wHMYY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1990, PAGE 17 Awards for Whitby students in motor veicle program Durham College held its fifth' annual graduation of imator, One FROM PAGE 15 nie ta thank everyone in the town of Whitby who helped ta make Canats 90 a succeas. Anyone who was looking at the cars shown over the weekend was probably impresssed.b how meticulously maintainedthey were. Now that it's summer and Fm driving with my windows open (MY husband stili can't believe he married someone who hates air conditioning) I aften find it hard ta believe how many everyday cars are not properly maintained.. Support vappreciated To the editor. On behaif of Street Dreams Car Club and the Canadian Street Rod Association, I would like ta, thank everyone at the Whitby Free Press for the fantastic job that was done on the supplement g ormfor Canats 90 Street Rod Many of a ur participants commented on how well it was done. As well, a great number approached aur club members asking where they could get good meals or other items. We referred them ta the program and many came -back saying they had been one ta businesses which had been advertised in it. AÀs well, ail of the extra copies were handed out ta aur spectators, of which there were approximately 14,000, at the entranoe gates. Again we wauld like ta thank the Whitby Pme Press and the merchants of Wbitby for your wonderfùl support at Canats 90 Street Rod Nationals. Fred Bdttcher President Street Dreama Car Club DRIVING SAÂFELY WI7H1RANDY The waiting r<x>m FROM PAGE 16 anguish or anger, the hurt fet by her cousins; the worry a many friends contacted y telephone; or the sadness experienced by total strangers like myseIf- One accident? Yes. One victimi? No. More than any staistc, it is personai experiences like this that encourage me ta promote safe drivxg. Driving Séfely wt RandÃY has been published for- almoat two Years, provi what I hope are helpful hitson how to preveýnt accidents. I hope you will take the time ta share this series cf ar&iles with your faniily and friends. . Last year there were mor!e thani 200,000 trafflc accidIents in O)ntaria, including more thm 80,000 personal iinjury accidents. If you can help prevent just one of them, you can save a lot cf people a lot of grief. Drive safelyt1 vehicle mechanical students on June 4 in the coUW9e' dining of the if you drive at ail in cityr traffic with your windows down you Winl be -surprised how many people operate vehicles with bad brakes. Given a choice, M' rather have a car that doesn't start at ail, than'one that doesn't stop. And. many of the cars whoee wheels are loudly camplamning are carrying familles. I Sometimes new braie pads wil squeai because they are made of very hard material and haven't "seated!# properly yet. They will anly squeal when the brakes are applied and usually the noise goes away shortly. But if your brakes squeak ail the time, even when you're not puhngte pedal; if the squeal gets louder or doesn'go away; if the brake pedal pulsates when yau push it (unleas youlre stopping- quickly with anti-lock brakes); if the brake pedal seems too close ta the floor; or if it doesn't seem like the car will stop in time,, then don't risk your safety and the lives af others. Take yaur car ta a dealer or mechanical garage and get your brakes checked. If you continue to drive with bad brakes, you risk cutting deep grooves' into your bilae rotors Or drums -- a very dangerous situation, and one that's expensive ta repair. Many people are very surprised at how quickly front-wheel-drive cars can go through a set. of brakes. Their weight distriuton is diffrent and they can need new pads well before a rear-wheel-drive car might. Don't risk your safety because Wes "too early for the car ta need brakes." Every now and again, turn off your radio and your air ... ... :...----. Thanks lefor attending To the editar: On behalf of Honda Canada ic. I want ta thank you for joining us- at aur recent officiai opening of the new Honda Ride Centre in Claremont. We were very pleased with the high level of interest that you showed in Our efforts ta assist in the upgrading of safety training for motorcycles. We enjoyed having you with us and hope that you'il contact us any time if we can be of assistance in any way. Yours sinoerely, Tem yGreen Manager Publie Relations Honda Canada Inc. I1230 Durudas St. E., Whltby I 666-M36 Plaques were awarded by Ulla best conditioning, open- your windows, and listen. Your car mightý be tr-ying ta tell you something. For your sake, for your faniily's sake and for the other people on the road, take a minute and listen. IsRac, a sstant manager, Mnistry of Skills Develop>ment, to, Robert Campbell o hty Peter FInlay of Whitby, Paul Pressick of Oshawa and William Stephenson of Scarborough for achieving the highest overail, marks in the advanced section of the course. Awarded ta, Alan Ward of Pickering, top ýgraduate of the motor vehicle pre-apprenticeshp program, wasaà $1ob srand a plaque oreent byflave ire Store in Ajax. Marc Mercier, IDEAL Electrical Supply cfr Ajax representtive, presented a M eta iliam P. Chilton cf CTity as top graduate in the electrical pre- apýprenticeship Th otrvehicle mechanicai program offers in-school training fr apptrentihte mechanics regsteed iththeMinistry of SkiIls Devélopment. Itâtal, there were 50 apprentice mechanice tbat graduated from the. matar vehicle- mechanical course. Many-difierent options s uch as 4dr, air, etc. available on SUNDANCE models. Good Financing or, Rebate. Large selection of, DYNASTY'S in-stock to choose from. Good Flnanclng or Rebate. Cornein and choose today from the Iongest established dealership in -Durham. al MUNIR1D ea 1990 GERMVAN ENGINEERED OPTIMA 1 i.6L T.B.I. Enginee Child-Proof Lock Doors * AM/FM Stereo Cassette Power Steering e Power Brakesj For examplé M.S.R. P. of 1990 Optima LS including freight is $11 ,520. Down payment of $2,000. amount to be finanoeà i over 48 months is $9,520. Monthly payment is $21 8.80. Cost of borrowing at 4.9% is $982.40. See Passport Oshawa-Whitby for details. O.A.C. Tax extra. li«&.Ib.: Lena, get weu sm.. u r. a.i-~pr na f«ly loid ybo4i:' tf <4*- --tMMIIf *# 'è8Q , '.~~ 4~;41~~ te tta o II ' . ia m !I G '. g pU.#V$ O~ FOR 48 ý 1 1