LETTE RS Meech i Lake ' not good ýforCanad [ Obituaryi RA4YMOND JOIINSON Raymnond Johnson of Whitby dieci at Oshawa General Hospital on May 29, 1990. Ho was 79. Ho was born on March 14, 1911, in HolIowel 1Township' Prince Edward County, son & John and Myrtle (Vesterfelt) Johnson" He married Marlon on Deoem- ber 10, 1930 in Cherry Valley, Ont. Mr. Johnson was retired after working as a security'officer at Firestene. Ho was a member of st. Mark's United Churcb. Ho le survlved by bis wife, son Wayne (and his wife Sandra), Kiml of Ottawa, Melody and Dar- rin'of Oshawa, three grandchil- dren and four great-grandchil- dren. Ho was predecoased by hie t rents sisters Thelma and îile ofý?Plcton, Margaret of Ajax, Effie of Oshaw;a, and brothers Russell of Ajax and Gerald of Oshawa. Services were beld on May 31, 1990 froin the W.C. Town Funerâl Chapel, Rov. Bessie Lane conducting. Interment at Cherry Valley oemetery, Cherry Valley. ro the editor. Copy of letter to Ronm Sootens, Ontario -iding MW Dear Mr. Sootens: Re: "No Rooin for Soparatists in Fedoral Government" MýLy 3 M!ree Pressi The ordors have been given. Anyono who legitimately opposes Meech Lake must be branded by the -Conservatives as anti-Canada.. What profound nonsense. Histoxy bas taught us southern United States, who were separatios, by saying, 'nhe United States of America le One Nation, Indivisible ... period.", I say te you that Meech Lake is not; good for Canada and that there are far too1 many concessions 'given te Québec. Their demanda will nover cesse and the Meech Lake Accord wil ,thwart the reet of the nation. Your closing commenta regarding 'Extenive consultations with My conatituents" are very confusing te me. I cailed people 1 know who live in Whitby, Ajax. and Pickering and they do not; recail having any input'inte any of your recent decisions in, the lieuse of Comm ons. However, I suspect that corne Septeniber of 1990, we are likely te, see a few changes in the decision-making proceas of many MPs. Most of the legislation that .was objected te by constituents, will have beon passed and pensions for ail members sitting since 1984, wil ho fully vested. We wiil remember. David Barber Whit1y Elected Senate is ams To the. editor. Copy of letter to RSs Stevenson, Durham riding MP Dear Mr. Stevenson: Re: Meecb Lake '7frying te defuse a ticldng time bornb" May U Free Pres Neville Chamberlain returned froni Berlin and declared, "Peace i our time" as ho' sold out te Gerrnany. Appeasement is ,ne solution te our current situation and I do net support your position witb respect te the Meech Lake Accord. Qubcspopulation le in decline and. control Of immigration la their only hope te farce people te corne te their provnoe and adhere te their prohibitive language and cultural laws. Quebec's declining population (ions than 22 per cent of Canada as a *hole) does net warrant the largesse granted te, their province wth respect te Supreme Court appointments. The distinct society clause will ho used te, abuse anglophones in Quebec and te tbwart other provinces in the future. A Sonate that le equal, effective and elected is a must for al Canadians who are nationilists firsta and provincialists second. There are a great rnany Ontario residents who do flot support the position taken by the Premier of Ontario. I am one of those and yot, I am a nationaliat and a' Canadian. .period. David Barber Whitby WHJTY FREE PRESS,,WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1990, PAGE 33 -Senate: pltic ishr By RsaSevnse Durham riding MJPý While' much- attention has focused on the- Meech Lake Accord in- recent months, there's. another 'seri 'ous constitutional dispute which soon could bdil into a ërisis. It hinges on an extremely important question -- whohas the right 'te ýgovern Canada: the elected -government in, thè House of Conimons, or an elected Senate? Theý argument is proving expensive te ail of us ýas taxay ors. Thus- far it bas cost the federal goverament $500 mlinit didn't want te, spend. If it's not settled by year-end, another $137 billion will be added te the national debt The iminediate issue in this< argument is Bill 0-21, government legisiation which the House of Commons tWie approvred te extensivýely change the Unernployment. Insurance Act. It makes the UI fund self-supporting on employer/employee contributions. Rather than continuing te subsidize LJI benefits, Ottawa7s contribution in future will be directedte giving the unemployed new skcills. There are 'extended'benefits :for' maternity., A major feature is $800 million, in .new funding, which,. beginning in September, would have helped substantially te py for more provincial'training and r»training courses at hundreds of vocational schools acroffs Canada. In fact, training budgets for this year were set ýon the assumption thèe new federal funds, woiild be available, and some eistingprogams may well have te ho cut baick shortly if C-21 remains blocked by the Sonate. A majority of senators, claimngthey are atn in the public interest, twice have refused te, pass Bil C-2. Essentially they want te makeamendments whch o l ave the Unemployent Insurace At as is. Onboth occasions 'the House of Commons mqjority has been-equally firm in stating C-21 must pass. The, government contends that as C-21 is a money bill - involving government spending - and the umelected Sonate should have no right te. interfere with it. Though there bas long been an understanding of sorts that the Sonate must not try te impose its will on, the House of Commons, there's nothing i our constitution nor any law that says so. The Sonate majority may weIl believe they're acting i the' public interest. But theres ample evidence that they're also out of touch. Over the past year threo separate public opinion poils have shown consistently that two-thirds of Canadians support the government's intention te shift its Unemployment Insurance funding te training progranis for the unemployed. Variousi research studios have shown that UTI la not a satisfactory way to, redistributo income as more than haif of the benefits go te families with above-average incomes. In our own community I've had cails from a nuniber of constituents who were upset about not receiving expected maternity or training benefits. Whilo Fi veiy sympathetic wlth these peoples concerna, I've had'to explain te them the presenit reality in Ottawa. Thé govornment doesn't and cannot munî the Sonate. The majority of Benators are Liberals, of whom 'a significant niumber were appointed by recent Liberal prime ministers. And these senaters seei te eroy making political mischief. les hard to believe that thinkçing Canadians will long tolerate seeing a government they elected being constanitly t;hwarted by an unelected group of senators who are responsible to no one. We must hope the Sonate will corne te ita senses moon. 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