Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1990, p. 21

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oeet W. T8tJA .YAMMaaI~W ,PLIL affl ea IW ,02 &OAq WHIIY FPUE PRESS, 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1990, PAGE 21 Lfe sentence forAj ax ma AnAax man was entenced last w ktolife in Bon, ith no ch ce cf parole or 0yars,' for th~ death cf a Writby man Iast fa 1. Ga~ ewman,* 24, was last. monthi convicted cf seccond-degree murde~ after the body cf, Alfred* Meitne, 35, was found ini a field by Ghost Road on Sceugog Island in October. Newman admitted using a rock to kil) Meitner*' a dru dealer, on Sept. 19., Newman said he used the rock in self- defehice when the tw0fugt. DÜring the trialý, fown attor- ney GaryNikota" ref rred to evi- denée that Meitner had' either been struck by a left-ha'nded assàilant or»struck fmbehind. Newmiiin is right-ha4e Newman' said he t en went to his ;girlfriend's ýap rtenti ÂJ ax, ltooôk her car to Barrie, and thé next day took a traini to British Columbia. He had pleaded,:A 'Ot guilty ta the charge cf second-degree mur- der. z Police station commaânder FROM PAGE 3 HEA T M (left), coordinator of variety of entert hmn as been volunteer services at Fairview scheduled for the e,ývent, open to ail Lodge, and Debbie Brown, activities Whitby and area residents. Funds coordinator, are organizing Summer raised wili go to a new Alzheimer Fest at the Lodge on Aug. 25. A day program at the Lodge. F;e. pr... photo MiaUcleMart workers avenew be By Mike Kowaiski Empl1es f Whitby's two Miaýeee dMart grocery stores will soon have a new employer. Last week the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. (A&P) anncunoed that it had purchased meat cf Steinberg Inc.2s Ontario supermarket and. pharmacy ope- rations for $235.5 million. A&P aureed te acqqire 58 Miracle IFood Mart stores, il Miracle ultra-mart food /drug stores, as well as Steinberg's Seniors learn three R's FROM PAGE 16 three- litres of water te produce one litre cfM'ilk. It takes seven litres cf water ta, make one litre cf gas. It takes 713,000 litres cf water to make a car. Paper is highest on the waste scale, accounting for 31.1 per cent cf the wastestream; food wsiste is second at 30 per cent; newspapers are third at 9.1 per cent; glass is next at 7. 1 per cent; plastic, 6.1 per cent; yard waste, at 3.1 per cent "The environinent depends on everyone,» said Geissberger. "It takes everyone to improve the situation. People I've talked te, are very ccncerned. Nothing is going ta, happen unless the pub- lic oes something." divisional office complex in Toronto. Trevor Bardens manager cf the Miracle Food hart on Dun- das St. W., had little information about the sale. «It's toc early te Say. I under- stand A&P said ail employees will be guaranteed' their jobs but we've heard nothing officia), yet,» said Bardens. Bardens declined comment on the sale other than te say, "I think it's a good move but only time will tell." Gina Morsillo, manager cf the Whitby Mail Miracle Mart would net comment. She referreri aIl questions ta Miracle's head office in Toronto. A spokesman for A&P was mot available for comment. kins really cared for the police and the community. He provided the best equipment and modemn education. That tradition is being followed by Chief (Dave) Edwards. rm very proud ta, be a part cf the police force. «It is im rtant that the offi- cers apply aws with a firm but fair hand and net forget we-are here ta, assist the public and need the co-operation cf the pub- lic.» He says that, when possible, officers do- community service work -- speaking at schocls, talk- mng ta people about burglar- proofinghnouses and things tado and not ta do when vacationig. Even though things look good, Graham does have goals. "]Pd like ta see a reduction in crime and in motor vehicle acci- dents. We are working at that» Grahamn says that Whitby is ne -longer a small tawn but a very rapidly growing community. We must keep up the demand for service. With a large popula- tion the incidence cf crime dees mncrease. We're doing our best ta deal with this type cf pheno- menen." Graham says youth are just trying ta grow Up the best way theykncwhow. "YoIung people choose ta, hang around shopping plazas ta be with their peers.1look at my generation -- I did the saine thing. Everything is full circle. .What goes aràound comes around. 1"Society has constantly chang- ing standards . I do't think we have any matjor problems." As for« the *constant cry for more police officers, Graham had no comment, sayig he wou prefer that the chief of plce or police chairman -Bob Atesie anèwer such questions. "We have the staff ta handle the critical,life-threatening calîs. Having said that, we do éet complaints that we dcn't arrive fast enough ta other types cf calîs. (With more officers) we could be more pro-active ta pre- vent some incidents from hap- pening.» Police work le risky business - and getting riskier,, says Gra- hamn. «The risk factor is increasing the more people you have ta deal with. I don't believe it's as high as Metro. "Certainlybeing a police officer is stressful. Dealing with the unexpected; being prepared ta- meet that challenge, where your life or someone else's is on the lime and respond ta that, at ahl times, we knew that when we started. . I see Whitby as, a safe comn- munity. rve lived here for a number cf years. I see it as safe.» A farm boy at heart, home today for he and Ruth., his wife cf seven years, is a 10-acre property in Castleton. There the police officer becomes fariner. 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