PAGE 12. HFBYFMEEpRES8 WENESDY, JULY 4, 199 Meech fcalure-unlikey to hae impact nbsns PROM P/%GE 10 that ie required. To compote efIbctively,. Cana- dian manufacturera must embrace technical hange, deve- bop a more higl î kilf.d labor force and strivo or geater pro- ductivity said Armstrong.. "Wo have to adopt a new approach te global competition the best; defenco is ago offonce.» However. the forecast for entirely gloon , said Armtrn. Ho predi=e'the CanfLda-U.- free trade axment *ÃŽll be ai boon to Canaian busineis. uCanadian.. trade amoun- ted to $200 billion in 1989, two- thirds of that involved Ontario," said Armnstrong. Ini 1988, 30 pr cent of that trade waSsubject to custom duties and tariffs but witbin tn years this additional coot will be removed, said Armstrong. iadded. Jim Hobbs, senior business consultant with the Ontario ,iity of Industry, Tradean Tecbnology, also adressd the meeting. Hobbs outlined to chaimber members the services available to business from the provinc*i governinont. FINAL WEE 12 ONTS Seniors form commttee piu âIb urR ,LOVE SEAT Luxury Centre Match reg. $1799 SALE SOLl10 WOOD MAPLE PEDESTAL Table & chairs reg. $1 699 ~4ff SALE $129a Sealy 39' Unit $199 Book _______________ ~ r cases $89 ALL WOOD 7 PIECE BEDROOM SET ln Cherry, Sotids & Veneers reg. $6499 SALE ______ SraPort ect~ Sleeper Queen Sized Mis-Matched Unit $559 1Sealy Posturepedi c IQueen Size I Unit $499 Vogel Swivel Chairs $329 Brentwood Wing Chairs $299 ________ r i Fricov's Furnïture 1735 Bayly St. Units 10, 11, 12, P 1 ckering - 831-6040 Mon, - Fri. 10 - 9, Saturday 10 - 5, Delivery Available SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY - O.A.C. 12 months !!!57Jý no interest Ã3ý-Lll 1 E z M - All items not 'OxZIcily as iliustrated ./Alt items sublect to pý or Sale 4- .FRov PAGE 4 ing was sold b Walter and Stella Snider te Slavko Holdings Co. of Toronto for $5589185. Slavko was allowed te dcaim a bass of $37,124 resulting from the purchase. !ai April 1986, tenants were hit with a 13.29 per cent stolen More than $1,300 worth of cgrts were stolen from Mini Mat; 720 Taunton Rd. E. in Whitby over the weekend. Thieves broke inte, the Mini Mart July 1 and lifted 40 cartons of cigarets. They gained entry by smash- ing a window in the front of the stere. Police are investigalting the in- cident. They have no suspects. GREAT GARDEN VALUES Monday, JuIy 9190 oniy ALL UPRIGHTi &SPREADING JUNIPERS GRANULAR BONE MEAL $6.89 GREATr MEAL MEMGARDEN Reg. $8.29 That Septembor the building was sold for $U88,079 by Slavko te three local residents. The new owners were allowed a financial lose of $50,000. Last November, tnants were bit with a 9.6 per Cin rent increaso, 4.6 per cent under the guidehines plus a five per cent phaso-in. A rosident of the building who has lived through both sales, does not hold out inuch hope for the Regency-HickoTy tenants. The tenant, who asked not te be identified, pays $513 for a two-bedroom apartment. "The rent is not excessive, I have no complaint with that,» said the tenant. "I just don't 1k. the law that allows people te, do what they're doing." The tenant said he wroto both Premier David Peterson and for- mer housing minister Chaviva Hosek te complain, but got nowhere. UHow the legislation allows them te do this is beyond me. I Friday, July 6/90 only GERANUUM S 41/2"1l/5'9'"1"pots GREATOO GARDEN VLEReg. $1 .95 JuILy4SEI JuIy54 JuIy65 JuIy76 July87 JuIy98 [il î 10 à shlows theni te do it, but is it fair? "I don't think mpoot p 1~l 0M te a normal increasr e, wlen someono comes inan buys the building and then dou- bles and trebles it, that's not right.» Student honored FROM PAGE 3 has been remodelled fite a five- year plan and Fraser has been a part of the program since its inception four yoars ago. Wie coois out and kd enjoy the summer there is a lttle boy who wihlb. heading back te achool with the know- ledge that ho belonga and is accepted amonq bis Peers. For a boy like 'David there couldt be any other way. Saturday,Juy 7/900fly PETUNIAS GARDEN VALUE~~9p Reg. $1.35 Mun mff à mm-,012 $.89 $1.55Por Thur.Imaienls Fnu. Gernoius Sa. Petuniam Su. Perenias Mon. Jper Urigtspral Mon Junpe AlsUmNinc/Sad uIda, ul /9 o PERENNIALS $1289 9131.~ VANDERMEER 1%iS4NiURSERY LTD. 792 BAYLY ST. E.. AJAX 427-2525 p ~ I,~t I ~ *i~j44* 4f** $.89 $1.5 $.89 $1.35 $1 .89 $2.25 $.89 $1 .35 Stili Available Reg. $2.25 SEARS8 GARDEN SHOP Operated by Vandermeer Nurser The Oshawa Centre OnIy Sears Canada mnc. flI:TmM*aAmmied oeïm» inC.*w I t a I m A m Fi 1 .a a . ............. ... ............. . .......... IS: -1 $.89 $1.351 P AlvssumNinca Tues. ad t tU