PAGE 26, WHTI'YFRE« PRESWEIqSDJUE la, 1990 With a season record thus far *of five wins and five losses, Whitby Warriors ar otimistice * heading into the scodhall' of the season. Warriors kicked ofÉf a * four- gaime home stand -last, Wednes- day by dumping the lowly Mis- uissauga Tomahawks 13-5. Warriors won't catch up to fmt-placeý St. Catharines, but Peterborough' i within grasp. Three of ' Whitby's losses h ave been by a single goal. Team president Mark Brown isn't worried about Whitby's record so far. «Looking back we could. easily be 8-2. We need toirýnprove our goalscoring, more. hnportantly ourpower play.» Wà rrors s recipe for offenoe has been a la VanSickle in almost every game. "Even on a bad. night he's (Greg VanSickle) gqing to qet you three goals," Brown said. Steve Dyment has also added his scoring touch while Rich Dyment has just started to show his true formi. And Warriors' power play will be enhanced witfi the return of Jeif Wittle- who could be, back this week. Anotherý fine goals- côrer, Jef McComb, will not réturn until July. Th .-Ie most positive aspect of the club's play so far has been check- mgWe are definitely*one offthe best checking teais. Brown says. "We've hiad excellent goal- tending from o ur three.goalies." Maple LeaS will Play bal M'PikeM n On Tueëday, June. 19, at 7 p.m., the Toronto Maple,,Leafs NIHL Slo-Pitch Ail Stars 'will'.be hi Pickering t l ay abnet slo-pitch be gaie agjainst the Papp's Bears of Pickering at Knsmen Park. Net. proceeds. from the- gaine wiil be donated.toe stie fibros research te help. finance the search for a cure te the genetic disease second only te cancer i taking. the lives of Canadian children. WTBY WARIOR9 are one of the botter checing teams in the junior A league but have to score more to basebal T-BAIL Jane 4 Durham Equip. rrrcannon NAGOL Juns TuipheHouse TOP Qumllty - t"7COmI June 6 BDOWrd DurhamEqkuip. Tnlpe H a IIT Cannon Juin 9 IIT Cannoni 28 M SIMarm 28 38 Fawce ttMo32 81 ffaxey Club 28 26 mn.ýaCu 14 31 Mtchd Br.. 29 87 DuR. Tewlng M2 DURHAM DRJVEWAYSELN AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS, **SPEC[AJT Single Driveway sealing 30 feet long $35.00, Double Drveway sealing 30 feet long $55.00 OFFER EXPIRES: July 15,1990 *Let usprevent cracking ofyour Driveway' *Give more value to yourproperty by sealingyo ur Dive way with Drive way Se.à ler PAVEMENT MARKING 80/RUNNING FOOT TEL: 430-7195 or leave name & phone number B.F. GOODRICU nTHE LOOK THAT CAN'T BE BEAT" k-mm Gidd DMim." BDO Ward»K LJteracy Council Mitchell Bron. 5MMsrine 1W DIeI" Tiaphie Hous NES Reslty One Whit7yOptimiste Fawesti Motor Car. Rob" yClubh- Sunrimei Top QMity Collon mnansme Club Dun Tn Network ArCh. Group NAGOL lune 4 Dnmaxet. 12 Whit. OPt. lune5 WblL OPt. 14 DlSBnuMance10 Beri>Bryan 14. ButletDell 12 WMdLTqvta 16 Dulgnamte28 NatiagiAuto 12 BUtiGMDeli 10 MarchAlum. 18 Jane? Muis ohmp 18 munis Club 7 MarchAine. 18 DIS Inuance il NurseChou. 17 improve on a record of five wius and five bos.& auto B<avie photo W L T PIE mmrhMuulmam s O O le Am.6 2 0 10 Eenetpleglcs 6 8 O 10 DIS imane. 5 8 0 10 Buthnflhl 4 2 1 9 MaMgu- Aj.x 4 2 1 9 Wbhrkwam 4 a O a Gm Brown 8 2 1 7 NOISUAto ist 3 84 O Nurm Ch«.Oci&a 8 4 O PabrJulatig,2 2 1 6 CRUMdenTIre 2 4 1 9 1 160 8 Feamw 1 0 0iS O 2 WbItbOpdintIu 1 i ,S0O 2, Doimm&Sw 0 a5O 0 N4tWr"ArYK 27 SU N Mds23 WhIt. OjaL 8 lune 4 NBbly 24 V" Wau NAGOL 19 LdBumeg RoLar Club 27 JUDOe6 PitqmuldC. Mln-auiCub 81 sodtistc. Beclfoed Bar lune a W L T PIE Xmah Alun. cuit Brown 5adherI" C. 6 1 0 12 Opt Club 3 2-2 8 JUne?7 3 2 2 8 KlnomnuClub 3 8 1 7 OwawoVolkm. 3 4 0O 6 mmbachlun. 2 4 1 6 um Bain out 8 0 0 16 Jume9 a 1 0 1 i. O mVu. 4 2 o o 4 4 4 2 i I OwU- 15 HhmeéRaul 18 Il MoerIckHomu 8 10 sznLem FrMu1 16 Wt lugt Il Owam olksh. 4 9 maaMaDloe3 8 Kin-muClub 5 14 Brook Cycle 7 22 Mfr. Bmwrâcoe 4 10 Whit. Ffregt 2 19 HomeARmu.131 16 Brook Cycle 7 5 Bechford Se. 4 13 Ma. B.mrber a 18 M.Bw~o ILOPt. D.omAute IKP.C Jane 1 Eeu"~u 4 IL P. CoW4 9 Katucy F.5 8 WbitbyAudlo 6 8 Boy'sRat. 8 12 alm 4 9 Eoy'.Rater. 8 il CatneCity 6 E L T PME OA'INWB". ]I P.Ce WhtIuo~ Witby Audi BAIITAM VicklInuiu lune G Wbit. iqes Match Alun. Swleh MahlL ROY% Entat. 10 IosEnter. 7 Petro Canada 10 Cam. riean. Il WhiLt. nanen1 10 Petro Canada 16 Whtbyliasî W LIr 1i Cdnlir. 12 Notion Auto 18 Klwamis CM, 8 Hanetheties a proHeI 6g Moule qmp 8 I'wbarntL 8 g nboi~4 Clin.lire in DOMd&Bne9 Banethetic 2 NurueOie. 6 Nisnb Boft -S nom & Bouter O proe*a--ig 9 am Brewn in Beckfrd Bar. Cm PitwuoeaMCarp. OhýOub à SchettlCarp Kiumnm ilub VideeWoel Bous &Rad A. )Bd» elia.w Mr. nourro W MI Pnm SOULM Pu" W L T ]PIM 6 O0 *0 12 6 2 0 10 6 0 0 10 6 .2 0 10 9 I 0 10 4 1 0 8 4 4 0 8 4 380 8 8 2 1 7 3 2 0 S 8 8 0 a 3 2 0 6 2 5 0 4 2 650 4 2 4 0 4 2 4 0 '4 1 4 1 8 1 6 0 2 1 6 0 2 0 50 O IMEw à ùw 28 Dong Phu Seuwdmîtu 8 Wbtby Audga' Whithylqsees Match Aluminun Comntmitr Fizndal ViekCna"n MEEIUVENEZ J-s Jý 4 aomk n" Gaidlmwb 4 Greek¶ cooes a MarkAuto. .8 8 Brac&.L qoptth mm ara* LOMT0PIE MaxhutumOrilve O 0 0 0 33 29 38