Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1990, p. 8

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PAG1e 8, W'L).Y !UL. E ?Â<b, wdkambUAÏ, Auuuts ii' I8 Kids festival on ug. 2 Saturday Aug. 25. will be MKis'Day idowntown Whitby as theDBi stags numrous activities for teanulchil- dren's festival. Activity beins at86:15 am.as entrantsgther in the Perry St. W &J 9g ta prepare for the The parade, for ages 3 ta 14, begins at 9 -am. and wfll go fromn KiKSt., along Dundas St. ta the Whitby Public Library parking lot. Entrants wfll. be judged for fancy dress, funnîest, hast decoate biycle and tri ce, best dressed group, anadest decorated manual transportation (wheelbarrow, wagon, etc.). There will be ribbons and prize money for the winners. At 10:30 a.m., i the library parking lot, the pet show will be held, assisted by the MacKay Animal Clinic. 'There will- be judgin in 20 categories, with pre-registration at the library, animal clinics. pet stores and the DBIA office. There Club invites listings for directry, Women who 'own or operate a business in Durham Regon can be listedin the second d w ta be published bythe Durham Business .& Prfessional. Women's Club. Listings are $10 for non-mem- bers, frea for 'members. An owner/operator should send a business c&d, a brief description of tha husinqss, and chque payable ta Durham BW)for Î10 to: Durham BPWC, c/oMr joria Green, 25 Burcher Rd., Ajax, Ont., LMS. 2P8. Directories will be distributad fraee of charge throughout Dur- ham Région.. ýwill .be, rzlbons. and- trophies îo- winnars, and there is no entry fée. >Prom 10 amxr. ta 4 p.m., the> coloring contast.sponsored by Binney & Smii Canada' Ltd., who manufacture Crayola pro- ducts, will be held on the lawn at Bell Canada. There are many pries inlu- ing coloring sets1 and i'shirts, and aIl entrants wil receive a six-pack of crayons There will also be la disp1aby Environment Canada on teBl Canada lawn. The display in- cludes a promotion of the <Environmant Friandly Lunch.' Entries (maximum 20) will ha accepted until Friday, Aug. 17 for the baby phoo contest. Pho- tos will be displatyed at the Mira- cle Mart in the Town Plaza, Dundas St. W., frorn Aug. 20 ta 25, and the public will vote, for a miiu $1 donation, for the winner. Funds raised go ta the Whitby General Hospital cam- paugn. Entry forme are available at the- DB& office, locatad at the four cornera, and at the library. Phota subjects must be children aged 2 and under, from Whitby. Au27 rswill ha announced F~ace painting will be held all daLy on the* lawn of the Whitby Hydro;Elactric Commission, 121 Brock iSt. S. Aflsh pond and bean bag toss will *also ha at downtown locations. At the IGA plaza, with shows at il a.m. and i p.m. Scott. Armstrong*wi1lpresent Speak- ing ofWiM ef. Armstrong, discusse the con- servation of endangedslei, using animaIs and bir mhS shows. Shackiti131lBrockStS 1 hold '(5oe and Play Day,. cii ties include a Darda racing car tournament, and hands-on dis- plays of Meccan and Brio Mec. SCOTT ARMSTRONG uses animais He Win, give two 'shows during the and bfrds in bis shows to promote downtown cbilhdren's festival on Str conservation of endangered species. day, Aug. 25. To promote, region DulrhamMaktn Strategy C.mitefre A new community-based conimittea bas. been formed ta promota Durhami Region as a good place to work and live." ýThe, Durham *'Marketing, Strategy Committee bas gruped togethr a pprata people for liaising withgovernmant on how and what ta, promote about Durham Region, from the perspective of the community and privata sactor. 'We have developed short- and long-terni goals. which will undoubtedly be refined as we mova ahead. It is notour purpose ta, diminish the rsosblt held Lbr municipalities tu promote themeelves and the Region,"saya David Tonkin, committee chairman. A recent orientation meeting was held with the eight municipal mayors in the region, the regional chairman, planning staff and other invited guests This event was planned in an effort ta exchange ideas and information respecting, mutual concerna, and ta unveil the' committeds concept, purpose and future plans. .The committee is made up of, rapresantatives froni difféent business organizations through- out the region. "The funding for committe projects wll bave ta, corne froiû membar organizati"ons," sSays Tonkin. "Our group was formed after the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board was approached by various business rgamizations, ta assist in resaarching the feasibility of estalishing an overall marketing strategy for the Durhiam Region. Mlurham has a lot ta, offer, and housing prices are 35 par cent lower than thosa im the Toronto area. Yet wa feel we are losing. potantial growth, which originates mainly -from tha Toronto area ta municipaliies outsida cf. the region. it is, feit that péoiple need ta be made more, aware of our -,vibranit* and- diversified area." With naws features, a possible advertising canpaign and rereentation -for * IDurham, Region at, upcorning nmjor trade, showss the committee intends -té' make every, effort. ta enhanca the, -In addition, the 'ýcoiînattea supotsanintesté promote scthings as the. estabhsbmený.- of a' univerityý in'the région, development -of tasprat < links, as well as methdsof stremuining the deveopment procems The' committees says that every effort must be made ta focus Potentbal growth ta the east of Metro Toronta at the provincial level. .This will, ha nacessary i order ta attraet appropriate fimding lavais Committed' to excellence A Durham Region branch of-an organization comniitted ta excel- lence in manufacturing >opa- rations. wil nxeet in SapteMber in Whitby.:ý The. local branch wilI hold' 'Chaptar Niglit' for the, Caic Canadiazn Association of Produc-: tion and Invantory Control. For further detai1lulsnr. date and location, callEdm<ý Paty at 420-1389 or 723-3480. j~K TRCKRTALSI wlthad I ' Monday - Frkday' I I 230 Dundas S. E,, Whltby « 66&36 o: CORPORATION 0F TH a TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION Street Name Change The hdncloh Cofporallon of the Town of Whltby Intends ta pass a by-Iaw to r.hànie the name d Cas1o n Street to Wallae Drive. The chene In streel name wIliI qpty toaail of Casson Street on Reglstered Plan 40M- 15M, as The Planning and Develapment Camrnttee of Whllby CouiD will nei" on the evening af Tuesday. Septerr*er 4. . Iln the Meeting Hall of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, for the puwpose of heaing any person who daims their land wtti be alveraely alfected by the by-law. Any persan vwlshlng ta meet wlth the Comrnttee ls asW dtoadavlee the Towh Clark accordIngly no later than Thuraday, Auguet 30,I.190 Donald G. McKay. Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whllby 575 Romssand Road Eat Whtby. Ontaro..LiN 2ti8 SCRATCH & SNIFF. NO ODOUR ? That's what you get with Airx odour eradicators. Airx products contain Ainicide, a unique component which physicaily alters odorous molecules, s0 that ypur nose doesn't register unpleasant fragrances. Airx produots were specificaily designed for com mercial use, where foui continupus odours are a real problem - chronic care wards in hospitals, nursing home applications, the backs of garbage trucks, kennels, etc. Airx products are NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. For musty basements. garbage rooms or drains that smell, try- Aîrx 60 Foui Odour Eliminator. To'eliminate pet odours in carpeting, add Airx 60 to your solutio n whncleaning the c4rpet. For continuous ýodours from an Incontinent shut-in, pets or cooking, try Airx 19 super strength microceil. Whatever your adour problem, we have the solution. 00mib on down to thé Swish Çlean-lt Centre and let oiýr trained, )elpful staff help you with your odour control probleém. MAINTENANCE LTD. SWI]Y ,666- 1224vý whiutby business

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