Localjbmrkethoids PrQis Encouraging hiring prospects are shpingup for Oshawa area job seekersin the coming summer. months, according toa the latest Employment' Outlook Survey rêleased, recently by Manpower, Temporary Services. "Our survey - for the third quarter, of 19909- shows that 29 per cent of the area employer. surveyed, plan to hire more staff duning the July/Augustl Septembéir period, while 14 per cent 'predict réductions in workforce sze," reported JoAnne Prout,' area manager of Manpower's Oshawýa office. 'he remaining 57 per cent. anticipate* no change ini current stafflng levels." The oùtlook- last surmmer, by comparison, was even brighter as 40 per cent planned to hire more workers and 3, per 'cent anticipated cutbacks.. I Oshawa, job opportunities appear mst lkely in wholesalef retail trade and transportation/ public utilities. Fewer prspct are -seen inon-durblegos manufactuuing and services., 111e national o utloo1k i Canada' indicates a rebound from the situation of 'three months ago, when the drop i employmentý plans exceeded seaso nal' expectations.. 0f -the. more 'than 1-500 employerà surveyed nationide, 33 per cent express hiring plans while 10 per cent predict reductions. For thec quarter, employer.' I aans, gh not as optimisfic as year, are nonethelesi ýmuch édoser ta Iîistorical third quarter patterns. Among thé - industries, constructon continued the dominance shown lait quarter and last year. As was the. case i 1989, ranspotationand public utilities and who and retail trade closely followed. The present level of demand for staff-among minmng compamies i. substantally below that of sunm'erquarter. in the past two yasand Ilbelow the national averae. in companies are frequently subject ta wide swings in employment trends. I the coenig quarter, 33 per cent indicate they will add staff but 17 per cent are cutting back. Steady growth bas also characterizedthe wholesale and rotail trade fri year ta year until the picture dirnmed i 1990. 'The summer quarter, outlook je close tathat of last year as34 per cent indicate plans ta- increase staff and four per cent indicate their workforce will decrease. .Among the leadingindustries i recent year., le fnance, insurance and real estate idustry will "enc recovery froni the blak position of the. first six months of this year. hn iei coning three months, 24 per cent anticipate increased hiring levels and n. per cent decines. The summer season always years of the early 1980.. The élide froni last year for non-durable goods manufacturer. has not been as steep. At this time, 29 per cent are planning ta icrease staff and 12 per cent are cutting back. Each year mince 1984bas shown steadily, increasng activity mi the transportation and: public. utilities industry. Tisd sector, as M i similar quarters,1of tIie past two yeara, is among the natina leaders as 35 per cent Plan additional hiring andoly ttwre ver. cent eéxpect to reduce staff The brisk hiring pace of the past five.years a mong educators apper to have reached a substatial slowdown ini1990. Demand for new employeesý are considerably reduced ni the first haif of the year and the JulyI August/September quarter offers no relief. Although a respectable 31 r cent will recruit new emplIoyees,21 ,per .cent wll< reduce'staff levels. That number bas not been surpassed during the last 12 years. The boom years of 1987-1989 are over but the picture among the service industry is optimistic. I this traditional peak season, 35 per cent are reriting new staff and nine per cent expect empiqymentdeclines. ¶The outlook isab1ove the national average. Among govrnment sectors, the aggresve, employxnent activity is continuing. through its flthyear. I the second 'consecutive qurepublic ,administration rnthdthe ,highly- cbarged const xton industiy for empl ent leadrship of the. nation Fryfu per cent of t>q federal and rvni etr contacjed indicated they wore lr'7 LAWN SA VER New for 1990.. A perfect top dressing for- sections of Iawns prone -to stress from hot, dry weather. Provides insulation, root shade & moisture retention. 100% organic. 60L .j4 $1-9 seeldýig additional workers and six prcent" weenpecting to reduùýe the s"zeof their workfor4#e. T1I Qaiery mployment Outlýok survey is ci ducted ma ýublic service by Manpo we1r ~emporary Services, ti ol' largest e mpiyetsriewith 65 ofces nCnaaad , offices worldwide in 32 countries. ARNTS TOPS, Un"ilock Interlock«ing Paving "Stones Delivered or Oustomer Pick Up For Quick, Reliable service Cali...A.0 7 *TOP SOUL FIREWOOD *Sand *Limestone Cur.. Pin. Mulch Plockry Sone Patio Siaba * Gravel Treated Timnbe CLAY BUSTER Improves soul composition. 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