* ~. .,*uu. WHITB FRE P¶E8,WEDNESDAYJUNE 12,1. PAGE 28. DurhaItegion hs maser ~rdnergrOUP Broln WI. members att 'endt environmenlt -confýerenoe. in Ottawa ByEileenYoung More t han 400 women, includ- ing Brooklin WI representatives,, attfended the Federated Women's" Institutes of Ontario conference June 1-3-atCarleton University- i Ottawa., 'Women and their Environ- ment - An International Chal- lenge' stressed that the environ- ment is not only and individual" challenge but also an inter- national challenge. The conference was the second i a series about the environ- ment. Members watched the -inter-' national parade that included Wl members representing their country of origin. 'It's a, Small World' was a challenge which exposed members te the environ- ment on a variety of levels. 'Tih. 'personal onvironment' was addressed by Eleanor Wood who encouraged all participants te "b. the best they could h.» Two differont workshops deait with the environment.. un% by Alan Mirabeli, from the Vanier Instituts of tle Famil deait with the 'Family i the Kd.The other,-'Eat. Woll, :Be WeI, b collette Tracy, senior PUbi health nuiitioniatfo Ottawa-* Carleton, encouraged the partic- pants te, support healthy life- styles by providing snvironmaents; weîî' are edyaits, eý Tii. physical environment was discussed in two, workshops - 'Can Ws Ses the Forest for the. Trees,' by Dr. Darwin Burgess, a research scisntist withForestry Canada, and .'Great; Lakes - From Water Quality -te Mothers and Their Milk' 9by Dr. Jack Vallon- tyns, known as Johnny Bios- phere te, children. Bath deait with practical ideas Wl memhors could use. 1 As the environment is dlis- cussed,,it is important that we do not foz#et o ur native peopls and their views on the environment. Sarah' Smith, member of the turtîs clan of the Mohawk tribo, shared some of the prophecies and told how natives hieedod the environment. Pat Saltsr, reeve of Peel Township , Wellingtn County, 'a deicatedWl member, gave many pointers on how te, alve as if nature matters.' When the Orst confërence was held iKigaton -i 1988, the Wl members were chailenged te have- 100, environmental projecta Ay1-^ Miniâtxy 'of Environément officiai remaà rked «Dont'.yu think y*ùIre.-aimingrtoolugËh7' Ilde Mrden, MO program, rFATIIR'S DAY SPECIALS 10-ý20% OFF TEE-SHIRTS & SHORTS IL ~ 3 - 16 C BRITCHES- JMMYS-MOSER OCEANPACIFIC WE ALSO CARRY TIESy SOCKS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS & WALTER WOLF FRAGRANCES FOR MEN. 51B -Baldwin S.(HWAY. .12)" y Brookljn 655-3963 nsln Open Monday - Sot urdlay 9:00-5:00. Apparel Ample parking ( coordinator, éninounced o-ver 30Q projecteall ai rosOntario had been carried ôut by WIl members.- As well,*ve50 Wl membèes were sù?gIed out as having dons extraordmary, work. *The moot recent, conference <attracted- pa_ýficipants from al acrosa Ontario as well as Quebec, Newfoundlana and New York state. Among the local partici-' pants were Eileen Young and Aleta Campblxl. Participation> by 4H atfalir By Sandra Cambeil Rural OrganlzationSelhi <Mlnistiy of Agrieulture and Food Several 4-H activities, includ- ingi11 educational exhibits, wer. held- at the recent Brooklin P95urà ,4-H'members fr-om Durham West,.Durham East and Victoria took part in the dairy show. Julia Morrw of Oak- wood exhlbited the. grand cham- .a=k4-H caIfL Troy Jackson of kexhibited the reserve champion caif. Carolyn Barkey of Blackstock was the overail grand champ ion showman and Jackson took reserve honors. Matt Holden, of Mount Albert showed the grand champion beef heifer at the-beif show on Juns 3. Grant -Vals 'of Sunderland showed thei- reserve champion beef heifer. 1 Bill Elmhist' of Indian River was named grnd champion beef showman, Penny Beckett of Enniakillen took réserve honors. Durhamé West 4-H memberu from the Animal Frienda Club held thoir achievement day in conjunction with the pet show. Wheels ta Meals lunceoeiJune 2 0 The next Wheels te Meals lun- cheon will ho held on Wednes- day, June 20 naon, at St. Tho- mas Memoria1 Hall, Brooklin. TIb. luncheon is for seniors, shut-ins and disabled in the Ash- burn, Brooklin and Myrtl area. Thers is wheelchair access to, the hall.- .Transportation is available to the luncheons. Caîl 655-4284 or WERE YOU- EVER AN AIR CADET? The Royal Canadian Air Cadets-will be celebrating. their-501h Anniversary in 1991 and we would- like to hear from former Air Cadets. Drop us a post card letting us know what you are doing now and when and where you did your AirCadet training. Maybe you have memn- orabilia for aur archives. Let's hear'from youl Air Cadet League of Canada 2323 Riverside Drive 8lth Floor Ottawa, Ontario KI H 8L5 FAX (613) 991-4347 Voluntesiomlre Durham ltgion recently formsd the '<master ýgardeneî' group. ,This group, is . ponsord ly the rural' orgamization and services brnch of, the Otario Minietry of Agriculture and!Food and the Birooklin Horticultural Society. 1The mandate of the master gardoner progam is to provido,, gardening information to home' gardoners in the community. ¶Ie Brooklin maser gà rdeers have monthly meetings. and have made- some plans (or suinmer activities. Anyone who bas a problem in the gardon and seeka advice, can write Ito -the Brooklin Master Gardeneri, Box 695, %xbridge, Ontario, -10C iKO or call their hotline nïumber on Wednosdays between la. m. a nd 2-,p.mi., at 41-6-434-4636. WHITBY TRANSIT WEEK TAKE NOTICE THATJweo11h10 22= j19 lBhrb polmdas Whltby Trasi Oee n dfor the Tw fWibyi eontof WhIby Transt's 10h yeff of aperatian. Citozns of Whitby are ercig ed tofanïhie them swith the services oiffered by ,Whit ril., Fr.. Transi Service whilb. provlded ail day Saturday, June 23dî 90. Furier frafomn myb obtained *by contacting aour iIHow-DoGe-t-Frm-Hre-To-Ter information number, 668-5803,: fram 8:30 Bm. 7 to 430 pmnW, Monday through Friday.' DÃATED at Whltby, Ontalos- Ibis 131h day of Jue.1M9. RLA. Attorsley. Mayor Town af Whltby j CORPORATION 0F TIHE' ..... TOWN 0F. WHITBY NOTICE'0F INTENTION Street Name- Chanile The Council of the Cor orain ithé Town af WhilyInten= to pass a by-law to change th. on'a Winffeid Street tW ler Strt Thechagein street namWin er apyto ail af WinflekIStreet on ReitrdPlans 4OM-1611iand 4M1612, ar shown below. The p ofsea the change- in street naine is 10 o avoud, any posble cnuon in nrme that might aisewith WnfedCoc whihs located on the BasI sid of Garden Street, north o! 1h. OPA traclcS. The Planning and Dovelopinent Comnmitte. cf-Whilby Council Win. meet on 1he evening oi Tuesday, July,3, 1990. -i the Meeting Hall of the Muaicipal Bking, 575 Rossland Road Eas1, Whitby, for th. pros0f heanng ami person who laims their land wilI b. ulee»ly afeldby 1he by-law. Anpon wishing 10 meet with the Committe us asked toa oeMse th. Twn Cleaocoringly no later than Thwrsday, June 28, 1990. -Donald G. McKay, Clark The Corporation of 1h. Town ai Whitby 575 Rossland Road East - Whitby, Ontmio 1lm iN 2M f 'g