WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6,1990, PAGE 27 e Hawk wnLOSSA, aim for CpFina There's no place like dome. The Skydomne, that is where the Henry Hawks basebail squad aistopa if they can s ne captures provincial hurd les titie DOUG FIfIr Offfhtby, gold medaflst in the ban- tamweight class at the recent Ontario boxing cham- pionsbipo, is one of the Ajax Boxing- Club members who wil have bouts at a tournamnent Mi Max on Sunday afternoon. Boxing j ust recreation for Ontario champion By Chris Bovie A fan of the sport of boxig, Doug Fisher of Whitby put on the gloves two years ago and has since gono undefeated in six matches. Fisher began boxing in Osh- awa -and thon joined Don Ross and the Ajax Boxing Club. Boss, a master of teaching the basics, helped Fisher deveiop is Akills. That tute.1age rosuited in an aggressive, yet poisdu tyeta bas made Fihor the all-Ontario novice bantamweight chani. Finding time te train anZflght bas become a larger load te handle for the 20 -year-old boxer. Fisher studios sports administ- ration at Durham Coieg, and much of Mis spare- time is given te a hectic training schodule that includes four days a week in the gyrm and regular roadwork. 've stayed mn boxing a lot longeor thon I pianned te,» says F'herý whe maintains thaà t box- mng is strictly a recreational acti- Idon't have any goals, rmn justgeinte take itasait cores. Fishripreparing for hMs neit> figt Jne 0.The Ajax Boxing Club as pannod its next card te, bo held -outdoors at the Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club. Fisher wiil probably fight Charles Jackson, a boxer ho has faced before and Mis teughest opponent te date. 'sprobably teugher facing a fighter you've beaten beforo, » Fisher says. «You worry that ho is more intent on beating yeu.» Novertheiess, Fisher will b. aiming te, maintain an unbeaton status i the recreational pursuit that bas so far paid dividends. -Bouts S unday Tho Ajax fBôxiùg-Club,-spon- sored by the Warndorers Rugby Club, will hold the second aniual boxing show on Sunday, June 10, Amo pjih n Aa flgtingwill ho the clu¶'s five Ontario goid medailists including Doug Fisher of Whiîtby in the bantani- welîght division. Thore will ho- 12 boute at the Wanderers'park located on Har- wood Ave. N., just south of Taun- ton. Admission.is $10 for adulte, $6 for chiidren under 12. Jason Brumley of Henry Street HighSho o gold at the OFSAA track and field chain- pionships i Sudbury over the weekend. Brumloy won tho midget-age boys 100m hurdies with a timo of 13.4 seconds. Ho waa aloo second in tho 100m sprint. Anothor Henry hurdior, Jason Bacchiochi, was flfth in the junor 0lm hurdies. Prom AndersonCVI, Susanno Perroni was fifth in sonior girls 100m hurdies. Anderson's Pennie Santiago was seconrdi midget-ago girls 400m run. Gabriel Shu of Ander- son was third in midgot-age boys long jump. Andy. Brereton of Anderson was second in junior long jump and third in tho 100m sprint. Jon Hopkins of Henry was seventh in midget triple jump. Whitby swim team shatters relay record Their coaches expected good results. But no one would have prodic- ted that four 1O-year-olid girls from the Whitbyfroquois; Swim Club would shatter the Canadian record in the 4x100 relay. The setting was the Parc Olympic Montreal Intornation Meet held May 25-27. The exist- ing Canadian record of five minutes 37.25 seconds had been setb baNorth York club. While records are usually broken by the slightest of mar- gins, the 10-and-under record was destroyed by eight and a half seconds. The swimmers, Lindsay CrW- der, Lisa delMastro, Alison Dun- lop and Stacey Bout ail had individuai best time splite during the relay. Head coach Lucy Hewitt-Hen- derson could see the teani begin- 41 fe da-an inkling about a month ago. Individually we could see it comim egeither. They actualy puiled it offboeras a unit,-" Henhderson said. Th 1irl had te set the record witoutromtig a-mint other toams. "It tends ebarder" Henderson stated. «But the g is knew exactly what they hadt do.» The girls have also just corne off a meet at the Youth Cup in Etebicoke where thoy alm-ost broke the record for the 4x50 relgy. Aithough this record slipped barely from their reach, the girls have the age group international and the agle group provicials in which t6 caim the new goal A 12-hit attack and strong pitching by Jeremy Harnesa r- ried the Heny Hawks to an 8-3 Win over ONeill Redmen and the LOSSA basebali chanipionship last week. With the win, coach Ken Samansici and returning piayers erased the bitter taste of defeat from a year ago. With some success in a tournament ini Toronto this coming weekend, thoy1l get a chance te play at the S'yMks played realiy weil. O'Neill has got te wait their turnlm» Samanski said. Harness put forth a gutsy effort, pitching the firat fiviein- nings with a tender eIbow. Henry ~jumped on ONeilI for tbreo runs m the first ixming. With the score 3-1, Shane Kleddy ht a two-rn single that took thebreath out of the opposi- tion. Mnne Windover of Whitby led the Ontario girls fieidlacrosse team te a runner -up finish in a teurnament in May in Surrey, B.C. Ontario won the round-robin series with victeries of 13-1 over South Fraser 11, 11-2 over the -University of« Washington -541 ovor Seattle and 10-2 ovor âouth F'raser I. In tho final, B.C. Selects, the 1989 Canadian champions,m defeated Ontario 7-6. Windover scored 21 goals and addod 12 asslsts in thèe five gamos. Kerri Hardili of Peter- borough had 12 goals and 12 assiste. Natalie Brousseau of Whitby had a goal. After submerging Peter- borough last week, Booklin ]Red- men were humbied 9-5 in a return match over the weokend' in Peterborough. For Brok, it was thoir second loss of the soason, and -they romain in second behind the first-place Quakers in tho major lacrosse Ile standing JoeandGery ilz iclQuak- ors as Joe scored four goals and Uerr tw. Peter Parko, Ercý Perni, Grog Lopin., John Fusco and Kevin VanSickle scored for Redmen. Rodmon. are stili playing with- eut the Gait brothers, members ef the Syracuse team that won the U.S fîld lacrosse champion- ship last week., Gar and Paul Gait led Syracuse totheotitie. Last week, Redmen rumbled te a 174 win ovor theprevieusiy unheaten Quakers. Park., the western import who is' ieading the Redmen in scoring thus far, scored three goals anddd two "That was the ,key.,hit " Samanski said. " It realfy changed th momentum.ý' The Blue Jay Cup pro- liminaries will be hold this Week- end., Six teams, divided inte two pools, wilI compote in a round- robin format. Mie winner of each pool will do battie for the Blue Jay Cup to be played at the Skydome June 20. Henry reached the LOSSA final by defeatin g Ajax 6-4 in oxtra-innings on ay 29. Jeif Hardy ws the winming pitcher and smacked in fOur runs, three w'ith a home mrn biast ovor the fonce. Jamie Wat- ters also bit a home run. 1 Henry had oarlier defeated Paul Dwyer 9-1 inM the quarter- finals. i Four members of the Oshawa Genorals - Eric Lindros, Jarrod Skaldo, Wade Simpson and Scott. Hollis - play for Henry. At a teurnament in Wellesley, Massachussetts- on the followYinýg weekend, Windover scored 22 pais to paco Ontario te tho championshp. In round-robin, Ontario defea- ted Colorado 10-6 and U.S. South 9-5 before falling 9-6 te New England. In the semi-fmnals, Ontario defeated California 10-8 anil in tho final, doubled U.. idwest 12-6. Windover addod il assista for a -total of .33 p oints i tho U.S. Women's Field LacrossiAssocia- tion National Tournament. Julie Kernohan* of Whitby scored nihe goals and. added three assiste in the teurnamnent. assists." Bill Passfield, Fusco and Ken Colley each scored twice for Red- -mon while Lepine, VanSickle, Paul St. John and Bill Calian- had singles. Warriors Sarni a Whitby Warriors managed their fourth win in mne &ames this season with an il -10 deci- sien over Saria on Sunda. Steve Dyment score four gasad hd two assiste whiie Greg Van Sickle scored three gas ad added four assiste. Pch Dyment had three goals and Dean Vanderline had one. Todd Whitlock hsd four goals snd four assiste for Sarnia;- Windover ies top Ontarlo scorer 0 - tournaments Pet erb orough, deal-s Redmen second les WHMY ME PRESS,'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. M. PAGE 27