Whitby Free Press, 8 Aug 1990, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WH[TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8,1990 Amatter of interest, jobs. slashed, by57 Fo r every 100 worlcers employed in the varlous sectors of the homebuilding industry in Jun., 1989; onlY 29 will remain on the job by the end of' 1990P saya the president of the Toronto Homte Builders' Assocation. At a news conference lasi; week, Chia Mullin said a survey of 35 mgior sub-contractors revealed empl<yment levels have dropped 57pr cent year over year, with dledlnes of 71 per cent predicted by Decem4ber. "Whoever thought that when Prime Minister Brian Mulroney Said «Jobs, jobs, jobs,' he meant <Gone, gone, gone.' Our indu% bas been decimqkted by high interest rates and Ottawa does flot think the economy and its people are hur ting enough yet for rates to' drop appreciably," said Mullin. "Asic the worker who was earning $31 an hour and suddenly is forced to join the growing ranks of the unemployed if he isn't hurting enough.Tlhe 54,602 Ontario construction workers who applied for UIC benefits ini May alone could fil every seat ini SkyDome and, still spill onto the playing field, he Mid. Mullin saïd in addition to the layofib, many sub-contrctors and manufacturera. have introduced reduced work weeks and/or job-sharing programs to handie ROYAL CONSERVATORY 0FhMSIC whitby - Thsey - Summe GRADE 4 HARMONT FimoClan Honore Andrea CoealeeWilson GRADE à HARMONT P-t&Honore Elizabeth Dode Tridalrkbrlde Neari Lyrm 'lander Ed GRADE a HiuIOR FL-sClanmHonore Janet Lorrain eu"Daa AnreaTium4yke Dom MassetteMacGmgor GRADE 2 RUIMENTS Yrat ClaaHonoeaitDutirwtio Jamnlfer Ulm Del monte Iimothy Wilbr Jennfr lunn Dyck immn aEhaabetSnlth DyvieA"n David uMa Jum.epldi Catriom yme meliza.DawnBae Clifed Askvedo suman J. Murray Mhiram ennifer 5amders Abigail De Lot Santos PLsmC&anHonore Adrian PulGwMe Janet Kathleen flott Ciarionm arcele < TafflaTrnkaus TazMa Shaw Erika Joanne Gamble CraigAndrwe Hamilto .Tien Yeung Sarahi Catherine Chilett Catherine F. Wingi Maureen Dawn Adama Hammr Marie Anu Scott Jennifer Tooley Nicole UMarola michael Manag Aima Idme Collier Suzanne Neville Pb» CrigEveretLue Jeunifer Ane O'NI GRADE 1i RuDImNT what littie *ork remains. Michaël Reilly, secretary- treasurer of Labouirer's International' Union of North America, Local 183, said more than 60 per cent or 3,600 of bis members who usually -work in the residential sector are, now unemployed. "These workers and their familles are devastated," he naid. "Wbat's happening is an economoic tragedy. Construction is the heartbeat of all industry tbroughout the country. Neyer bas it been so true where governinent bas illed the goose that lays the golden egg," he said. Sunimarizing wbat is shaping up to be the worst year on record for new home sales in the Greater Toronto area, Mullin predicted fewer than 7,000 sales in 1990, down 5.5 per cent from 1989 and an 80 per cent fail from 1988. Ini 1982e the previous worst year on record, 12,466 niew homes were sold "While a correction was necessary, and indeed inevitable, the (sales) Plunge is far in exces of a mere cyclical correction. We are niired in a virtual ales stagnation,' he snid. Mullin nsid at the peak of the recent boom,, new housing in the Toronto area generated ahnost 165,000 'person-years Of employment and that fewer than 75,000 person-years Winl be Hoather Eicabe Hougliton Lion Wayment ligda.Lynn Petrou Denia. flimpoon Kathmemeu.schuang FuSt CM 1Honora Jennifer Anne Costa TM" aDZn RebocaLamb Ian Suh Addoenne MLK. Bake Jennifer Ainmefflmrd Gordon W-Mlam M~ceag Adrian V. Monde. DadueDome William Kimberley Amy Kathleen Whte Jin Meredth BRinard DavdCharlesapma KarenYangapatty Michael OYLane Iaaind Raid Shannan P. Spier GeoffreyMXcPberaon Jaamca Hwang Janette Chang Rtichard Mark Gordon Semuel Kim AaronMatthew SùuanIq Kdr a wn Parker Aune Pair Kim Dun Aimee Elizbeth Kole BrlanKlm JoyeaLau Kmi"aSm. JÎM8 Cksse HonomitA Duiotam RhondaJamew nough Van mMarie Bentley Natabe Marie Durit Sa athe., Melnty Elinle Dne Vickers ThamaafRivatt Mark sUlwoiz Andre Kumth Cappe NeelaDiaouza Matthew suahan ChroIphKTherlault Mira Fromm .AMioric HmnSur Braden Mihl David Robertaon Amanda .Bllan Brinihie Nancj Elzabeh Cooper Maxy MacDonald Dorek Middlhaon Mm ClanHonora ChriapherBlunt Wlnnie Kwok Sarah Aliaan Neudorf Nadine Hart LaMrROas Bic JanettXe v.Parucha Sheley L Delaney Natalie 5.n Forest SocorroAndaya De 'Vra Marnie Anne Gay Jane Camipbell Dichie [aura Jenniter Giffard Christine lAma Richard Alan C. &0l StaceyJuukiu Beiamin Lewis Land Steven Mark Chapunan MichaeC. Goep Honora Racheu ea lkm r [ahan hm..eM.f' PLrai Clan Honrawith Distinchtion iaelae Alajua unHuner Davldàrthur C. Dale Gillian e e vraeca Ego-Aguimr JillianHeatherWade Kelly Dawa Ras saah Elizaweh HqGraP&r nomraYoung fluresaAnne Davit CathorineSweRRoe PMAii i ~ !'~fl3etao . zAndAwume,4 ~fi 4 created thisye, the Iowest level ýsince 1982. yH nid a single construction jc~ creates two spinoff j obs ii otixer industries. Since tbehous g industry is a magjor contribu r te the economy, Muli id the current stagnation wýIl erode tax revenues isigffificantly, and unemployment insurance costs- and assisted housing needs will rise sharply. In another si*nificant survey, the Toronto IHm Builders' Association poll d 12 Metro-area municipalities 4(o determine the difference in vagýue of residential building ermit# for the first five months of 1l9nn compared. with the sanie periodIIast year. "1Permit .values have plummeted nearly $594 million in just five monthé. We expect that figure te erode éener further to the *1-billion level by the fall of this y ear," n sid Mulilin. 'Various building commissioners have nid this shortfall means their 1990 budget estimatýs are simply not going te ha met.,' However,. permit values have declined only slightly in Whitby. Mullin also, nid Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon's budget prediction three montha ago of 81,000 Ontario housing starts and land transfer tax revenues of $700 million are unobtainable. Mullin nid Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the federal- government's housing armn, should ha tracIng sales, not starts. Hle nid CMHC's February prediction of 202,000 national housing starta bas not been revised since that time. "Considerable dniage bas been done. For the past six months Ottawa bas been under the false impression that 202,000 starts are realistic. This is a fais. sense of security. When it is revised, I can assure you it wilI ha significantly lower," ha nid. Mulin snid ~ehterest rt"es are ab*olutely lessential if wear to lexpect an econonic turnarund. "he cur t slowdown wililt ise I ead te a 1 ss Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing, while coping with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a N youth who has performed an act of heroism? of-homebuilding capacity which, wheýi demand recovers, could, like 1982,.,'lead to a sharp escalation mhi hoe prices," he nid. Crime Stoppers and Durhami Regional Police are again appeln o the public's help in solving the disappearance of Juli eStton of Maury Ores. in Pickering. On Monday, April 16 at about 2 p.m. she was seen near the intesetin of Maury Ores. and Lynn Heights Dr. in the Finch AveiDixié Rd. area. Shortly after,' neigbborsý offered -ber a ride but she declined, stating she was waiting for someone. About five minutes later she was seen'getting into an older modal Chevrolet Monte Carlo, grey i color with a loud mufiler. The driver was described as being about age 30, with a beard. The car drove away and Julie Stanton hmsnt been seen since. She is descrihad as age 14, 5'7", blonde bai; eain a black nylon jacket, black t-shirt, faded blue jeans and tr-olored suede shoes. Crime Stoppera is asking tor anyone winn normation on the disap.mce of this girl teoeial. Did you see wbo picked ber up that dy? IHave youheard who it might have been? Have you any information which you tbink might help? If so, oeil Crime% Stoppera. Youll neyer have te give your name or appear i court. A.Crime Ste ppersi reward of up te *$1,000 is haing offered for information leading to ber whereabouta. Callera neyer have te give their naines or appear in court. A further, substantial reward is also being offered. The Crime Stoppera phone number is 436-8477 (tbat's 436-TIPS). Long distane cl clet To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year A ward, please contact this newspaper or-the O.C.N.A. at (4'16) 844-0184. ~ppP Nominations, for this year 's awards, will be a c cepted until October 31, 1990*. ['Il' Everynominee will receive a The Ontario Community. 11 certifica 'te 'and up to 12 Newspapers Association with tI ndvdaadoegru9 ilb Candia ArliesIntrntioalas the recipients 'of a plaque presented the patron, are looking to recognize. bythe Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, these "good kids", the young peopl1e of our. an- Ontario -Junior Citizen of the Year lapel province who show a commitment to pin, $200 .00 and a family portrait with the makirg life better for others. Lieutenant Governor. NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this Community Newspaper or 0.C.N.A. (416) 844-0184. ONTARIO a joint community project of JUNIOR CITI ZEN - Ontario connCaiW O F THE YEARc 4~~~~~~ %.~ 1 4 ~. i~d~ Airt11i 4 rua1uiýw4 W%--ONTARJO JUNIOR CITIZENS t» ~kwoW&ne ýte

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