PAGE 4, WHITY FREE PRES%~ WEDNE8DAY, JUNE 13,ý1990 G;OING; OUT 0F BUSIN.,ESS! SELLINIG OUT IZNTIRE STOCK" FINE QUALITY FURNITURE, CARPET, BEDD'ING PLUS ACCESSORIES fr i POm.p Sat i Oam-Gpm - I 1Q «6P SELLUNG OUT TO:THE BARE WALLS AT DRASTIC -PRICE REDUCTIONS!! G;REAT $j2,OOOOOO GOING OUT 0F BSINESS SALE STOREWIDE - EVERYTHING ON SALE - ALL DEPARTMENTS - NOTHINO HELD BACKH! SALE BEGINS. FRIDAY M ORNING JUNE l15th AT 10 O'CLOCK USE CASH Rq$5178.00 s, 42.00> NOW $4~s~oeNOW:*098 -CHEQUE - CREDIT CARIDS A.. $IO~E MO~$ Sale Dayj Aller years of servkig 4tha people, we have dCldd 1o e u s.e:We mnust soli oui our entir. stock of fumiture and accessorlês ln the shortest lrne possible, wthout regard.tocost or lbas of proft' Ths wiIlbe.1he suprerne bargan event of our entire business career. No mnater whether you buyfo ure r for some oe, a great portion of the satisfaction and pdide b l possbdCornes frçim confidence in the furniure you, buy and-tii. teputalton of the manufacturer Ihat "sait kand, the store Ibat sells iL. For yeams, w.e have:offered. the people fumiture ai the utmosti b quality and. fine seiole, Novi lhe time bas coma when we muet close our store and oi NW$28s98 $e. 419.00 'NOW $08 EnteriaImim -entre NOW $ome manvf urers have lo wed,,speciaRl 1concessions .on. custorn rdrs, Take advaà nage that 'specl lpiecél ofûirnitue or desgner perfc are .'W.-hie -j1 Pietures&Mior r