WHIMY FPEE PRESS, ýWEDNESDAY, JUNE 27,"19»» PAGE 31 Seniors epie up runs to win 2 games A strong hittingy attack led Whitby. Spruce Villa Canadians to two- victories in Eastern Ontario Basebali Association senior lege play st week. John Heffer had three bits, including a home run, and drove in four runs in a 15-2 win over Orillia on Tuesday. Steve Dormer had three bits and drove in tbree runsi, Scott Burnett bad three bits, Rob Lyt- tie hit a home run and George Yates had two bits in the offen- sive explosion by Whitby. Meanwhile -Whitby pitcher Howie Moore allowed only six hits. In Port Hope, Whitby scored six runs in the'nintb inning te cap a remarkable comeback and edae the home teamn 11- 10. gecott Burnett, witb one of bis two bits in the game, drove ini the tying runs te make it 10-10. A bases-loaded walk te, Heffer produced the winning run. "I don't think weve ever done that before, at least flot that I can remember» said player- manager Jody Turner about the nintb-inning, six-run comeback. Turner had three bits in the game, Burnett, Heffer and Dor- mer eacb had two. Dormer went the distance on the mound for Whitby, allowing 12 bits. Turner says the "bats are com- ing alive» at the rigbt tune as the team chases Port Hope and Peterborough for first place. The two wins gave Whitby a record of mine victeries and two losses for the season. Port Hope bas won il against two losses. BROOKLIIN Redmen's Scott McMichael confronte flrampton's Brian Shanahan in a wild major lacrosse game last week that was called before the second period had expired. Brampton was fined $300 and had to post a $1,000 performanoe'bond while Redmen were fined $250. Brampton lost the game by default. Redmen defeated Fergus later in the week. Chrastopher Bovie photo Leisure pool a mistake:e Edwards By Mdike Kowaiski Building a leisure pool in Whitby's new recreation complex rather than a facility for com- petitive swimmîing is a maistake, dlaims councillor Tom Edwards. Edwards urged Town council Monday té rescind an earlier Poewees in tournament With superb pitcbing and a strong offenoe, Whitby Legion peewees won the cbampionship of a recent teurnament in In te final Whitby over- powered North Ã(ork 10-2. Jerzy Aronowicz and Ken Calway pit- ched for Wbitby. Whitby opened the tournamient with a 5-3 win over a strong Martingrove teami. Rajiv Gandi go the win for Wlutby wbile Jeremy Schott was named moat valuable player. Adam Thompson was on the inound as Whitby sbelled Bow- manville 11-1 i the second game, called after six inings.ý Calwaybhad a single, double and bomne run, Aronowicz bit a home run, and Scbott again earned mnost valuable player bonora for bis fine defensive play as short- sto. Calway and Aronowicz teaxned te tbrow a no-bitter against Branmpton in the semi -final, called after five innings when the score was 10-0. Catcher Josh Miller had a sin- M1double and trple te earn P onors. During the week before the teurnament, Whitby played exhi- bitiongamnes against AAA teams from W est Hilil and Markbarn, and ernerged with a win and a tie. Against West Hill, Whitby came from behind te gain a 4-4 tie. Down 4-3 in tbe seventh and final inning, Brad Newport of Wbitby was on third base. Chris Goring laid down a sacrifice bunt and as lie sped te first, Newport came home. nhe two team failed te score in two extra innings of play. Aronowicz, New"or and Thonip- son, eacb throwing for tbree in- nings, combined te allow six bits. Pive Whitby pitcbers combined on a no-itter in a 5-0 win over previously undefeated Markbam. Schott, Aronowicz, Newport Thompson and Calway pitcbeâ for Wbiitby Ini two other games before the teurnaxnent, Whitby defeated Belleville 16-0 before suffering their flrst loss of the season, 7-6, te Oshawa. Scbott aaîd Dariyl Jennings :pitched a three-bitter against Beleville. Jennings took the loss in the gaine against Oshawa, decided in the eighth inming. decision te include only a leisure pool in the Rossland Rd. com- plex. He said there is still time te expand the deptb of the four-foot pool before wor< on tbe actual pool begins. Edwards felt couneil will be «missing another opportunity" te build a mucb-needed facility in Wihitby sbould it not act now. "Afler we built froquois Park the (parks anid recreation) direc- tor came back and said we sbould bave a diving board," said Edwards. "I tbink the sanie tbing will bapen agan, warned Edwards. Edwards' comments were prom pted by a staff report pre- Pared in response te a number of mnqumres about the pool being built in tbe $10.5-million com- plex. The 25-metre pool will bave a common deptb of 3.5 te 4 feet and include a children's area, therapoutic pool witb jets te pro- vide a whirlpool effect, and an 80-ft. water silde. A leisure pool, as qpposed tea traditional pool wbich varies in deptb, was the preferred cboice of council based on varinus con- sultants' reports. Althougb tbe staff report states a leisure pool can be accommodated for competitive swimming, Edwards was not con- vinoed. qI defy anyone to show me bow tbis can be used for competitive swimmmlgr,»said Edwards. Referring to the report, SEE PAGE 35 Whitby Iroquois sOccer MINOR SQUIR1' June 21 Blue SeUF&C 3 J. Smoeta D. Crabbe C. Simopson Dairy Quaen 5 D. Mirofflitta 2 J. Pichut 2 D. Toang Kinainen Club G. l3ooley Brock.Omieni O ManndngJug 1 Balyflig V Michael Hall Jeremy Zere D. PItrdr A. Clendînning Robin Crm. Marlin Travel i R.CLEBr. 162 Paul Shannon M. Morgan 2 &. Richardson CRCS Cari. C. S. Porco 3 J. Baird MX Dougla 5 Chckeoever. o ROOIL Jane 20 Aefton Villa 4 K. Cunliffe 4 Van. WCaps 6 Tyler Mattin 2 K. McWilliams 2 Adam Stein 2 WinnipegFur 0 Heart. 3 Michael Haley Tyler Haaon IÀam Reddoec T.O. Blizzard 3 Jeffirey Preem an 2 J. Baarbe Glagn eltics 0 SChelm Montreal supra 0 Aberdeen S Bradley ardon 2 Hamll. steeloema3 S. Cuniningham 3 Arbe"a Juuie22 RLCL. Br. 162 O Gentlemn'si C. 3 A. Bratherhood Stephen Taelios IL Mcardy HaLirCarm 6 John Hart. 3 JoahuAuatin A. Delurdo Carfis Emo Perkins Paint. 2 Brandon Falier 2 Mitchef l n& 2 Optimist Club i Paul Vanerlip Tta King Lloyd 4 JeWaTaylor 2 Er&k Walchuk 2 Durham Print. 4 Jordan OlMfeld 2 AdaM Demos ARrS Poter Brooklin IGA 0 Durhum Deoors 6 Paul LonibaMdi3 Frank Dip.lme Jugtin Dunnett CLnadanTire 0 Pring. C. IGA 8 Mical Koulw 4 Michael Gemma 2 Jared Meeterd David laDre MKOsquTIu Jane 20 Wbit. Opti. 9 B. MceL nt4 D. FarquhermS 3 B. Sigworth 2 King Uoyd 5 Scott McDevid 2 Clint Sivitilli AIer Payne RoeeDuncan CaC5 Cent. J. Allen 2 Mark Dewuen Sean sorene John Lewrne Perklne Paint 3 W. Kowalski Matthew Viwmti Brian Crilly Consumer Oaa 1 Frank MéConb 6 Prixig.C. Phaer.1 Carmelo Stibrisi Cansain Tire i Bannys Cater. 1 Shawn Deverill Jean-Luc Aucoin PEWP Jane 18 o T. Coppolino 4 B. Brown 2 Edm. Bamnen1 Brian Macinnon TattenL Hotapur 2 Gleegon Ranger.2 Nikki Altamur 2 David Berry 2 Manch. United 4 Aanin McGuire 2 Paul Aloja Adamn Marahal Dundee United 2- Liverpool Victoria Methven Colin Laferge 3 LuIre Robinuon MAJOR 5QUirr Jane 24 Dynea & Lloyd Rysai Ireland 1 Bey sporte Mark Leblenc 2 Justin Chah Donut Prea. 0 Thruway MaIL Colin Jonee2 M. Kibrynovicli Adam FM R. Princiatta Guard. Druge 1 McTeegae Elc«. R Farquharson B. L Berrerd Whit. Opta. David Norman St. Clair Pedint. 6 Broekin IGA A. Aahbee 3 C. Stevens 2 J. Comber G. Hanmh C. Pleetine Optimt Club 2 Durham DSr. 7 D. erechell 2 MK ici e2 & Kitchen R. Farquluruo B. IElwazaml J. Giles G. Grigorioa A1TIM5 3 Jane 19 Pring. C. IGA 1 D. Wi.hart Cali E Franka C. Dannett 2 C. Janiga Maater Bed. O0 Optimi.t Club D. Mettin N. Ou.mek DevilleProd. i Hair Studio C. Johuiec D. Demmner 2 T. Rjetef 2 T. McKe DIS inarenS 1 Eealty Wodd T. Fennebea, C. Begley A. Ranan N. Wbitney Boay Sport. W. Doletra PL cawdl 2 Rotay Club IL Rypetre JAW Hilernia