WHITyfREE PRESS% WEDNESDAY. ,JUNE ý20,1990, PAGE 38 Jordân again on national ,team JOHN JMOU of Whitby wif ganb a member Of the Candian:fild lamos team that ýWifla" for gold in the world chainplonslpjs in juiy in Autaa ofii dan of amtht will b. compet tewotrid casmin- tlria sfys the Canadian ed team yhonofthe best ever assebe and has a- good chance t c off the defending world ch pion U.S. team. «We've t the beat of the east and west, says Jordan. "And we got the Ga Ls.» Joran was a member of the Canadian Iteam i 1982 and 1986. Thé '86 Canadian. team iost ini t1je finals to the U.S. Canada's Xast worid champion- U.in19a upset win over thié «W. gof a legitimate shot at beatingthom,»t said Jordan ofthel U.S. Gary and Paul Gait, two of the finest %acrosse playge in North America, w ere scheduied to begin their matjor box lacrosseseason pia wi"th Brookiin Rednxen iast night (Tiesday). The Gaits recenti SPyracuse to another U.S. fielId crosse charnpionship. Jordan received a «-tâtai of $3,000 i sponsorships to make the tri . to Perth, -Australia. Among his sponsors, were Whitby Psihrapy, and. Sports In- juries Clinie, Sorichett Group, Whitby Lpgion, , Cardinal. Con- tainers and, for giving hlm tinie off, his em'ployer Croven Crys- 8piort Canada contributed $30,000 toward the trip which will cost a total of $200,000. Australia is also expected to be a stron team. Other teams -are EniandI and, for the firat time, a North American hroquois native team. The Canadian team will also include Ben Hieites of New Westminster 'who doinfated last year's 1Üann Cupagainst Redmen and led New est te the titie. Hielties will play defence. Indy race exiit at Oshawa Centre The 1990 Molson Indy Race exhibit will be at the Oshawa Centre from June 20 to, June 23. This year's race is at Exhibition Piace July 20- 22. Moison Indy spectators will see mgioe beague auto racings superstars (inciuding Marlo and Michaël Andretti, Danny Sullivan, ick Mears, Bobby Rahla, AI Unser, Jr., Emerson FIttipaidi, and tis year's Indy 500 winner Arie Luyendyk) competing in Canada's iargest annual sporting event. The exhibit provides visitors with an insight into the worid of motor racing and takes a brief look at the history of the Moison Indy. A five-minute video captures the highlights of iast yeaes ramticrace in which Michael Andretti edged out FIttipaidi in the ciosing laps to, score his first Toronto victory. The Mackenzie Financiai Indy Car will give- show-goers an opportunity to see what these $400,000 turbo charged cars look like up close. Seleets defeat Bowmnanville The Whitby select under-li soccer team won 4-1 over Bowmanvilie i an exhibition match on June 17 at Jeffrey Park. The offence was spread evenly, with Brian Crilly, Sean Sorenson, Carmeiio Subrizzi and Dave Farquharson providing a goal each. Christian King was soiid ini goal. Next action takes the team te, Bowmanville for a tournament June 23 -24. In goal are Ted Sawicki and Dean Farano. On. of the, attack- ers is Stan Cockerton of Oshawa. "This team combies al unique blend of youth and experience unlike any team before,» says Cockertonplaer/coach. pOried ayers tis ear al have. either international experience or have played sout of the border with some. of the best competition in the woirld. <'We are quite- confident that we will b. there for the-gold.» SPECIALIZING IN ALL: STEEL SALES and REPAIRS GRADER anid SNOWPLOW BLA DES BUCKET LIPS and BUCKET EDGES .524 WATSON ST. E. WýHITBY, ONTARIO JEFF WHITE a68-8803-4 1 ur!Lmte u rO icketsAvalbl for mhe Whitby General HoSPi I1 at Thie Thunderbird Golf and Country Club i Ashburn Thursday, Muy 129,1990 Regist rat ion 11:30 a.m. Shotgun Start 1:00 p.m. $70.00 includes 18-hole golf tournament and dinner F - Hle lu One Contest FrArCanada '¶Fly Anywhere" Prize* Net proeeeda donated ta WhitbyGeneral Hospital for expansion *Details available fi=m MCd)de Restamun%, I!A1 Highway2 and Thickumn Rd., Wbitby. 728-6308W i~ ~#---~ AirC ad EOBA senior0 a-z Pecarogh 5 Poetfap O Orkfla 8 WBltby s KN~oved8 [j r!LmtdN me O ikt vial 1 . 1