WH1TBYYRe pRE8S WDNESDAY, JULY 11, 199, PAGE 21 q Advice about new au old sprixcetrees 0 e e0 adnCouncil Many homeowners often l~t young spruce trees with litt eor no read for how large the trees wilb in. just a few short decades. It doesn't motter whethor it b. one of the much sought after blue spruce , or thie one cf the lesser-known white, NorWay or Siberion spruce. AIl cf these (wbich are. hardy in virtaiy al cf Canada) wiil easily- attain12 to,25 metres (40 - 80ft.) in height, with a spread approaching three. metres (10 feet). Tho popularity and beauty cf the blue. opruce seema b ocause inexperienced homeowners te plant the omail trees in areas where. their growth will b. restricted, after onfly a few years. The difficulty cornes i that there is almoat no way that the growth con be resti¶ted, unless the homeowner is w ling te undortake a severe ci-pping regiment on the new growth each and every year. Since the latter does net happen, 'the. most conmnon scenarlo is for the larger lower franchieste be chopped off in ordor to regain acceso te a walkway,, dieway, -or -the entrance te the hous. itaelf. This is where the trouble for the trees begins. It is most important when planting not only spruce ts bu1--other 1ag trees -' whther evergreens ch as fir 4dIne, or deciduou~ trees such pies and oaks -F that suffilent 0oM be allowed for the trees to achieve their ýfai growth. The Canadian Garden Council advses that an Inquiry to your gardon centre should bring a close estimate as to just what ultimate size the tre. you have choseen inay b. expected to achieve in your area. By, the way, if you are, considering planting a blue opruce tre., there are severa types available. The moot coeimon is the Colorado blue spruce (PIcea pungens <Glauca'). These vary i color considerably, and tbrouigh the winter months, retain more of a green thon blue color. It is, generally the most economical variety to purchase. Th. oldeot of the 'real blue' blue spruces is Koter (Picea pungens 'Kobte4 Its major drawback bas been a- tendoncy to have a crooked main stem that needsto b. staked upright for the first few years. The Koer spruce, though stil very much avilable, b as now. been superseded by at leasat two othier varieties you may want to check out at your favorite gardon. centres: Hoopsi blue sprûce (Picea ipungens «Hioopan' and Moerheim bue prce 9(P..' Moerheimi'. SUEPAGE 22 STiLRAWBERRTES 8A.M. to gP.M. N.W. CORNER AT TAUNTON AND- CORONATION ROADS' Orirng Containers or purchase at Farm Cal6850fo more'information strawbrry Ilrm, Durhamj NS tc* o. z Cr r-o C m 1 Ith Cooc.1a .,,,,Green Brae Orchard s - For daily Spicking conditions C4_ phone: .i .18.oohiin No. 1 Hwy. WhIiby PICKING SUBJECTTO WEATHEI BRING CONTAINERS MEASURED IN QUA 'fort. r^ 55-4501 or 55-3217 bIOURS: i.m .-8p.m. ýR& SUPPLIES MRS (eg. 6 qt. basket) Monday, JuIy 16/90 on ALL UPRUGHT & SPREADING JUNIPERS À2570 off GRANULAR BONE MEAL $6089) 0GREAT BEMaL GARDEN IVALUE _____Reg. $8.29 -I SEARS ~Friday, July 13/90 only GERANIUMS .4 1/2"/51611 pots GREATOO GARD EN VALUE Reg. $1 .95 DAILY JuIy il SPE Wed- Julyl12 Thur. JuIy 13 Fr1. JuIyl14 Sat. JuIyl15 Sun. Ju yl16 Mon. JuIyl17 Tues CIALS 1. Marigolds ,s. Impatiens Geraniums Petunia Perennials Saturday, July 14/90 only PETUNIAS GREAT GARDEN VALUE Reg.$1.35_y Sale $.W9 $.89 $.99 $.89 $1.89 R99. $1.35 $1.55 $1.95 $1 .35 $2.25 Juniper Upright/Spreading 25% off - AlyssumNinca $.89. $1 .351 Sunday, JuIy 15/90 only PERENNIALS $189 401 E g~ CE ,~JVANDERMEER WNURSERY LTD. Bal t i 792 BAYLY ST. E., AJAX a,.--J 427-2525 Large Selection StI Available Reg. $2.5 GARDEN.SHOP Operated by Vandermeer Nursery The Oshawa Centre Only Sears Canada m.c. TU:T~.MmeIz l ~4<4 I 4 4 4 4 4 ~ Pick Your Own or Ready Picked ZdanowizFrn RASPBERRIESe,STRAWBERRIES COM/NG SOON! *NEW CROP* Green& Snow Peas o Green& YeIIow Bean. RD4 OR TAUNTON ROSSLAND AJAX HWY2 IB* 94s k. L8mougham ______ __________________________________________-J 1 ONSUMERS 1 0--w Ek- ýir Fý - --à - a mmum 68 6%9 ýý Amum, ý 1 8a