Whitby Free Press, 18 Jul 1990, p. 25

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TrHUIJRSDA>àY rNII-T - JLLV1 KNIGHTS 0F COLMBUS CENTRE US3 Brook Stroot N., WHITBY VIEW «6:00 9».M- UALME 7:00 IP-A Fumiture, Jeweliqery ectrorics, figurines, vacuums, camleras, ulver*we, typewlters merchandise reced tram catalogue department il privai. sources supplemented Wlil be soWdbyAMotion. -JEWiLLE Y:8O usorted fine & custom made diunond rings t0 Include s.pphlres, opal, rut71 80 fires aver I carats, LaC I rings, balerinas cocktal *dinneri& anniversazy rings etc. goldchaln, br cgoicoins, silver coins mini sets. va. aII bf Ryal Doullan ilFkimmell figurinies, Ashiey il Zaph dolis, limoge, vases, e v~0ases, lamfpe.s loorde dlils. 9LçflN~: color TVs8, ICRs, por" eradios, ghettoblasters, answering machines, Dhnei7a.khinans, compact disc sterees, mlcrowaves, vacuum cleaners,' Citizen, PanasoniicEmerson, etc. OFIE2: Olivetti, Canon, Smith Coron., Spel r'Wt typewrters, faxCanon cpier lsh a CANRA: 5mm Grmn eecroicPrailca cameras with zoom i lasas QuewArm dS 1Mewu stle o* l cairdies 9setsnested tobes wood cc è àýchvo rinm ras ond, g owllrykWêichnoer cainets, pan sot, W hNghoeen wil thil 400 day docs, etc. leavIgàknc.Preasure cces opeeail&top qually steel cookware sets. processors sIlver/pc=o ie&tastmother of peut ilverK/pcakami st, dnnewoesels, bo ius, pates, itien cts, etc. iniir'cmrsos gutarshorse cm'auseol,0 sets bath scales pressure kers.Toa many ta ii, moreytot come. Terme: cash, chaque wth îb. & credit cards - ordy Visa,* Master 0ar. _______ AUCTION SALE THURS. JULY 19 - 1000 A-M. 870 TAUNTON RD. E., WHITBY W., are selling a COmpot restaurant including 6 door Fse coolor, Scotsman large !ce machine, 2 & 13 door bar frdge, 2-20' qt. Hobart mixers, 2_ breadslicers with Quicklocks, Garland convection oven, hot & cold prep tables, Garland 36" grill, Garland 10 burner oven, salad bar, meat slUcer, microwave, oven, Hobart dishwasher, S.S. sinks, fryer, bar sink, milkshake machine, 8 ft. display cooler, C02 system, 2 freezers, salamander, prep tables, bun toaster, compressor & condenser for walk- in cooler, fridge, stereo, pots&,pans, %lasses, plates, SS. rack s,37, asl, ht fixtures, 30 seating 3oots,27 tables, 80 Bentwiood chairs. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 36x72 desks, 30x6O desks, 2,3,4,5 dr. lateral files, whiteboards, creden- zas, safe, stacking & swivel chairs, board room table, cash registers, p lus many other articles. VEHICLES: 1982 Omnega, 1982 T-Bird, 1974 Grand Am. NOTE: Tîme 10:00 a.m. VIEWING: Wed. from 1lpm.,- 6 p. An excellent sale of restaurant equipment and office equîpment. Large sale. Plan to attend. McLEAN AUCTIONS& LIQUIDATIONS 576-7550 OR 686-3291 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS TUES., JULY 31- 7:00 P.M. ReaiEstate Auction at 121 AUTO SALES on Hwy. 35, CAMERON, 6 miles north oif Lindsay. 1.1 acre zonod C-2 commercial, 300 ft. frontage x 172 deep, 8 mo. old 1,300 sq: ft. 2 bay steel sided shop pus ice, washroomn & utility room, 200 amp service, propane & electric heat. Also includes frame house with 2 apartments yielding $900 monthly. This is a busy commercial location ideal for car repair or sales, recreation produots, garden conter, welding & repair -shop, variety store, etc., or an investmont. Don't miss this commercial proporty in a very busy location. An ideal money makor selli ng as is subject to very Iow reserve-Terms $5,000 at sale, balance 30 days. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD - owner moving, some financing available. To view, call: ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY ORVAL & BARRY MoLEAN AUCTION SALE KlAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSr every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hy. 41 (Exit #392. Featuring every Wed. an exce lent selecton oftiq ues, fine furniture, glass, china, coflectibles, primitives, and the unusuals. So loin us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "Truew Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves*. "Consigriment & estate selling our specialty.7 Caîl us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION - JULY 21 PETHICK AUCTION BARN, l-AYDON, 10 Mi. N.E. 0F OSH-AWA - TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS AT 6:30 P.M. This week we have to b. sold: round oak table & 6 press-back chairs, large oak armoire, oak vanity, oak office chairs, 2 oak file cabinets, oak ice box, oak library table, oak desk, approx. 25 pcs. cornflower glass, collection-of beer memorabilia, electric stove, plus lots more to come. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For more information, calI: GARRY K. POWELL GARY SHMYR, AUCTIONEERS 416-263-4252 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., JULY 20 AT 6:00 P.M. Wurlitzer juke box (good working order), 2 sets of fiat topped f arm scales, arrow backed chairs, modemn dressers and chests of idrawers, console color TV, 1wooden washing machine, office rdesks, 6- pe. modemn dînette rsuite, coffeeè and end tables, iHoosier kitchen cupboard, curîo Lcabinet, organ stool, Queen Anne rstyle chairs, walnut parlor tables, oak rocking chairs, 3' x 5' draft în? iboard witln Vemco MarkVI rV-Track and, adjustable stand, rapproximately 28,000 world wide colectible stamps, box trailer, a 1982 Lincoln Continental, qty. of chin glass and collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN ,(705) 786-2183 [WANI~AUS Work-WogdStA Letter F1OM PAO-R .9 detracting from tho scenic view of the lake. Ccan's Hprebor Isle devloprnent will enhance Wbitby's wàterfront, givng it a fresh breath of 1f. It will not only benefit the residents of Port Whitby, but also the rest of Whitby. Coscan iý to set aside more than eight lir cent of the site for public parkland, which is more than the public had access te in the past. I have been in~ favor of this project for a number of y"ar. Coscan has worked with the residents'and Town staff te, keep the waterfront a peoipies place as rnuch as they can. I arn happy for the residents of Port Whitby. They. have been waiting' a long tirne for improvernents te their area and now the time bas corne. Sinoerely, John Doisra Centre ward resident Prvate rail FROM PAGE 15 But only afler the association received assurances frorn the poical governnient tixat it asntinterested rn takmng over the VIA routes. The association then put its plan into action and commis- sioned the $33,000 study which was funded by Bombardier 12 municipalities including Durfiim Region, real estate companies anda private business. The final report prepared by the IBI Group of Toronto conclu- ded that if a sufficient level of advertising and sponsorship interest could be secured, the network would b. financially sound. Following Bornbardier' deci- sion not te, participate in the proeot, Pagnuelo held a meeting wtitliOntario Transport Minister Bill Wrye. ,"The minister told us that the province sincerely, openly, and honestly will set the public agenda for the transportation system," said Pagnuelo in a press release. «Once the agenda has been established then a determination could b. made as te, the role of the private sector.» According te the release, Wrye said changes in cabinet tbinking occurred during the winter and hie felt bad that the CCR study had been allowed te, proceed. The only commitment Pag- nuelo could get from the minis- ter, however, was that staff will conduct corridor studies for Peterborough and Brantford. cThe provines view of private With Y=u supportr cancer canbegIvç.D WHIB~IREEP1~S~WJDNESDA, JULY M ,1M9, PAGE 25 Coing events FWtST AIl) The Whitby brancb of et. John Ambulance is 1lknrver select candidates for avne firet aid course level on.. This course wiil b. held July 21, 27, 28 and 29. This course is, designed for the advance firat aider who holds standard *flrst aid and basic rescuer certificates and wishes te increase their. training and knowledge. Pre-course testing. date is Saturday, July 21, and on. must achieve a mark of 86 per cent to b. able te attend the advance course. Cail Shirley Spicer at 668-9006 te, register. SODA SHOP BOP Big Brothers Of Osbawa-Whitby is hosting ita secondannual Soda Shop Bop '50Os and '609 dinner/dance on Friday, Sept. 14, frorn 8 p.m. te 1 a.m. The dinner/dance will b. hehd at the Lviv Hall (St. George's Ukrainian Hall), 592 Albert St. (corner of Albert and Jackson streets), Oshawa. There will b. a buffet ilinner f.aturing CanadianfUkrainian cuisine and music wilh b. provided by a disc jockey. Door and spot prizes will b. available. There will also b. prizes for the b.st '50s and '60s costumes. Tickets are $15 per person and are available by caling 579-2551 or dropping by the Big Brothers Office at 44 William St. W. (Faith Place), Oshawa. ALZHE1ER The Alzheimer Society of Dur- ham Region wil meet on Wed- nesday, July 25, 7:30 p.rn ., at the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre 910 Liverpo)ol Rd. Pick- ering. WFhere wilb.a videocas- sette on 'Decisions Regardingr Long Term Car.: A Caregiver's St ory.' DURHAM SAYE-A-HEART Durham Save-a-Heart will "b. holding a free blood pressure clinic at the Oshawa Centre (near Junors) on Saturday, July 21, frorn il a.m. until 5 p.m. Fundraising raffle tickets, at $2 each or three for $5 for a weekend getaway for two at PineStone, Inn and other prizes, Will be available for purchase. Proceeda fr-or the raffle will go tewards the purcase eof CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) equipment. Tickets may also b. obtained by calling the, Durhamn Save-a-H-eart office,ý in Whitby, at 666-0995. FIDDLE CLUB The 'Oshawa/Whitby Oldtinip Fiddle Club will play n*thia bandshelh at Rotary Centnii Park, Brock St. S., Whitby, on Sunday, July !22, 7 to, 9 p.m. Bring a lawnchair. DURBIAM SQUAMES89 A. modernsquare dance club dances every e=dayat 73 p.m. at the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre, 43 *John St. W., Oshawa. plctms fm square dance prers gd55 and over, are being acepted. For information oeil 666-1214 .or 576-9957. BIG SI[STERS ORIENTATION Bitgisters of Newc astle-Ush- awa-Whitby. will hold their monthly orientation for p oten- tial volunteers on Tuesday, July 24 7to9 p.m., at theBi g Sisters office, 387 Simcoe St. S.,.Osh- awa. For mnore information cail 436-0951. DOUG BROWN DRVS FOR DUBHAM HOUSE On Saturday, Juy 21, Doug Brown wiil b. driving te, the wire at Greenwood for the Durhamn Houa. Cbild and Family Centre. Brown, Canadasledi1 aress driver, 'will donate bi driver's share of eanings frorn the overnight events on the card te the. centre. Durbamn House Child and Family Centre is a non-profit, charitable organization wbich provides assessment and treatment toe erotionally disturbed children (aged 2 V2 te 12 years) and their families. lIn addition of plethora of parent education groups is offred by the centre. SUMMRCONCERT The Whitby Brass Band will Crform in the bandshehh at tary Park on Thursday,'Juhy 19, 7:30 P.rn., part of, the 'Sum- mer Concerts in the Park' series. Bring a la wnchair. CRAFT, GIPT SHOWCASE 'The Craft and Gift Market Showcase will be held Aug. 25 and 26, 10 a.rn. te 6 p.m., at Iroquois Park arena and Whit-* ney Hall. Admission is fre. Show includes a 'Home &.Life Secio,' nuicby the Playford Players demonstrations by 'Bee' Nurs'and a $500 draw. For booth rental or more information cail Julia Puc' at 668-88 LOU BRUFF- a recoveriug alcoholic who conducts drug anidaicohol awareness seminars, will be ~st seaker at St. Andrew's Presbyterian O,,Coçbrane . r Wb itby qqModaX ýeluýý ý-. 777l"AT i 4b

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