Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1990, p. 41

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WHffY FRE PR~ WENEMAY, JUNE 21).lG9Mi PAGE 41, Coringevents MUSIC CAMP for ail ages: JuIy 29 ta August 12; protessional guidance. For brochure write 220 St. Germain Avenue, Toronto, M5M1iW1. B Visit the HOSPITAUITY INN this summer for igreat family fun. Situated in the heait cf Haliburton Highlands featuring ' modemn housekeeping cottages, ful-time -r-rm direcor, large pool, snybach, tennis, etc.. 10% discount for seniors with this ad. Cail or write Hospitality lInn, RR#1, Minden, Ontario KOM 2K 0% 286-2361. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th or 5th concession line, 7 km. east Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campgraund, beautiful. $795. 1-416-786-2562. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 2Ox2Ot., $2,900; 24x24ft.,"- $3, 100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft., $4900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x60ft., .$8800. CalI 985-7930. BEST BUILDING. BUYS - 2 Price Salle -'-biy one building at regular price and get double lengIth for 50% more - imfited steel - Paragon - '24 heurs 1-800-263-8499. B CLEARANCE ON STEEL buildings - factory direct savings - ex mple 25x30 $2,699. Specials on sizes 10-100' wide, any length. Limited time onl1. Construction available. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap building offers no flexibility, rnay even cost more money.* The answer, Future Steel. Thousands et people can't be wrong. Caîl 1-890-668-8653. B A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pmn weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B STEEL BUILDINGS: Pasitively Lowest Price. 20'x30' $2,330; 25'x30' $2,935; 30"x34 $3,710; 40'x46' $5,142. Endwalls included. Stock items. Other sizes avalab". Save-save-save. 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-2704. B rSHOPUN THE 9ILASSIFI ES! ads in the classified section first! t'a the place ta tînd the big bargains you're looking for. AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 23 - 1100 AM. Selling srnall tarm equipment, riding lawn mower, furniture & appliances. The property of Lois & Bud Suddard, 3499 Garrard Rd. N., Whitby Ojust south of Taunton Rd.) John Deere 12 h.p.. riding lawni mower (lik. new), McCornilcé tracter, hay & grain elevator with undercarriage, small manure spreader, 2 cultivators, grain auger, Germa 1600 watt generater, 1976 FIat-bed 1/2 ton Chev truck,(as is), 5 sec. et harrows, wgn, steel implement wheels, ste gates,* 5 h.p. rote-tiller, chain saw, many handyman's toals, airtight wood steve with hood, 30" McClary elect. steve, Inglis fridge,* beer tridge, 22 cu. ft. freezer, wringer washer, b/r suite with double & single dressers, chest cf drawers, baokcase, 2 single beds, rust wing chair, hall mirror & shelf, 4 caned antique chairs, gramaphene, waoden 4 drawer desk, end tables, stacking tables, couch & chair, area rug (gaod cand.), plant tables, gold rug, pictures & ornaments, cooler, sway lamp, plus other odds & ends. A nice clean, lins cf furniture. Term.9- cash or choq ue with I.D., lunch available. Owner and auctioneer will flot be respansible for accident or injuryIn connection with this sale. Le managed &soldby COCHRANE AUOTION SERVICE 985-2788 ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS -BAT, dUNE 23 - 10:30 A.N. Executive style bungalow on 4 acres, quaidy fumniture, 40 paintings, appliances, 1986 Lincoln Towýn car, musical instruments at property of Mr. &' Mrs. RICHARD LAFONTAINE, PORT> PERRY, 2 miles south an Oshawa Rd., turn west on Cono. 3 te 3rd pîace on night. VCR & videa camera, 35 mm camera & lens, 9 pc. pins dining roamn ste., defuxe bunk beds, pine buffet & hutch,- dressers, chests, white 5 pc. provincial bedroom ste. with sirngle b.d. reception desk, other furniture, Kenfore f. rot rigerator, Nikko component stereo in stand, chest freezer, GE auto washer & Kenmore- dryer, Barlay custom guitar, Yamaha keybaard, drum machine, sequencer, sound module, etfects box. PAINTINGS: about 40 by well-known artists as: Walter Campbell, John Newby, Trisha Romance and other local artists. Caîl for list. RE-AL ESTATE: 5 bedroomn executive style 1,300 sq. ft. finished basemnent, large raoms. Ige. famfiîy roomn, f ireplace, 3 washrooms, laundry room, Ige. cold room, electric central air funaeblît-in dishwasher & steve,, many extras incl. sunken jacuzzi, sauna, etc. This immaculate home is located on scenic 4 acre lot with 856 frontage, a Igo. 17T deep. treut pond, excellent swimminq & wildlif e. Excellent location just off main road, close ta shopping, churches, schaols, recreation- & work. Commute ta Oshawa-Toronto. Selling as ia subject «te reasonable reserve bid. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD -« owners moving ta B.C. CAR: 1986 Lincaln Town car, ioaded <116000 km.) (reserve bid). No reserve on furniture.- Fumniture 10:30 am., Roal Estate 12 p.m. Art t00 p.m. Lunch available. Don't miss thîs exciting quality sale. To view heuse calI: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS * 4(705)324-2783 LINDSAY "KAHN COUN RY AUCTIONS" + every Wednes ay at 6:30 p.m. located on Bro k IRd. Pickering, 3 miles north of . 41 (exit #399)., Featuring every Wedi. an excellent' selebtion of anti ues, fine furniture, glass, china, i mlectibles, p rimni- 'tives, and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. an participate in one of Ontario's "T ue" Auctions with neo buy-backs r reserves., "Con- signment &étale selling aur spcay. Cal s today. Previews from 1:00 p.m.' KAHN AUCit ON: SERVICES (416) P83-0041 REMAX County Town Realtir- Linday Invites y ou te attend an AUCTIONI J une 23, 1990 - 1 p.m. OPEN HOUSE, From il a.m. till 12:3 p.m. or by Prier Appt.- Directions: Tak e Hwy.#35 N orth ta, Lindsay, turn east on. Caunty Rd. 10, ta stop sign, turn south 1 mile to property WATCH FOR SIGNSI 4 bedroorn, 1 year old bungalow on acre lot. Custom designed with efficiency in mmndi Fuît ist of features thuough Lynne Scattergoo5i, Assoc. Broker, days Toronto Une 686-3711, nights <705) 324-5697. Terms 5% deposit day of sale, balance in 30 days. Guaranteed clear title. Financiai assistance avaulable day of saie tram on site Nationai Trust rep. This property is being auctioned by: CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS <705) 374-4800 or (705) 357-4435 with express consent by ReMax County Town Reafty lnc. Lindsay AUCTION SALE BAT, JUNE 23 - O P. ODDFELLOWS HALL IN PORT PERRY Good fumniture plus microwave and stand, freezers, washer & dryer, plus more appliances, clacks, air conditioners, vcod steve, old boittles, lawn mowers & more te corne. Viewing from 3:00 p.m. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION - 6:30 P. PETHICK AUICTION BARN, I-AYDON, 10 Ml. N.E. 0F OSHAWA This week large estate from Bowmanville ta include: dining rm. suite, oak bedrrn. suite, mahog high boy dresser, mahog knee-hole desk, mahog end tables, mahog leaded glass book case, 5 stacking book cases, aak beau-front china cabinet, Liberty kitchen suite, cash register, gingerbread shedf clocks, mantel dlocks, wail ldock, set et bag scales, Victorian aval table, Victorian piano stool, signed bronze bust et Winston Churchill, sugined Robert Boamanrints, GARRY K. POWELL, GARY SHYMR AUCTIONEERS .. '.1416-26344252, ,' CORNEILS AUCTION BAR~ FR1., JUNE 22 AT 6:30 PJ.ý New oak 2-dloar g un cabinet, pak extension table, flat topped farm sc"es, pine desk, wooden deceys, chestertields, parler tables,rouind, pine *table, pine harvest table.! 15 cu. ft. freezer, Simfplicity automaitic washer, Kenmae rer, cotfee andj end tables, wce cradle, pine cane stand,: coal ail lamhps. aval-topped trunks, cdocks, French doors, church pews, 8 HP rota, tiller, Sears air tight stave, John Deere 7 HP riding lawn mewer, e ity ftems china, glass and DON AND GREG CORNEIL >AUCTIONEERS R.R #1t LlTTIE BR[TAIN (705) 786-2183 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., JUNE 29 AT 6:00 P.M. Special lSth Anniversary Sale of Antiques, fine furniture, china, glass, callectibles and primitive iemns. 9 pc. aak dining roomn suite, blanket boxes, pine hanging cupboard <26 panes et glass), retinished and re-upholstered red velvet settee, aval lbsewaod parlor table (1850), Victorian gentlemen's chair (pink velvet, a matching Mr. & Mr& Victorian c hair redl velvet), pine. chests et drawers, lamp tables, a Canada West dck, .large -quantity.,cf- patterned cil lamps, approx. 25 wooden dedcs, 6. pressed bock chairs, walnut -chests of drawers, antique dol washstards, oak dressers, wicker doîl pram, wicker doîl chair, large quantity of Royal Deulton,., china, glass and collectible items. DO 1N AND GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS' R.R #1, LITTLE BRITA IN (705) 786-2183 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited te provide Computer Cooling & City Water- Backup ai the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., 051-A WA,'Ont. TENDER #ORI-90-061 Sealed Tenders mdiI be re ceived until 2:00 p.m,.- local time on WEDNESDAY.- JULY H.. Tender Documents may be obtained tram the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, Memorial Avenue at the Huronia-Regional Centre, P.O. Box 790. Orillia, Ontario. M3 6K7. Note: For further information renarding the Tenders, please &Ithe Tenders Office ai the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tendernt I3LOOD DONATIONSé A blood donor clinic will be held Wednesdaty, June 20, 9 a.rn. to 4 pmIni the Whitby Psychi- atricÎHospital auditorium, build- ingë 30. For more information cail DAY CAMP Bellwood .community 1shoo summer campfor otaged 6 ta, 13 willbe helfosiweeks, Monday ta Friday, 9 a.m. ta Ï p .., from- July 3 ta Au&. 10 at the school. Cost is $65 per week, c$55 per week for JUIy ý3 te 6i 1Aug. 7 ta 10. The iàving Weil heýlth proiaoon prcgram WinL prsent a' sominar on 'Sleep. on Tuùesday, June 26 at 1:.30 p.m.,. at'the WhitIby Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. Dr. Brian Red wif b. the.presenter. Ail Whitby seniors 55 years and better,, are invited ta. attend. Phoneo the. WbitIby Seniors' Activity,.Centre ta. bave 'aà seat .reservod (668-1424).: Admission is $1 at the door,- which includes rerehments, and door prizes. VrRAWBuIYTEA The annhual 'Strawbeýrry, Tea' will be held at Fairview Loddgeon Tuesday, June 26, 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. Entertainment will be pro- vided by local pianiste. The tea, will b. held ta celebrate Senior Citizens Month in June. Ail wel- corne. BIG SISTERS Big Sisters of Newcastle-Osh- aa-Whitby' will hold their monthly orientation for potential volunteers on Wednesday, June 27, 7te 9p.m at 387Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Ëor more informa- tion cail the office at 436-0951. PAPMLY COALiTON The Family Coalition ] ryfor the prvicia ridig of Drm Centrwll hold a nomination meeting on Wednesday June 27, 7:30 p.m. at the Wlntâ*y Public Libra- IFor more information oeil 6loMalt... at .430-2238, Judy Morris at 666-1888 or Tom Partlow at 668,-4477. The Cemsreau Bfrth Support and Education Group will hfo d a free seminar,,,,Waia Birth After Cesarbani'-wiil be held on Wednesda .. Juie, 20 7-30 p.m., at the Wlitby Pbic ibr 1ary. Cail Lisaat 576-562 ta, register. OUTDOOR FUN DAY 'Outdoor Fun Day' will be held at the Whitby Public libfrary on June 28 2 ta, 4 prn. Activities. include Ilowing bubbles, paint- ing with puddinig and plaLydough PARKINSON The PairkinsdnExorcise Group meets every Thu"dy, 9:30 ta il a. at the çhurch, hbus of St. Mark'. United Church,' at the corner of Byo and Coiborne ANNUAL GENERA The Oshawa and District Association for Community Living will b. holding their annual general meeting on Thursday, June 21, 7:30 pam., at the. Oshawa Public Libraiy, Bagot St. Election of officers and bylaw amondment wil 1» part of the business, as well as a presentation of--Marc Dionne on 'Sibling Su4pport.' Everyone is welcomo ta attend. For more information, oeilJoan Popovic at 576-3011. The Alzheimer Society of Dur- hamn Région wiil hold a m:eeting on Wednesday, June 27,_7:306 p.m., at' the Senior Citizeni? Acti- vity Centre 910 Liverpool Rd., Piékering. 1he program includes avideocassette -presentation, 'Unravelin&' and itrveswith family members and patients. Ail weleme. oel S76-:6ofrpl information. -ê'~'. W&' .~.rw'*. '~ ~ n se.#w".- ~u ~ - - -. i v j il :D- --l- . ýllV lb j

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