Whitby Free Press, 11 Jul 1990, p. 27

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WHFBY FREE PRESSWENEDA, U Y1190PAE2 Senate of 'om 'mon people' To the editor I agree fully with the letter, 'Sonate shoulci reflect true* wiil of the people,! in the Whitby Fr.. Press of -June 27/90. W. reaily do need a Sonate of common peoeple ta help reguflate wbat is happening in our country. It seems the average Je. bas been completely forgotten. Everyone is concerned about the poor and poverty-stricken, but al have forgotten the lower-, ta middle-class person. With regard to, the bomeless and poverty-stricken, concern andi awareness are flot enough! I bolieve this. Sonate could helpg greatly. They coulci corne up wih ideas andi plans, and then present tbom ta our so-caloed domocratic government. But not a Sonate made up of gentlemen witb -fat. pay chèques and a bought and paid-for luxury home, who can alo gýive themsolves a fat rais. at the drop of a bat! Where is the' lowor te, niiddle-class society these days? For the past ten or more yoars, thoy have given up trying to accomplish anytbing with our government.1.1 We used to pMtest and petition what w. believed -in, but that nover did any good. It did flot change the mincis of the people in Parliainent. So we have sat back and. taken every tax bike, 1evy, toil and every increase that the government bas decided on. Corne on, people, wo need our voie. back! This Senate could b. juât that, "The People's Voioe!" We n.ed ta, be heard now more than, ever. Why are there so0mny mal businesses going akipt? WJhyi can't a new mother afford to get that second car to talc. ber cbild to day care and go back to work? Why does every average fazmly need a dual'income just to take that "micdie class" vacation ta the lake for one week? Not al lower- ta miuddle-income clasm people are ina union witb regular pay increases *and ail kincis of benefits. Dentistry and optometry cost se much for regular worlding people, 1ke sales clerks, janitors, gas pump jockeys, waiters and waitressos, bomemakers, andi, of course, tbe person with bis or ber smail business. So get this "Sonate" togethor ta make reasonable andi lasting decisions that will ho beard al across tbis great landi. It is a power and voice we ail need desperately today, andi may it stand tail for years ta corne ~JiU Chatterton 1Oshawa- Ali o in 'order To the oditcr- With bis woesbip's hined black cadiilac-parked at the front of the municipal building, a citiien would assume that "just oel ýme- BobW'(WhtitWo Mayor Attersley) is in the building. On. would aise' assume that he wouldb. Present at an important meeting- that detn, tbrough : the regional ofiiipan, of -Whitby's future growlh andi dvlpet Further, on. woi dd assume that ho woiuld owe this gestüre ta, the taxpayers of. Whitby who returned I bm ta office by a slim margin of 1,000 votes. It would seem reasonable aieta assume tbat the regional officiai plan would ho at least as important as the public meeting that favoreci Coscan and tbe almost walk-around jewel' at WihitbY Harbor, meetings which he certainly managed ta find time* ta attend. I was disappointed ihe Region. did flot .sS. fit toa acvertise this' ,public- meeting to a a greater extent. My -question t.ao thé, regional planning chairman (Mayor Hubrd . of Newcastle) was, "Why is'the.tegiýonal official plan beig consided before the Wbitby officiai tplani7 currently under review7T' The rosponse from the chair was af foilows;. "Mayor Attersloy bas been keeping us up ta date'iwfith W~Itby's needs and is fuily aware of îwhat 'we are doing." Doos tbis meagi that "Just cal me Bob" is unflaterally deciding the destiny of Whitby? Doos h. reailyhave the ýight to privately sakfor ail1 the people of Whitby? North ward' counceillor Ros Batten rose ta pose the question, "Wh.y -.as Whitby not consulteci Pleas Reie this News elSRecy -on this complex plan?" - a very conflicting situation. it. seems wben only minutes boforo I was. talci quite' bluntly by Mayor, Hubbard tbat' Mayor Attersloy' was kept abreast of tbings. My fast assumption would bave' ta, be, that ail is niot in order. The cliche fits at-Whitby Town Hall: "Tih. left bandi does not know wbat the.right handiisup to." *Griy M M * Rotay la.que,. SHERYBASSIN (left)i, past-preoident,-,of the Sunise Rotary 'Club of Whitby, and BrianirtZ4 president of the Rotary Club of Whitby,.are iow beside a plaque instalied at Rotaryý Park to commeinorate. 'club,project9A in. the park;- The. wordingon the'> lque is the Rotary.creed. ONTARJO JUNIOR CITIZENSý Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing, while coping with a physical or psychological youthtiwh o hs rormedw limitatio? Do ylo know an act of' heroism? F ' g ore thn one FAI quarter=(27.7%h) of the worlds populaion îs illiterate. '3 More thon 100 FARm 1 million children of schoolI age (beiween 6 and 11) have no place ta leam. The Ontario Comrnunity Newspapers 'Association with Canadian Airlines International as the patron, are Iooking to recognize these 'good kJds", the young people of our' province who show a commitment to making life better for others.i y To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the O.C.N'.A. at (416) 844-0184. Nominations, 'for this year's awards., will be accepted until October 31, 1990. Every nominee e~ili receive a cert if ica te ~n up to 12 individuals and,ýne group will ýbe the recipients of a,.;plaque presented by'the Lieutenant Gdernor of Ontario. an Ontario Jutiior Citi zen of the Year lapel pin, $200.00 and a fan ily portrait with the Lieutenant Governofi' 2Worldwi*de v r a g Due to economic FACru 2960 mllion d ritsu-IC 1 depression, iltr FAÇ[U rcdl r wite acy is on the increose around To donof., or for more informafion contact: CODE 1he CODE Literacy Foundation 321 Chapel St. Ottawa, Ontario KiN 7Z (613) 232-3569, NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this Community Newspaper or O.C.N.A. (416) 844-0184. ~\ .~-'bNTRI()a joint community project of SIJUNIOR CITIZEN ontarloCan d n IO H EAR nM ................. .............. . ... ............. ----- --------

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