PAGE 6, WHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1990 VOUCE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently oWnedand operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. iblisheci every Wednesday By 677ý209 OntaHoIn c. Phone: È68-6111 ITýronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson Publisher 131 Brook Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LUN 5M Maurice Pif lier Editor, La rry Ca4I', Advertising Manager Alexandra SI mon Production Manager 2nd COinsIo I sPY If you can identify this picture, submit the entry below to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Irock Street N., Whitby LUN 5S1. The winner will be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. This week you can also enter at the display at the downtown Bank of Montreal. LOCATION- Name, Address Phone No.. a ~1LJ Care for the elderly should romain under the control'of the varlous organizations which can best identlfy needs and solutions. That may not be the case should suggestions ln a recent provincial government report someday b. adop- ted. The report, 'Strategies for Change,' which looks at reform of iong-term care for the elderty, suggests that services for the elderly be placed under the control of a servlce-access organization ln each communlty. Such services wouid Include nursing homes, vlsiting -home- maker programs and rneals on wheels. A Metro councillor expressed concern over the plan since bureaucrats'would admînister the program, thus restricting Input.'f rom local politicians. Ho also feared that Metro. because of lis sîze, might not be adoquately served by one agency doaling with care af the elderly. That concom might aiso extend ta amaller commun- ties. While the 'servlce-accoss organizatian' might even- tuaily brlng more- provincial funding ta a community, if wouldn't nocessarlly rneantlhat the f unds are directed ln the areas of service most In noed. Currently, ln Whitby, oiderly rosidents are woll-servod by various organizations - Whitby CommuntyCare is'a notable exampie - which respond to needs based on community Input., Extensive renovations have bëen comploted at Durham Region's Falrview -Lodgo, thanks to strong appealsý madei formerly by -Whitby councllloms, Includlng Tom 'Edwards. The Whifby Seniors' ýActMýty Centre has become the fous of Town attention, and although there la some controversy over tho proposed relocation, i's à matter.that's being handied iocaiiy - as ishouid be - ta respond to the wishes af seniors. Although snortcomings do 'ocotir, local Management under the varlous- agencios genorallyz ensures that money and services are provided when and where they are most effective, and In a cost-effective mariner. And wouid management under an access organization affect the numerous volunteer programs now ln place - programs which are the sustaining force of some services? Despite the repo.rt's best Intentions, existing care for thé eiderly shouid be left ln local hands under the control ai existing agencies. Negative quote- not appreciated A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Take a stroil and see what heritage Whitby has to offer. Each week until September, the Whitby Free Press will publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building in Whitby (including Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtie). Each correct identification will be entered in a draw to win a weekly prize courtes y of Whitby LACAC.* The weekly winner's name and correct identification will be published in the following week's issue of the Whitby Free Press along with another mystery Ihn gadditio there will be a Grand Prize given on Heritage Day to the person submnitting the most correst identifications out of rnine. Sponsored by Whitby's *Lc:al Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage. Get ready for the LA CA C activities on Héritage Day, September 15,1990. LAST WEEK'S WINNER: -s hirley Gelette WHITBY The Shier - Willis House 800 Centre St. S. A typical example of an Ontario Cottage Style house; the veranda has simple treillage and an unusal star-shape within the trim. John Shier, the first owner was a local architect who designed other Whitby homes such as "Inverlynn" and Perry's Castle. To the people of Whitby, please diaregardihe previous stataments Mr. Schroetter is flot typical of downtown Whitby'a merchants. A good many of us are here for you, the people of Whitby,, and will try ta serve you as beat we can. Most of us believe in Whitby, otherwîse we would not ho here. I don'tlive i Whitby, but I love the town, and I do believe in Whitby. I ahop ini Whitby and try ta, promote the downtown as much as possible. Ifyouahop downtawn, you already know what wo -have ta, offer. If you haven't been downtown for a while, ploase corne down for a change. You will ho pleasantly aurprisa.. To Mr. Schroetter, I -have a nagging question regarding your commente on downtown Whitby. If you dislike Whitby s0 much, why are you here? As a fellow merchant, I would appreciate it if yau would keep your negative commenta ta yourseIl It would be impossible for us to draw business if the public believes that our collective attitudes were nogative. One negative quote in a newapaper goos a long way. Many of us are woring towards a botter dontw area. Please do not work against us. C r r n Kog & Clotho -- - - -- -- -- o w mm Keep it ocal 1 To the. editor: The following is a quota from the Sunday shopping article in last week'a Freeress: The downtown sufera from a lack of "impulse" ahoppera, and desperately needs something to attract thein . . . 'People caine downtown for specifica, there are no casual, impulse shoppers.. We need something like Cobourg, where people feel like ahopping downtown. I don't ahop- downtown Whitby, I go ta Cobourg. It's got a charm to i..... . We don't have anything here. We've got a couple of mice boutiques and that'a about it. . (Rlph Schraefter) (Geins Custom Joeilery)