Whitby Free Press, 18 Jul 1990, p. 21

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WHITB FRn.PRÉ08, WEDNIESDAY, JULY'18,1990, PÀG21 Bantams beaten in. touirnamentfia Whitby Optimist baittama came close to' winning the championshiup i tthe 22nd annual Belleville Golden Bat tournament last weelcend. The Witby basebail team faced four tough Toronto teains and stood their ground very well. However, Whitby came up tbre runs short in the final against York 7 -4. Jamie Difiore pitched the flrst gaeagainst Rexdale wbich. Whiy 1won il - '0.- Difiore allowed only on. bit over five inningo, while Dan Rushton with three bits and two RBIs led the offence. Tim Imeson and Dan Stéphenson also had two bits' apiece as Whiitby opened the tourney on a winning note. Nexxt on the schedule was the Wexford squad. and the gaine styed cloue until the fifth inning when Whitby erapted, for five runs towin 7 -3. Imeson had two bits and drove mn four runs. Ian Andrew bammered bis second tri le othe tournament. Tim Puddister, Stephenson and'Chris, Mac. also had bits as Keith Mills took the victory on the mound, scattering seven bits and striking out thre. The third gaine against North York proved to be the most exciting contest of the tournament. Whitby was losiuig 9 - 7 and facin elimination in their last at bat. it two outs, Chris Killoran, facing two strikes, bit a dramiatic two-run homer to deep right to tie the gamel.. In the third extra innng, Brett Rayne drove in the winning run tosmal a10 - 9victory forWhitby. Puddistor was the keyjplayer ii this gaine, however, as he had five hits, including tbre. doubles, drove inthree rune and *thed the. final seven innings.,a b won the semi-final. The cbampionsbip gaine put the. (ptimists against the defending - chamrpion York Ploneers. Whitbyfell behind 5 -0 very earljr and were neyer pble to recover as they went dckwn to defeat 7, 4. Rayne with two bits and two RBIs led the Whitby attack. Other hitters were.Killoran with two and Difiore, Andrew Puddister and Doner. Whitby bounced back in league play onTuesday, defeating Little Britain il - 2., Stephenson had three bits, including two triples, while Rayne and Andrew had two apiece with Andrew driving a three. Imeson, Rushton and Doner also b ad singles; wile Puddister elammed a solo home rum in the eighth -innini. Whitby slo- pith W L PIS Moviola Caf. Il 2 2 Brot. nPizzxa 8 4 16 V-Rlu 6 4 12 H.nnetic Services 6 4 12 Md hopa 1 7 2 P." S[de Marios 1 Il 2 Whitby mens slo- pitch V L T FIM an" Pkss" s 16 2 0 82 UMuiedroem 12 8 2 26 Brsibn.BhhtuiuntIl 5 0O22 BriaSquare Ooe10 9 O 20 Whby MwàlDaslm S9S1I17 Moviola S 6 O le ENSMarine 7 S O 14 Cinre Taxi 12 1 18 Seowui/Rpopoet S 8 O 12 TopQualty Coliàm 6 il O 10 Hu3aflwks 8 01 Oa IBarras 2 18 O 4 1 'Whitby munor basebail T-BAL J'>1.27 Lteracy Counclls9 Dsiy Queen>1 5MS Marine 27 1'T Cannas Iinmn Club 21 Durhami Equlp. - June 28 Durham Equlp. 21 NAGOL 1 rTP Cannas .17 Wawott Orap1 SMB Marine 17 Kinun Club BDO Ward 21 NE5Eealty 1 June 29 D.h7y Queon 20 Mitchell Brou.1 Lteracy CUIL 25 Whlt. Opta. r ?Cannon 21 Whlt. Opta. NRS Realty 25 NAGOL July a Dm1,7 Queen 23 ismuasClub BDOWarI 9 Fawcett Moter Mitchell Bros. 29 Eotary Club July 4 Liteacy Coun. 28 Traç>e Houas 5m5Marine 24 Top Q'isIty Dunf Towlng 18 Weaott Gr&>. Network Arch. 21 Durhami Equlp Durham Equlp. 21 Top QSllty Weoatt Grap. 24 Network Arch. I.terscy COtD. 12 Etary Club July 6 Whlt Opta. 25 NAGOL NRIt ealty 20 Klnsmn Club Daiy Queen 1à. lIT Cannas Mitchell Bro.. 21 Psweett Moter SUS Marine 16 DuS s Towlng July 9 Durham Equip. 26 Dias Towing SM Marine 31 Network Azeb. Mithell Bros. 26 Trophie Houses DDO Ward 9 Rotaxy Club July i literacy Coun. 26 Pavetit Moter Dalry Quee» 17 NAGOL lIT Cannasn 15 BItS Rely Whlt. Opta. 19 Klnma Club julyl12 Durham Equlp. 17 Mitchell Dros. Ltenacy Coun. 16 8iMB arine Weecctt Orsi>. 16 liDO Ward Dahry Quasi> 18 PowcetL Moter July 13 NESReslty 28 TregheHouce Network Arch. 20 NAGOL a Gdd Div. SmB marine Lteracy eneil BDO Ward Mallette Mitchell Bras. Durham Equpment Wawott Graphies Red Dlv. Dsay Queen Trophie Houa. NSSReslty Whltby Optlmiats Fswcet± Motet L T 4 1 238 8 0 6 2 a80 10 1 2 1 4 0 7 2 12 1 1 0 Eotaxy Club - Bunre2. mue Dv. nTrCannon -9 Top QuSllty Collison 8 NetworkArchitectureS DuINTowtng 6 KlnsmenClub S NAGOL 1 TMIK July 9 Butles aDeli Dodd & Souter July 10 Polar Int". Notion Auto Butkes Dei Cdn. Tire Whlt. OPt march Aluni. movie Shop Whit.Toyota ProHeating J'i17 12 BaM-Bqan larch Aluni. Design Mark. Mo" e op Oua Brown July 17 Gus Brown Whlit. Toyota Hmt Plastics 6 2 9 01 il 0O la 0 14 Pro Moatins 18 NurmeChev. 19 Ilealn Mar& 18 Nurse Chev. 13 lwanls Il Barxy&Bryan 19 DIS J.nmzrnnce 'S Fo>an'a ESto 18 HanetPlastic 14 Dodd & Souter 18 OuaBmwa 18 Notion Auto 16 DIS Inauranc 9 Wht. OP. 19 Cdn. Tire 9 FomDn k OOL là, Polar mataI. Hanet Plastics 1 Barry-Bryan Amaoc. 12 4 1 Wh'tyTooa 12 0 O Notouoid il 6 O Butles DdIl 10 6 1 Mode hapANa 10 6 1 DLSlInsunnce 9 8 1 N'irse Chev-Olds 8 9 1 Polar Insalation» 7 7 1 Dodd & outer 7 S O KlwmdiaClub 7 10 O Canadian Tire 5 10 2 pro Heaut 0 i GuslBrown 5 il1 D=ia Markeng 4 Il 1 WdY Optimlsts 8 14 O Foran'é SEofing, 2 15 & SQUIP July 9 C'irt Brown 16 March Alum. Home &RuraI 13 SuriLesFama Wh. Plreflghters 8 Merrlck Homes July 10 Opt. club 12 Vldeo Word Fitgaral C. 12 FraStmsc M. JulyIli Becklbrd Service 5 UrPResmrfcet Math Alum. 6 Kinamen Club Fitsgersld C. 16 Brouln Cycle July 12 Midss MuMer 14 Perkns Point FProtuicM. 9 I..pIBeages July 13 Merrlck Homes 14 Omwo Voiha C'irtBrown 17 Sunm Farme Beckford Bar. 12 VidoWori FIM 27 27 26 24 20 18 31 22 20 9 8 Fitzerald Carpen. W 'L T 15 1 O * NR5 Reslty 18 9NBclfoI Br Cn 19 Optimuut. Cb 14 Kpiunelub 14 Mumrch Aluiiu 12 PeiaaintW 10 Curi n an Boc 10 Sorcttioq>. M Sidas Milrp Frota Moch Legntal Beagle LqBrlleCcl SrkH Cyc&urlp a Homeo&Wurldd p MViecHomes 6 Mr.Eaukcerm Mrh. FMrâflhtre 10 OWaco Volksgas 0Ilsc &m1amge 12 SrimPam 2 Fm Brook.Kinamen CaStugy 21 Bandas J'i* 4 Ba.wdon Euh. Whlt. Opta.ý Brook.Kiamnmu Dasutra July a Donut Prosu Castre City Fis 32 28 25 24 22 21 21 19 17 15 14 14 12 12 il 9 a 4 la 10 9 7 71 2 26 ls 1 o i o I o o o o o O o. 15 Whltby Audio Il 8 KetuckyP.C. 3 a Comsum r a 6 18 DOMs Auto, il 9 Cmbtw2l 6 Il Bq%'sEnter. 7 8S I W hl.Cassera2 14 Bandas 1 16 DomsAuto 14 14 Whlt. Opta. a 12 K.P. Cow 10 W L T Cosuer f., 7 4 1 Breowden Rubber a 4 a KCP. Copy 6 6 3 Castury2l 4 6 2 CastmeCity Auto 4 6 1 EoyfltertSe . 7 2 Kniucy riei h. 2 10 1 Broolaln Kinmen 10 i 11 Donut Proas 9 2 2 Wlithy Optbmiats a 6 1 DomsAutoparta 6 6 2 whlthy Classer 4 4 3 Banda. 6 0 Whitb7 Audio 4 7 0 BAIfTAM Caunty J'imnit P. jur 9 ntr CommEntr. J'ily iyP SWlsh Main. J* y12 Kimn iclub 10 Hoy'sEnter.% 7' Whit. Joycees 17 ma" cAl'im. 16 Potroanada 10 Sa" Mantomae 112 Comunlty Ftnsacla 2 Whltby Iln whltby Joyce"s Vlck Insurance Marh Aluminium FIE RoykEnterpie 30 Potro Canada Busness Executie Services Vour Business A dmira'strators BES. offersporesv secretaial servicels for a fraction of the cost of comparable fuil-time staff "TELEPHONE ANSWERING& - MESSAGE REFERRAL " GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - WORD PROCESSING - COMPUTERIZED/MANUAL FILING SET UP & MAINTENANCE For consultation, please cafl (416) 436-9561 Atter 5:30 p.m. (416) 571-0077 10 Mary Street S., Osbma to FREE GAS BQ~~ wth every central air conditioning unit instalîed by Our specialists, for a imited timne. High efficiency Units bY Armstrong.. 5 year warranty, no money down, tram $35 per month. Compîetely instalîed from $1,295, tax incîuded. M.A.F. 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