PAGE 4, WIÛÃrBY FREE PReSSWENEènAY, JULY IM19 Exemptions allowing business ïni resige aespo pssuY By MileKowahUi An apiaofor retroactive rezoning liasprom»ited a review of Whitby's "restige zone bylaw. Town council's Plani and development committee last week deferred action* on a request te allow an automobile rustproofing business te continue operating at the corner of Hop- kmns St. and Conslmer Dr. Committee members instead wanted further staff input on the application and a report on whait other exemptions have been granted'businresse operating ini prestige areas. SA numbeýred company ins sk-* mng an exemption te, the prestige industrial -zone ( MIA) bylaw to permit continued use of a public ga rage on the site. The rustprooflng business..<(a Ziebart franchise) lias à ~ operating on, the site since. l4t faîl after having previouslY. b2. located further 6t on opkins.* for almost seven years. 11However, company president Jim Vanderwater told a'public meeting he was, unaware the property was not zoned for sucli a business until he renewed bis garage licence earlier this year. Upon learning that a public garae was not permitted, Van- derwater immediately submnitted the rezoning application.' Vanderwater added that when he leased the site from its owner,- H. &, H. Investments, "lie (owner) was under the impres- sion it was zoned properly." Des Newman, president of Cameteid Ltd., located next door te the applicanfé garage, spoke against the rezonmng. Claiming lie did not wish te jeopardize Vanderwrater's, appli- cation, Newman instead asked the committee te sllow Vander- water te continue operating but without chanmg the zonhng. He said Vanderwater's rust- Exclusve FABULOUS ____ JN VQ UALITY FOUAUASILK GO WNS Hand Beaded Bridai Gowna Bridai Accessories CustomnTailoring to ail Gowna Mother of Bride and Gr-oomn Fashions Clasaic Evening Wear Affordable Prices A vailable Exclusully in Durham Roeno ai CUSTOM CRAAiONe 411 Dundas SL E. unit 2. Whitby For Appobanin CaiL 416) 4308985 <trooflng business- is acceptables Sut was worried W future owner may not be as gooda neighbor. "Ican't conceive of a public garage. being used which enhances a, prestige, industrial zone " said Newman. ýIthis gentleman leaves and someone else over whose not respectful of the property, we!re stuck with the resuit. Vanderwater said his premises have passed all the -necessary maintenance and safety inspec,« tions. 'Tm. sure he (Newman) will admit the property is kept spot- leéss*" sai4an erwater. - «L N'ewman acknowledged that he has "no 1roblem with this owner todlay," but insisted the location is -not suitable for a garage. ."A great deal of investment has gone into this area by a lot of compamies. Itfs clearly not accep- t *able in a prestige. industrial Park." Newman warned the commit- tee that once the. zoning is in place, council no longer has con- trol over its use or the owner- ship. A former WVhitby mayor, New-- man added «I can show oU places in Wfitby where this as (During a. subsequent inter- view, Newman refused. te exppnd on that'comment. (inm certain those instances are known to officiais -in town. I don't want to point finger," said Newman.) Although -staff -recommended Vanderwater's application be approve10 the comrnittee was not red ~ o so, at this time.' Ican't condone people ,openg a place. anywhere i' viola on- of the zoning and then- coming back for our approval,"» said-councillor Denmis Fox. CouncillorJoe Drumm agreed. He said the MIA designation "opens up a whole new can" and wondered what other exemptions were previously granted. . We've broken our own rules;" said Drumm., Vanderwater told reporters later -that he was not aware. of Newman's- objections until the meeting. «I neyer met the man in -me life,» said Vanderwater, "I didn t know about it ( objection) until tomight." A Ziebart franchise holder for eight years Vanderwater said the move aà lowed hlm te double the size of his Whitby operation and he is planning to expand into Oshawa. «We don't do uns or mechanical type of ,ork, Ir dont know why we couldn't be classifled as a manufacturer," said Vanderwa- ter. "Tlere's neyer a vehicle left outside it's spotless, you can eat off theior. Vanderwater said lie is pre- pared te take bis case to the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) should the committee and ulti- mately council, rule against him. "I have a lot ofmoe at stake, «.t.s m.lie io