Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 3

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WHfrtly MMPIRSS, EDM AY, AUGUST 29, 199, PAUE8 Prot es tors Pleket Ptrsnvisit* .By Mmke Kowalsld, Ontario'. Libral goveriment has'a failing record on environ- mental. issues, according to Greenpeace. Premier David Peterson recei- ved that blunt message Frday wbule in Whitby to address a lunch meeting ofthe Chamber of commerce. Peterson re'tee the lowest score of the thbree morParty leaders when h. agi'red totalc. the. Greenipeace tstfollowing his speech. .Greenpeace wa. one of thre. different grou>ps which demon- strated outside Heydensiiore Pavillon, site of the, meeting, to protest government policy on. the envirorýment. Menibers of Durham Nuclear Awareness, dressed i white coveralîs and gas masks, loudly expressed their opposition to more nuclear power plants in Ontario. The group chanted slogans, radeand Li.waved signs ýread- ing «Nuke tii. 90's - Vote for Super Dave" upon Peterson's arrivaI and departure from the hall. Meanwhile, a third group comjprised of local teenagers anJ a ewadulte, demanded the govenmet do something about thePriceEdward Island ferry boat docked in -Whitby harbor. The derelict vessel s two trans- formera contain PCB-contamina- ted oul. Altiioulh the PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are secure, the demonstrators were worried about the ou fiding its way into-tii. water. fronically during is- address to the chiamber, Peterson announced a series of measures aimed at controllin g excesa pack- aging of goode sold m Ontario (se. otiier story). 1But that was not enough, according to Greenipeace. ,Just lbefore h. was about to deliver hie speech, Peterson was challenged biy Greenpeace spok- esman Gord Perks. Peterson agreed te, answer P.rks' questionis after tii. speech w. over. This was not tii. first time Perks and the. premier have crossed paths. Perica stole Peterson's thunder last month wiien h.e interrupted Ail- canidates meetinrg te be held Aug. 23 Whitby Jaycees wfil hold an AilCanidaes'Night on Aug. 23 at the. Whitby municipal building. The. event will begin at 8 pan. in the. council chambers. Ail candidates running in Durham Contre will b. invîted te attend, and residents cari asic questions a bout issues of concern. For more information contact Rnick- Rerat8-9933.% Brackett said Peterson is "clearing tii. way" for 15 more nuclear reactors at eitiier.Dar- lington, Wesleyville or the nortii shore of Maniteulin-Iéland. Hie said that despite.environ- mental assessinent hearing into the new sites Ontario Hydro le spending "millio ns"on engineer- ing studies forotii. next nuclear ONTARIO PREMIER David Petereon was greeted by three différent protest groupe in Whitby lbut week. the _premier's election cail press conference to castigate the government's environinental record. Durig their impromptu meet- ing, Perkaskei Peterson 12 questions dealing witii garbage, texic waste,, nuclear power, the atinosphere and forests. .Perks gave the. premier a fail- ing grade when Peterson answered yes te only five of tii. questions. Among the questions Peterson did not answer afllrmatively w.re a ban on incinerators; a haIt te nhuclear power expansion; a ban on toieic ciemical emis- sions into tiie air and a freeze on current loggi* ev1 s "That's te worst record of tiie three leaders," Perce -teld Peter- son. "Your governinent has*failed te recognize thie one simple fact that our environmient is already teo contaminated.» (Perce later teld reporters that New Democratic Party leader Bob Rae scored 10 out of 12 on tiie test whule Pro ,rssive Con- servative chief ike Harris registered seveni.) Peterson responded that "no matter wiiat we saq, you'll say it'. not good enougii. He added that his government has nothing to b. ashamed about and that it's environmental record %i one of the most pro- gressive in the. industrialized world.» Prior to their confrontation, Perica said Greenipeace in help.n set the agenda mn the lcton ca!nagn. Teflixrry of announcements from ail parties proves thiml- pact we've had,» said Perke. "People aroumd the province, recognize the,'Peterson goverri- ment is flot taking sufficient stepste solve the problem.7 Duham Nuclear Awarenese chairman Jeif Brackett said the garb hie and others were w.aring would b. standard fare for Ontario residents if the. goverri ment do.. not change its stanic on nuclear power. fir DurbainContre - &MWMiay, M"~ PC -JI m ahty INDP - Drummond White F.mlly CoUa,,o - Nin. Mlt... Plant. «Each- reactor in designed te releas. massive amounte -of radiation 'duringnormal ope- ration,» claimed Brackett. Hav Sti-îtwae ostudent '?nr , it wason. of tii.- - Whitby residents demadg action be.taken witii respect tZ SEE PAGE 9 A visit 10 our Garden Centre is fun for your wfle tamily. Our two large, enclosed ponds contain Black Swans, Wood Ducks, Mandarin Ducks and Blue-Wînged Teal. Outside, we have sixty-five Fallow Deer, two Donkeys and even a Liamal Plus in our new cage area, we are proud 10 present our beautiful peacocks. So bring the kids along - you really will have fun, and you'Il enjoy our many landscaping and garden centre bargains too. SJOHN BROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CE NTRE' 650 Lakerldge Road SoUth, Ajax, Ontalo Li S 4S7 686-1545 or 686-1680 Monday to Friday: 8 amn to 8 Saturday. 9 arn to -6 pm ýSunday 9 am to 5pm Pm JIM v,ý,eAERTY ENVIRONMENT: "What's quite clear is that the Liberal Government has had an opportunity to deal with en vironrnen tal problems . .. Problems like the P. E. L ship docked at the foot ai Poft Whitby harbor laden with cancer causlng P. C.B. 's. The Liberal member has had, the opportunity to demonstrate some initiative and to work co-operatively wfth ail lèels ai Government.. what has he been doing for the past 3 years?" urJIM FLAHERIIY ÈD UCATION: nThe:Peterson Governme t has promised over and over again that it would provide School Boards additional-ful ding. Their carrent record points to an ever-decreasing level o& fùndfIgW- The Durham Board of Edpcation, one of Ontario's fastest growing regions, Ibas had to (aise local taxes just to kqep Up with the shortfillin Provincial funding. Poorplannip by the Province has led toanincreasing fff number of portables in piewIy completed sc4iools. Does* this make good sense?" ~-- N J J >1 JOHN BROUWER GARIDEN CENTRE SINCE 1961 A f I u lu 1, t, jÇ ~? m Fun for the

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