Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1990, p. 30

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A PAGE 30, WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6,1lm Longtime.teachers.ho noredbbor By Trudlie Zavadovlcs Twenty five years ago Wbitby had its own separate achool board. St. Paul's school could have had a board of its own.,St. Bernard's was a four-room school in downtown Wib. St. lhersds nd onis O Connor bad private boards. It was 25 yoars ago that Gloria Davis and Betty fluidor bean their teaching careers. %Bey were bonored for that terni cf sorvico at the May 22 separate school board meeting, each given a achool bell to commemoratè the event. Both now teach at St. Paul's school in Whitby and both say they made the rigiti career choie Trafalgar Casie Tiffany Bradlley WeII, this is the last Trafagar artcle for this year. 1 have thoroughly eiijoyed the experience of writing for 'the paead saigour achool memories and experiences with the tw.aeweil totoegraduating, and to those who won't he returning next year. We will nues you very much, and treasure the memories you have left with us. The weather seemed to agree with us on May Day, so we didn't have to kil our knees, kneeling on tlhe hardwood floors of the concert hall. The ceremony was well attended and one of the bout ever. Our Mary Queen was L.oupu Momolu fom Libeia, Mfrica. Sho poesesSed ail the qualities of 'Truth, Virtue, Loveliness - our school motto. We raised over $5,500 betwen the 'Grand Auctioei' and the scrurnptious foods of the world. Thank you for attonding this wonderful ceremony and supUvig our sehool. MayDay>'s winug, house was Carter. I{owevor, Rr tl h 'Opu7~for the victory in the baeball finals. Maxwell nowhastcustody of the mascot for winning the house debating finals, but at least Haro had 24 bours of glory. The voting of« next year's poitions is new to us this yoar. lIn previous years, various staff mombers have appointed the positions but now we've gone dornoratic. Awards for varlous achievements- will bo prosented on 'Class Day,'our cloing ceremony. l'd like to givo a cheor to the compotitive houses as tbey strive to place first in the track and fleld events. Join the spirit and wear your bouse colors. Maxwell is Mlue, Haro yellow, Farewell green, and Carter- rod. Good luck alo i the staf aaist student final Jeopardy. Don't lot the staff boat us again like in h baseba]l gaine! . I wish the best to, the writing thoir exams, bave a safe and happy sumzner and 'il se. you in September! Special t1hanka. to Mr. Kamcke, our achool principal, for making this anothor succesafll year for ail of us bore -atTrafalgarl Zôbyears ago. "I have nover wanted to b. anything else » bas Davis. "I love it.I coulai neyer see myseif doing anything elso." Davis is originally from a smail tewn cailed Garson which is near Sudbury. <'Dad was a minor and moni was a waitress. Neither parent wont te achool. No on.elseè in my famil went inte teaching,» says Davis. She says ber dad was always confident that she could do any- thing she set lier mind te. And she set her mind te teacbing. "I can hardly remember niY first year,» says Davis. "But I remember taking 26 kids by inyse ot downtown Toronto by TC.» 8 h e added that that couldn't or wouldn't happen .Oflthe 25 years, Davis bas tauigbt 10 have been 'ini the DrTham separate school sasten and15 have been in theMto separate scbool system. zEvery year goes faster and faster. 1 want te, do more and more. There's just no time.» Huider hact pleny of teacher role-models mn ber faznily, and knew froin grade il on that she would bo a teacher. "I bad lots cf teachers hI m faniily. Froni grade il on I new that's what I wanted te do. It's tho type cf job you get total emersed un.» Huider had taugbt for the Dur- bain separate school systeni for ber entire 25 years and she also feels the tume has whizzed by. Botb teachers bave seen signi- ficant changes un the sebool sys- tom. GLORIA DAVIS and Betty Huider, 25 teachers-at st. Paul Cathohe- Schoo4, yearw were recently awarded engraved years brass beils fom the school board for their 25 years of teachinýg service. Tey . aents as more iu- forem edlrn more indepen- do nt aneurriculunis more expanded. They both agree that language and communication is a key in today's oducation. Denis O'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus Things are finally winding down hore at IXYC. Final exains will binon June 14. I ho voryone ba sUstrted studying already. Good Our basebali team played thoir final two ganes last Tuesday, May 29. The nuzuber one ranked Eastda]e A teain suffered a big upset when it was defeated by DUYC. But DOUC went on te lose te O'eill in the semi-final. Congratulations te the tee=mand their coaches, Mr. Boydand Mr. McDonough. ýw'ht evening, two DCYC students, Kari Van Allen and Mirielle Huneault, involved in the Peer Ministry program made a presentation te a group of teachers at Paul Dwyer. They explained What Peer Ministry, which is a peer couniselling group for teenagers in our school, has te offor te ail srts of students. Both girls represented DU~C very well. On Thursday, May 31, candidates for the 1990-1991 student council executive dehivered their speeches toc the student body at an assembly. Based on thein, I amn postive that aIl of the positions will be filled hby vexy motivated and energetic students. lection results with a list of ail the winners will be n next week"s article. This past Monday, June 4ý DO'C's Showcase 9O was held. It was an opprtunity for many students who have made contributions te our school te get recognition. Awards for muéc, co-op, drna, field lacrosse, math, croative writing, and even newspaper writing were given out. Congratulations winnerst. DO'C' fourtb annual athletic banquet wll be held at the Whitby Yatcb Club tomorrw evening. Following the dinner'there will ho awards and prizes given out, a semi-formal dance, and an opportunity te meot al ofDO'CIs athiotes. 1* promises te bo a great evening. Finally, the school closing mas will ho held on Priday. This signais the. end of rogular classes and the. boginnig of Review Week. Aga i tte studenta, gcd luck, studying. Jomn me next week for My final ticl fÉr4hi uah~~mr~ ~~'-~' - ~*--tif, In focus CURTIS LONG and Jason frwin of euring focal length of lenses, during Beilwood publice chool are 'exeMMg the Science OlYniic held recently into Foc us,' an explermment ini mea. at Eastdale CVI. ]Peter Tomliu photo, Pa-rk expansion is a sqtep coser 1 - CANCERP PROMFA CE 1 Sobolak replied that <'a oe cf sale was going on but Idon't know if it'slea -ui, tim àwnsit bels-notuljgt. - Folowng h..setn~ obo- lak said the park was put up for sale by the rnortgage holder due te Huggins'financialsituation, but bui client doos1 not wish to Ibi. prk'has ben lxiexitence

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