34wmTBYYREK PI~ESSI WEDNE8DAY, JUNE 1a~9o .aa ~WLTL1~~A« 4~icJ~v 2~Lf~t1 ~Çji~~i YFaT~~W EXPERIENCED 'ESTHETICIAN, CERAMIC .CLASSES, T-shirt, 11«'EST $121,00 in6a, hlgh end nail technicien, electroîist wanted. painting. Tues. 620-9:30 or Wed. dock Waeprofi»g dealerilp f or Appîyat Bronze & Beauty, Whitby 12230-3:30. $3.00 a class. Supplies this ares. op quality prodIJct lino MaI, or caIl 434-5869. extra. Make your own .gifts., For allows for above, average retumn on more information, el Glngerbread Invesment. We supplY :o*ening. KAISTUS rqure, uI o Fouse Ceramics at 668-5485. nidm training. HA_____________fulo -S es4i deelerships established part-timne for busy halr salon. :91Ms Canada. Phione coflct, Mr. Wages plus commission, benefits, :* sLChaWsot,'<604) 860- 200. P kIcentives. Friendly 'atmosphere. cOMPUTE BUSINESS APPLICATIONS ACCOUNTING & COMPUTERS SECRETARIAL ,Legal. Executive.e Medical a Word Procçessing a Dental COM~IPUTER ELECTRONUCS TECHNOLOGY 10Ornointh'coursc at Pickering Carnpus Financial assisance Lv availab!le ta quaftfied applicants. OSHAWA CAMPUS 1JIMOE,'NORTH 1723- 1163 We are Iooking for good rosnc ru-ers to work on specific assignments Please submit samples of your work to the Whitby Free Press 131 'Brook St. N./Box 206, Whitby CAN YOU TYPE... more than 60 w.p.m.? Positions for day'shift We have positions available for fast, accurate typists. Experience in word processing or typesetting a definite: asset. WiII provide on-site training on most up-to-date computerized typesetting and telecommunication equipmnent. Successful candidates wilI be serious, career-oriented, respon- sible individuals, seeking Iong-term lemployment. Wages comn- mensurate with speed and experience. Company benefits. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: COMPUTER COMPOSITION 0F CANADA 12 STANLEY COURT - WHITBY, ONT. 430-3400 X-RAY TECHNOLOGISî wanted for- Aj ax cIinic. FuI Vpart-time. Phone 427-8241. WANTED 99 PEOPLE 10-29 Ibs. per mnonth. recommended. Toîl 1-416-550-0228. to lse Doctor Fr"e APPLY 1 NOW. $1105 to start. $tudents 17 and older. National flrrn hasimmediate openlngs ln its marketing,, advertising and sales promotion, department. Schoîarships and internships avallable. No experience necessary. Training provlded. Cal 436-7394 Mon.-Fni., 9.00-6:00 -for, interview. HOJUSEWIVES, MOTHERS -and interested persons needed immediately .to sel-toys and gifts for National, Home,,Party, Plan. No lnvestment, deliveries'or 'money collection. Cali <519) 258-7905.B TRAIN TO MANAGE an egovrmentoinuncomplex. The gvernen Iîcenced homestudy certif ication includes free paement assistance. Fre brochure: -(604) 681-5456 or RMTI, 1120-789 W. Pender, Vancouver, B.C. V60 1lH2. B STYUSTSI Get a life in the mounitainsl We need experiencod p:ýIe Ful.service salon. The Es .er Shop, Box . 2939 Revelstoke, B.C. VOE 280. <604) 837r36499 (604) 837-3687. B EXPERIENCE a different culture overseas - live and work on an agriculture or horticulture farm. Persons aged 19-28 contact the International . 'Agriculural Exchange Association, #206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. B TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now, is the time to train for your Glass "A'@ licence. * For pre-screening interview and job' pilacement information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver> Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge. GRANDMA'S COMPANY. Cleans homes,'offices - no cheicasail gr4n. We aim to impress. Bonded, i9sured, security checked. Serving Durham. 725-9177. NANDYMAN with dump truck, tailgate lit. Clean yards. basements, garages. cut trees, etc. 655-3004 ' alter 6'0p.m. weekdayS, aeyimà weekenlds., M ISQE AV1L.BE BISOUEFAVILABLEC Ce 5% chOFF à "DnanCK"mc am Ceramlch RomE &Dnan EraicPl 50% OFF GREncnWpits>arecet Seleted$8.uncan pairntsare..ent wi f$8 orth of gee nwre.n MAIRKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professional Transport Driver Training., Careers? Flnanc- lng? Tax Deductlble?.Weve got the answers. Maikel Insttt. of Professional Transport Training Guelph, 1-800-265-7173.B FREE:> 1990> GUIDE to study-at-home correspondence Dipoôma courses for prestiglious carreers: Accounting, Airconidi- tionlng, Bookkeeplng, Business, Cosmetology, Eîectronics, Legal/- Medical Secreta", Psychologj, Travel. Granton, (SA) -263, Adelaid West' Tor'oMto, l-«800-960.-là 7jï- B YOGA, private lessons in my home. Learn. to practice 'Yoga positions. Caîl 416-668-7462. GUITAR LESSONS - beqlnners and. advanced. Accoustîc 'or electrlc. CaiLou,' 666-1979, Whltby. MAKE $101111. + 'Part or fuIl-time. Open your own stop smoking or weight kos centre. $1985 investment., Lightlaser, #216, 2835-23 St. N.E., Calgaiy, AB, T2E 7A4. (403) 291-2864.1B EXTRA INCOMEI W. train you to grow big batworms* in your basement, garage or- shed. Odoress operation.: Low lnvestment. Market _guaranteedi Free information, Early Bird Ecology, RFW1, Smfthviîîe, Ontario LOR 2A0,.- (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bah Farm, RtR#7, Chatham, Ontario N7M,5S7, <519) 683-2468. Kumar 'iBait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario KOK 1.10, (613).378-0023. B GET A UFE in the mountainsi Full service salon for sale. Great staff nd great, place to live. el The Barber Shop, Box 293, Revelstoke, B.C. VOE 280. (604) 837-3687 evenings. (604) 837-3649 days. . B LEARN TO DANCE tonlght. Arthur Murray Dance Studio 'singles and couples eSfe. Phone 430-0014. wec e) RETAILERS oNLY. Vlde Laserdlscs, Nîntendop' mid Vloo ~bWle leasing. We are weI-stocked, fastu ' fficient. Di-weekly. rotation. You select your lnventioiîy . Canada-wide: 1-800-665-5082. Fax: <* 204) 2S1-115Q. -B ERN'S ROOFING - Flats, tar& gravel, -repairs, .shingles, rerooflng. Free estimates. PNone 433-1070, Oshawa. COUTUREý BY CANDACE. custom made ýclothing- that' fitsl Your favourite styles, coloursan fabrios. Also a--lterà tions, Rossland/Brock, Whftby.-' Phone, 430-3590. JACQUES, 0F ALTRADES. Finil'shed carpentry, lcrcl pîum bing, ý.vénti an, insulaten. 2O5-385.eîephone 666-0.993. IIANDY MAINSERVICE. No lob too shaILî 430-6634, 428-9775, 686-3235. AMDREW'S CLEANING - vacuumlng, dustlng, general cleaning, Interlor & exterli painting.- Phone- Andrew (416) 668-9057. HILLSIDE FENCING andi decks. Industrial or- residential wood and chain ink.- Ail 'types of deccs. Post-holes drilîed and.posts set. Cal today for f ree estimat es.--(416) 985-9078. Boboat with, back ho., for hire. GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framing, .Insulating, boarding, taping,. skylights, saunas, rec rooms, basemenlt apartments, cedar siding, replacement windows nd more. CalI Jim or Terry at 430-1321t STU, McGEE, Floor ,Sanding. Sanding, refinishing,'repars and staining. Suppîied, laid -and finished. Over 20 years' experience. CalI collect after 6 p.m. <705) 944-5529. HURTUBISE'ELECTRIC Service Upgrade. Installation of dish- washer, central vac, garage door openers, rec room ot door lighting. For free estimate, oeIl 668-5974, Whitby. SHELLED PAINTING nd Decorating. Paint nd W azep Cleaning. Brush,- Roll, Spr a.. Caulking, Woodstaln. Residential, Commercial,- Industrial. Oeal 434%25. Partatime Layout Personi required for EVENINGS & WE EKENDS flexible hours Suitab le for graplic arts student Apply to Wlitby Freeé Press 131 Brock St. NJBox 206, Whitby LiN 5S 1 668-6111, Urrimmit-lb (DPF--ýN H(DL)SU June 18,19, 25, 26. July 3, 9, 10 1 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm 1 1 'L.