PAGE 10, WHMTy FREE pREe ~WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 4, 1990 15.~ n tke b iîne .EVL . .. .. . re . spee ... .. .. totà eou hc ooe h e'eh 1 a il t i ( I I YOUNG ENTREPEN 'eUR Aaron Little business, Corporate images, iocated at and Darcy Parker have started a new Montgome!Y Place. FT. Preoe photo eJurnor aichievers begrin business By Trudie Zavadovlcs have céménted a rélationship When Darcy Parker was age 8, and skilîs that may make them in grade, 3, hé was known as thé thé youngést businessmen in 'pop oy.'Wbitby. Heesold pop te thé neighhor- Parker and Little are partuers hood as a busines s a business in Corporate Images, one of thé that qickly fizzled out. Wbat néwest busmnesses m Whitby. didnt fizzlé out was bis penchant "év énonamnh for business. «e bnopen ot, AanLiAttlé has been surroum- says Parker. «We selI pro- ded by business ail bis life. Both motional items such as pens, golf parents work. His fathér is Bill halls, rnuqs sud magnets, with Little who opératés Marketing & companiés names and logos or Motivation in Whithy and owns othér promotional messages, several properties in sud around anything you could possibly im- Wbithy. agmné. Both oys et last eyar in For thé most part, they'vedn grade 9. Théir joint participation evrything themselves, obtain- in business studiés at ià rson ing a véndor's permit, finding CVI and in Junior Achievément space and equipmént, and esta- Lefter Article 'didnt explain the situation- To the éditoir. Re: Thé. aticle 'Total pool pakae offéeréd for backyard vactioierY'Wednesdayq June 6 édition of thé Whitby Fre presa. Whén I was teléphoned by your reporter for a story on Durhami Pools Ltd., and how théy came together with Lands End Accéssries hIc., I explained thé situation as followL, Durhamn Pools Ltd. conimencéd business ini thé area a couple of years ago. Thé company was started by Warren Subject and Miké McDiarmed. Warren started workcing in thé pool business as a siu ner job whilst hé was stilI at echool, and a couplé of years later Miké joinéd the samé firm. Affer worIng togethér for a number of years they decidéd té join forces and open up their own company. Bétwéen thém théy havé 15 yéars expérience in thé pool business. Thé Company Lands End AccéssriéshInc. was néwl1y formed this past winter by myse f azt»py partnér Peter Millér. Our role is to provide cuE chemicals, pati( swim-wéaýr, etc. In thé two companies open one retail store te bring the consuin coveragé. I wént on toeéxpi rélationship hétwe compaies camne ai Warren is my son. As can hé note, article, it does not r thé situation at asl, times thé reporter shé was confused. M havé beén better li asked té pérusé thé to printing. I a unique situa .we have. it could n togethér, or indééd as it is without al contributing equally hringing inté. thé their own spécial sId I trust whén I tell of our partnérs fe slighted by the art understand why. stomers with 0 waré, other woras combinéd to Dte, endeavor er total pool ain that thé Dn thé two out becausé blishing suppliera and custo- mers. Even t he capital té start thé business camé from their own savings. They decidéd té open thé busi- ness two months ago. Théy 8a]so examined statisties té détermine thé best place to open a business. "Whitbly is a good location,» says Parker. 'There are a lot of new businesses. We learnéd that Whitby is thé second fastest growing city in Canada." It's aso close té home for both so, they séttled on théir offices at 213 Bron St. S. in Whitby. Parker and ià ttlé are partners in thé best sense of thé word. Théy make décisions togethér and sharé thé workload and rés- ponsibilitiés. But se far théir expériences havé brought with thém some surprises in thée world of business. "There weré a lot more thing té, get ready than wé originaly thought,"$ysays Little. "So muez paperwork. And thé pace is véry "Making siome décisions has been awkward,» says Parker, who adds confidéntly that théy are catching on fast. "Our pricés are réallycompeti- tivé, » says Parker. «We arént charging»any more than our com- pétition. Théyvé alréady séén a marked improvémént in théir communi- cation and organizational skills. Parker does much of thé sel- ling sud computer work while iÀtle déals with suppliera and does a lot of thé paperwork. They are téaching each other and B3yMike Kowalsld nd Business confidence in Cand is unlikel to hé shaken by thé death of thé Meech Lake consti- tutional accord, predicts a mem- ber of -the Ontario Chambér of Commerce. John Armistrong doubts thé accords démise willplay a siMni ficant rolé in.détermin'ing ivhéthér companies choosé to expand opérations inCanada. I1 dont think thé business community in général viéws thé railure as a cataclysmic évent,' says Armstrong. t'Weé've gone through a. succes- sion of constitutional crise, an almost interminable débaté in t~he country. I dont think thé business communitymses it as a sgal Canada willfal apart.» NIoting that thé Canadian dol- lar actually picked u in valué on foréign money an kts Arm- strong addéd, qTe internati'onal business commumty feels that way, too.» Armstrong offéréd bis views on thé accord's collapse during an interview with Thé Free Press. Hé was in Whitby Ist week te spet ~ 0a dinnér meeting of the WItby Chambér of Commerce. Armstrong does not; éxpeét a répéat of compamies moving out of Quebec in thé future, sinilar élection of a Parti Québecois- governmentifl 1976. "I think that was more of a réaction to the language issue not a worry that Quebec may séparate»" said Armstrong. A memnber of the Ontario chambers Canada-United States tradé ommittééÂ%, Armstrong devoted his rémarks to the chal- lenges facing Canadian business in the years ahead. ««Companies and even coun- tries must prepare themsélvés for a global econiomy," said Arm- strong. "Ontario businessés cannot afford to limit their horizons, past standards simply aren't good enough.» Armnstrong referred to statis- tics which indicate thé value Of importéd produets sold in Ontario has almoot doubled in séven years. In 1980, Ontario imported $37.7 billion of good. In 1987 that figure had grown to $73.1 billion. «Expanding business abroad is thé best way to compétéý with 9 owing importa in Onîtario and Canada,» said Armstronig, but hé s3tressed that more effort than SEE PAGE 12 Ofies, apartments open- By Trudié Zavadovicst rokHouse, thé brainchild of six area businessmen, is a recéntly opénéd commercial dévélopment in Wbitby that pré- senta a préstigious business appéarance while still maintain- ing thé quaint héritage Of its hometown. Situated at thé corner of Ontario St. sud Brock St. S. Brock House has rofgessionaà offices on théý grounâ.floor and thréé luxurious apartménts upstairs. Thé apartments havé alréady been leasd out but thé two commercial units have yet te hé leaséd.i «Thé downstairs is not yét full,»"sayseBrian Laurié one of thé building's owners. hé saYs they are are waiting so thé busi- ness tenants will havé thé oppor- tunity. té somewhat custémize thé space té their ne.ds. "Thé stylé of thé buil igis a Victorian reproduction tcend in with thé whole style of Whitby itself,' says Laurié. Hé says thé land Ywas initially purchased last Juné and théebuidingwas fin- ished at thé end of May. Laurié says that thé offices would bé idéal for a family of lawyérs il t of thé fact that thé new 1an-registry is heing built on RosslandRd "With new homes sud thé resale of homes, there oertainly is a demand for lawyers ser- vices.» Thé 1,200-sq. & each have threé bédrooms and two baths. Laurie says'this has heen an interésting project bécause it is a first-time venture of tbis sort for all six owners. Laurié expécts thé building will officially open withmn thé néit couple of months. New TD Centre in Whitby d from -theé1learn in gfa ealfly explain Théy plan te have thé business Toronto-Domiion Bank's new tial of Whitby, said Michié. aud several well on thé way te succes hY the mortgage sud lbans centre threw "Thére's no bétter way for us 'did say that timé they réturn té aschool sud opn.ts doors té, thé public this te hé involved than té hée thére te :aybe it would will hire someone té keép, t wek. 01hélp and providé expertisé te mad we béen going. Iocated at Thickson Rd. sud peopleé as thée mové inte, article prior Evéntually, Parker says hé Dundas St. E., thé centre special- Whitby,» said Michié. wanta té take engineerinlg at izés in mortgages sud pérsonal Hé notes that no other finan- Queens UniversitY. Little, liké bans although custoers will bé cial institution bas opened a tiofl, such as bis fathér, waiits te gét inté able té, open accounta. facility in Whitby which spécial- Lot have corné developing. Thé centré opéned for business izes in mortgagés. work as well Théy admit some Of thefr on Mouday, although thé officiaI "Wé are committéd te two four partners friénds think that a summer of oeng takes placé temorrow hours turuaround timé on most and éach oneé halncin ok u iing (Thursay at 4 p.m. applications, said Michié. rélationsbip orders is strange comparéd té «Services pérformed hy conven- Tlheré will iitialîy hé six Cils. sun sand sud basébail tional téllers: will al hé hanle peple working undér personal you ~ ý tatw lnthé Ion g rum it will pay off through autemated hanking crédit manager Elizabeth Rit- élu snwa for us," says Parker. 'Tvé alwrays machinés,» éxplained managerche icle, you Winl dreaméd o f having a business. Géoff ichié. Thé centré is open from 9 a.m. You cant just dream about it Toronto-Dominion decidéd te té, 5 pm. Monday te, Wednesday yugul, you'vé got te go out sud tak thé centre te show its con- 9 té 8 Thursda sud Frday, anJ J. ic"d M noé in thel ih pwth po>oIý ,,*ý5~ t% ", e- lO J. .4:;O L'