PAGJe 34,,w n,'y EREEPRES&WEDNESDAY JUE -19<& BIRTH CONTROL and fanly BACHELORi AND SINGLE S14ARED ACCOMMODATION - AUCTION SALE FARM, INDUSTRIAL, Lawn and planning counsolling. free and fumished rooms, in Pickering Exocutive home N.E. Whitby. VeryJNE1-110AM. Gdn Eqimt Inntr confintial, availablo Monday ta Village an t ho GO Bus Line $90. dlean, quiet. Ail included $3w5 reduction aucëtian. lhursdayi June Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 430 p.rn. 01mbe and up.- Bachelor $500/manth. mnhy al ev esg,-am eupfet fr LU 7t, 10 mfr-Wnhse overy Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6:00 Utilhiis shared. Avaliabiemnhylai emsae, Farmequ a ime fornersU5 7th, 1et of arnr Wichesor 420-878or f433-8901.ormaion,_____________________ftl mi. oast of Oshawa on Taunton Rd, New Hoiland and Universal ______________________Watch for sign. Ta bo sold: 35 M.F.- Dealers.- w.#1 eta HAE diesel tractar, 50 M.F. gas tractor StYe.?upotI xeln HOME O VIS trasfered taBROOUN. Vry lrge FYOU 0N9~ AVE lioadr, 1 Conihon Pno d fordotai(70p videa tape. European vldeo tape 1-bedroomn & 3-bedroom ps ALOT 0F m« tractnr. Gîlwn rear tire rntt.îîîr-4842 w iYel Iu. I.UW, IJW pie. 728-9565. WOMEN IN ABUIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For heip, calI the Denise House for women and children. Toîl froe 1-800-263-3725 or' 728-7311. Confidentiality assurod. (Formeriy Auberge.) LOSE WEIGHT, the sale and easy way without dieting with new suppress tabiets. Full information. Sond SASE ta:. Bodytrn, Box 8446,- Dundas, Ontario, L9H 6M1. B THANKS TO- THE HOLY Spirit Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Judo for favors received. RS *LOSE WEIGHTI* Lose up ta 30 Mr. in *30 days with "Diet ise Program". Nio hunger. Lose inches/cellulito. Earn $$$ as you lose. Dana 1-416-550-0232 toilfreo. B BAHA'S BEUEVE: Endeavour ta the utmast of thy powors to establish the word ai truth with sioquence and wisdam and ta dispel faisehood from the face ai the earth..Cail 668-8665. WHITBY IMMACULATE 3 bedroom bungalow with huge one bedroam inlaw apt. Quiet. aiea, near sohool and bus. $1,150 plus utilties. Cati 430-8995. WHITBY - BROOKWOOD (Garden/Rossland). Tormina, built executivo 4 bedroamn, 2,600 sq,ft. 2 skylights, cathedral ceiling, 2-V2 bat hs, Scariet O'Hara staircase, f ireplace. August 15.420-2815. IMMA%.ULATE 3 BEDROOM bungalow in Whitby, 6 appliances, oxtras, near GO. Open HIouse June 9, 10, 1:00-4-00 p.m. 668-8910, 725-8645. $198,900. . . . . . ... . . . Large treea yard. Close 10 ail ameni ties. Available Aug. 1. Rent $735/month for ' 1-bedroom, $845/manth for 3-bedroom. Heat & hydro included. Referonces. Flrst & last. C.aîl Herb Visser 985-0856. WHITBY - ONE BEDROOM apartment availablo Juiy* 1. $528 monthiy includes fridge, stove, parking & utilities. Apply 110 Victoria St. W., 666-0271. BROOKDALE- ARNS now' ronting new one & two bedromr apts., $650 & $795 per month, al inclusive. Apply at 100 William, St. W., downtown Osawa, 723-1282. 0~. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitahie for iawyer, dactor's office, accountant, etc. Cali 623-5524. MORTGAGE HELP consolidation lst 211cj 3rds W o C redi t C he c k s U p 1 o 9 0 ý. Fj si Service. Private FLiticlý., Act Novi 434-7463 BETTRIDGE FINANCIAL SERVICE§ LTID. MORTGAGESý *Res1onimW.CommsrW. Constructon *UP to 9"%Fclng ad sfl mi n *l,2n ,&d à &Àwo f sale a *Fast Aprvl FtCoia- 24 1&W Service FREE IN HOUE CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PRE-OUJAUFY BEFOME YOU BUy 223 Brock St. N. CIICAPIAL Site 201 661-5607 Whltby, Ot PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says. "NO". Serving- Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS.' 8 ACRES mixed hardwoods. Close ta, beach and lake, yoar-round road, permits available. $19,900. Cali 683-4019.' 3 P.H. 3-f urraw plow, 3 P.H. 5- disk, 2 - 6' Cuftlvators, 6" scraper ble, 2 rollers, Calsa tralier aprayer w/piston pump, walklng piow, scuffers, seed drill, grain auger w/motor, 3 P.H. fertilizer spreader, drag harraws, fencing, steel roafing, 2 fuel tanks, tools plus small items farmn-related. Not a large sale. Corne eariy. For more information, cati 416-263-4252. GARRY POWELL GARY SHMYR, AUCTIONEIERS Lunch a.vailable. STOP. Don't throw it out. Somnebody mnight want it. Try the classffieds. Phono 668-6111.> SATrURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION JUNE 9,- 1990 - 6:30 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, «0 m N.E. af Oshawa, -overy Saturdai night at 6:30 p.m. This wee contents of Brooklin home t( Include: 9 pc. dining roomn suite chesterbeld suite, oak chini cabinet, chairs, extra dining tables large quantity of dishes, ail lamps pîctures, mahogany tee wagon coins, stamps & hockey cards Rayai Doultan figurines plus lote more ta unoack. Large sale. Cami early. 2 rings weather permitting For mare information, cal 416-263-4252. GA RRY K. POWELL GARY SHMYR, AUCTIONEERS CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., JUNE 8 AT 6 P.M. Refinished pine bonnet chest, blanket box, matching antique dresser and wash stand, Duncan Phyfe table, East Lake chairs, 2 oak curio cabinets, pins drop leaf table, wash stands, antique dressers, large quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, coal ail lamps, Duncan Phyfe table & 6 chairs, walnut buff et, walnut china cabinet (glass 3 sides), wickor chairs, 1986 Pontiac Firebird, quantity of unplaned inch & 2-inch pine & codai lumber, quantity ai tools, china, glass & coilectible Items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL (705) 789-2183 'i. y k o 1, a 1, 1, s CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNE 12i - 6:30 P.M. Double brase bec, gingerbread dbo 1Chesterfield I& fmatching chair, captain's bed, ýeiectric organ, automatic washer, 3-plece modem bedroom suite, modern dressers & chosts ai drawers, mantel dlocks, refinùshed aval top trunks, large qua 4Ity of modemn furniture, tools, c inà & glass. DON AND GREQ~ CORNEIL (705) 786-2183.. Il le ~444 4 4 # c N/W ONT. Waterfront Golff Course, Rosonts, Hotels, MAotels, Licensed Restaurants, Lumber Yard. Landry's For Real Estate Inc. (Reator). Gus Lanry. 3 Scott St reet, Fart Francs. (807) 274-7738. Fax (807) 274-8383. Paul Landry #2-25. Main Stroot, Kenara (807) 468-9871. Fax (807 468-9167).B AUCTION SALE' "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS"- every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. iocated on Brook Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of, Hwy. 401 (exit #399).- Featuring every Wed. an excellent. selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, coilectibies, primi- tives, and the unusuals. Sa join us* oevery Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctians with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment & estate. selling aur spcalty". Cail us today. Previews tramI 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SET SAIL THIS SUMMER ln Lindsay. Rivermili Village, aduft waterfrorit condominiums ,In downtown, LlnidsaY -now- allers Boati'ng Slips rught on the Trent-Sevem waterway. Rivermîli- provides access ta 240 miles of spectacular fishing a~ sigtseingromLake Ontario, ta Georgian BaY. 14 Suite -designs. magnificent Rivermili Ciubhouse., tram $172,900. Cati L4pper Canada Lakes 1-800-461-6521, B thero'a somothing for cveryone in the Classiflcds. Whcthcr yorbuying, selling, rcnting 4 youero suro te get resuits. 6 Cail our Classified Dept. Today 668-6111 e lst, 2nd's & 3rd's- at prime rate *Up to 90% financing Il Consolidation and problem niortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe comnmunit Financial Sevices Corp.' 965 Dundas St., W., Ste 2o5, Whitby THE BEST 0F BOI7HWRD Enjoy a year round cottage retre at on almost. one acre. Property is -zoned toallow perm«anent residence. -Add-on or build your new'dreéamý home, on- this mature, treed lot w~- crystal clear, stream. Direct accèss to LaeScugog.- Good swimming, boa ting and fishing. Minutes from Port Perry. Also, 2-adjoining lots avai14ie. Owner will. build to suit if desired. OWNER WILL HOLD MQRTGAGE AT 10%. Cail Bill Littie at:, .434-.0J~3. OsJ~aà a(Private).,- ,.- m