the Victoria St. and Henry St. intersection. Architecturally the building was conceived 6y the Giý Trun Railway's bridie and, buil Ag epartment. EBufli ' tre ra&i ytyle,' the haflmark was a copious overhanmg roof which usuaily skirted tleezénti building t. protect pabnesOn. thlafo. saùd!,nb"ncways. Ureof constucton trains were dispatched by télé- graipb, and thé spae, which o=the telegraph operator and thé ticket offce was givén a multi-sided bay @fhn a clear view of thé traàck in bhdirec- 19s PHOTO et WMitIrJmg WNeU Ardamvphoto bions. A similar viéw was gven ta the patrns by using thé sarne device at thé track-uidèe corner of thé waiting roorn adacent ta thé porch . Thé furnction Of thé porch is obviaus, sud it is éxactiy couný- térbalançed by, what was 'on- ginally thé baggage roorn at thé emt énd, éasilyrèonie bits srnall windows su large end door ta ailtt thé movement 0f large items The Grand Trunk Railway opMaed thé Whitby junction statio6n until a takeover b~y thé fédéral. -goverument iu 1923. Ilon Canadian INational Rail- wasraintained it until 1969 whnthé station was closed. lu 1970, thé station was .aved from démolition by the efforts of Whitby Arts Incorporated, a non- profit group of citizens .dedicated ta thé devélopment of thé arts in thé community. In contrast ta the vertical emphasis of' most Victorian buildings. The-emphasis of the Station Gallery has now shifted ta the*horizontal. With théexception of thé bagr, gage room windows, all window sils are set at the same level as are thé divisions between thé double-hung windows and multi- ple lights aboyé thém. Even the chimney scarcely breaks thé he4%it. factors and more givé Thé Station Gallery a linéarity which tiés it ta thé surrounding rurallaudscape. By doing 10, thé architecture and thé natural laudscape bécomé mutually enning sud interdependent. Iu 1980 thé uildiç- was desig- natéd a héritage bilding. Moât receutly théy have addéd a vesti- bule. Thé settngmay hé différent and the buidig may hé old sud Jimprovéd, but thé purposé of Thé Station Gallery stems véry much' frorn its3 roots - ta hé open sud availabie ta as many pepplé' as possible, ta hé used al In 1970 -when thé galléry opened it was run entirely vrolunteer. Oneé 0f thé manw volunteers was Alta May Ebére ofwbitbye 'M, y vlvmént amésback ta Wheýnemovéd thé building,» SERPAGE .11, coll.aborative prin t helps to AMa]anVersar By Mazune*Kanugi sd etching at Quen'. University Outfitted in su ink-stained lu Kingston. printnak.r OUas Thé involvement of these two ukslooko a littlé liké an artists ta woek on one piece was artisti. chef gone wild, mixingr a éxciiting for thé galiery as MWk pinhM mraiwi Gazfer, Water Breathér' will alsc drops ofmntric acid. make a unique collection ta its Ad.'what's John Leonard permanent print collection. 'The doing here? Isn't hé a painter? Station Gallery featurés one of Tis unique -collaboration thé most extensive permanent hetween thé two well-known print collections in Canada, Canadien artists is helping mark including several lithographs. this yéar's 2th anniversary o, Mny people havé coene ta Whitby' Station Gallery. associate lithographa with the 1'sky Gazer, Water Breather' is modern-day proeess of offset a multicolor lithograph created lithography. In fact, lithography and printed by Leonard and as an art form goes back several Tamasauskas for thé galléiy. cénturiés. Evoliving from thé Procééds from the sale of thé Greek word for "stone" and pints ta, thé public will go ta, thé "writing," lithogrTaphy begins with gallery's 1990 fundraisin drive. an image being placéd on a flat "think it's a truly high quality stone '(usually liestné .Thé piéce, which- isn't always thé casé artist uses a gréasy matérial such in a collaborative effort," says as lithographic penis, tushe or Leonard. "Otis sud I work very crayon, to draw or transfer and well together. It's a case of feeling imagé onto stone. Thé stone is out how thé other is doing. It's then chemically treatéd so that like canoeing togéther -- it works only thé image accepts the much better if you're in rhythm. printing ink. together." Prom this point, thé prints are Both artists have close ties ta, made using a press to take thé thé gallery, having exhibited sud image fromn thé stone sud place it instructed thème extensively over on pae. thé years. Léonard, a Toronto RB-cuse of its planographic pointer, bas works featumed in nature, lithography éasily allows numerous. private sud corporate for images ta hé printed over one collections. A graduate from thé suother. In thé Leonard/ Outario College of Art," hé bas Tamasauskas collaboration, thé also takén part lu solo sud group psive image was dopped over exhibitions woldwide. thé color background wbich was SHis disciplined talents as a printed first. Vainter complément thé Thé images were actually 'fiapiboyance of Tmaaskas, théeprnted fiom two stones, set side Pr!cevile, Ont. artist/printmaker. b side on thé pressbéd, sud "Thé chance to work With Johnl featms sillouettés 0f thé artist was fun hecause I admire John "Otis came up with thé idea of very much," says Tamssauskras, putting oursélves lu thé print" asmdatautrd« ith b3 lan.d..niiflm ) I r pair wéré g ta draw themmelves, until t y cameu with the idea of cdrawing esc othieer'sihuettes by using the sun 'Iis insdnd ofa weather- driven print" qips One 0f thé chamtéisics that made this print unique is its multiple imagéiy. Each Urne you look at it, you see. ornétbing néw. "lu this caséw. did corne up with, soe truly collaborativé work." says Tainasauska. MwkyGazer, Water ,Bree'1is printed 'on BFK p ansd is availabié fhm thé eller, i ocatod et thé corner 0f ' Victoria sud Henry. streets. The coot is $250 unfrared. JOHN LEONARD and Oua oun the 2Oth amoom iteitioe by Taniasauska put the finishing toudweo inn *erns

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