PAGE 12, WIfTBY FRE PRES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1M9 It has not y et been determined how much xnoney was raised for Whitby General Hospital or how many attended, but last week's Canats 90 Lot rod weekend went off without a hitch. Organzers are hopmng to have exact figures by next week. It would appear however, that the hospital will bepefit substantially ;aûer good attendance at the show h ld i per&ft weathr tota of 490 -cars were registered. Some of the a ards gien included the long distance award for C nada, which went to someone Who drove out from 1ClIl ry for the States, the award went to someone who dr4vefrm Indiana. W"he Mayor's aWaird, chosen by deputy mayor T1om Ewards, went to awoman who camne fromh Winnip by mi1923 T Bueket, a totally open car. The MWhitb y Géneral Hospital'choice for an award winner went to Bonnie Rtobbmns of Oshawa for her 1936 Oldsmobile; the Whitby Chamber of Commerce chose a 1951 Ford Prefect ownedl by Joe Iwanitzky of Peterborough. 1 -.-d