PAGE 20, WIiMrY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2D, 1990 Reycing oentre annual meeting on June 21 Durham Recycling Centre will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, June 21, 7:30 p.xn. at the centre, 4600 Garrad Rd. N., Whitby. New memberships and renewals 'Ill be accepted prior to temeetig. Cost of membership reminsaýt$5 per faniily. Nominations directors will meeting. and election of be held at this REC YCLING ONE i I TON 0F * NEWSPAPERS- SA VES Phono 668-6111 BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR PANADE CONTEST WIERElS Fu"nut 5- y >m I-sym FANCY DIUM FRDIJC lut - Moerlka Wabbe 2nd - Momi..th1nitcm lot - Chratln. Wclbu! 2id - Aliia Etharugm Bout Faamcy lko a8- syr lut -JeumaWrr 2d- C.ley Kir fl- Emana Kirk aS- syrm lot-EBrinfHammu nd - Sarah Fnwuan BotGrop - à - à 7 lot - Ilannah & Shane Churchyard Bt Grop - 8- 8 y.. lut - Taylor. Emma & Cly Kirk BER!' DECORATED PEON & MKANUAL flIANUOIRT 5>»iw&Aunâd lut - Jake & Logan Garland 2.d - Christopher Grahm lot - Cameron Gordoni BKSOT DHCORP'iED DR a &undoes lut -KatieMd3coy a1-8>1w lot -Jiu 1cDonald 0 & e.'.. lot - Analey Smith 2ad - Iaurie Mar11 BOYS 95& uxlen lut - ll.IlIy Andrews 2nd - Mark Andrws a - sywU lot -Deek Lehy 2nd - nmdan owler à £ «q lot - Cameoa Nim 2nd - Jff Mler &d -Robb FFeruman aur DECORATED BKE£RIDER aUMa yu & mumom lit - KatiemccCoy lit - M1111cDoaad 2nd - Bachd Wttoeboeg lut. - Ani Pluk 2md - Julile KoopDA BOS md - Mar&Anudrews 2nd- Androw Guiry rd - Rmlle Andrewu a - @Smaw lit. Michad l Oma 2nd - Both Gllbot Sud - Nichai.Wà r S9o&Um lut -BrockHeam & Cr.IgJackaei 2nd - DBMy Graham IMM DECOS&IEDMOTOR VEDiCLE lut - Franklln IKMûk Truck NON-CONEMWLL Optiiu Club et BraoklIn lot Hracklin Brownien.and Sparka Bnrl United Chmrh Nakm- - - - à Town dWhitl,7 M e H MIitchkell ratheraHuilffngSupplie§ He's a champ! MOM, Elizabeth, is shown with Ian MacDonald, overail winner of the baby content held during the recent Brookin Spring Fair. peter Tomblin photo Forage competition in Durham West Six- hay growers have entered the forage masters coxnpetition in Durhamn West. Ron Jackson of Brooklin, Robert Stone of Sunderland, Scott Wilson of Port Perry, Glenn Glaspeil of Oshawa, William Robinson of Brooklin and ZMon Farms, Uxbridge, have entered the competition. The Ontario forage masters competition is a progrm designed to promote excelece in the production and utilzatoexof forage crops. Local competition winners wil attend an awards poranand banquet at the RoyalWit Pair in Toronto, at which time the 1990 Ontario Forage Master will be nainecL 169 &~j gj z -JACKSON CENTREI 111W12, «)O~L1N J ~ ~ j1 ~TAUNTONI .. . . . . . . ... .. Corne in and browse! Sec aur selection of one-of-a-kind gifts, children's books & qualily toys! 655-4210 Tus.. lam -5pm, W.d.,Thums, Ft lOam -6pr 1 Sakmv ar nm- 4Anr1 Selon Yo urFam2ily Haïir Ca re Cen tre Less than 10 min. from Whitby Less than 15 min. fi=m Oshawa OPEN: TUES. TO FR1.: 9-6 SATUIRDAY: 8-2 1 Secet4j cyours MASECT yMVBOUTIQUE MASTEOTOMY SUPPUES BY: *AIMwae Carrp-.Amoea '-Jodes -'Sea ueon ALSO FEATURING Ung I - go1Pums..- casua wea' .AccSoels Catum.»Jew.lri CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT HELEN RAE Bus. 655-8965 I .wy §%cu- mi1i**1 If.1Ii-es. 6 6-06 dlec w wîth this acsh purchass 655-4201 Store Hours: Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10-4 c9/rze