Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1990, p. 14

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PAGE 14. WIIITYFRPM PRESS, WENESDAY, JUNE 6,1990 1 3LOOD DONATIONS A blood donar clinic.- will be held Wednesdaty, June 20, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., in the Whitby Psychi- atrie Hospital auditorium, build- ing 30.For mare information cal 68-5881. DOWN SYNDROME D>urham Down Syndrome Association wiIl hoidthi annual picnic on June 10, 2 p.m. te dusk, at Harmony Conserva- tion Area. Call 831-8300 for more information. ...~ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY .........PLANNING DEPARTMENTf NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEFmTING Monday, Jun. 18, 1990 @7.15 pn Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal B5ilding Whltby, Ontario A Publie Meeting wuiIl be held by the Planing and Development Commttee of Council of the Corporation of the Tawn of Whitby te consider a proposed comprehensive zoring by-Iaw amen&nent te By-Iaw 1784 and By-Iaw 2585 which would allow accessory uses such as limited retail converience outiets and bank machines as of right within the 'GB' Gas Bar zones in the By-Ioew. The proposed amencknent would apply te ail properties within the 'GB' Gas Bar zone within the Town of Whitby. The purpose of this meeting is te provide adequate information ta the public and ta ermnit interested persens the oppartunity te rQake submissuens with respect te the proposed zoning amendment. If you are unabeto-attend the meeting, your wntten submssions can be filed in wniting by mail or personal delivery te meach the Planning Department net later than regular worlcing hours on J une 25, 1990. lnterested persons mnay inspect addituonal information relating te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rlossiand Road East duriN~ regular working hours, Monday to Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephening (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby CORPORATION 0F THE _ TOWN OF WHITBY .. ......PLANNING' DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, Jun. 18, 1990 C& 845 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whltby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee of Councii cf the Corporation cf the Town of Whitby te censider a proposed amendiment te the Regional and Town of Whitby Officiai Plans as submitted by Jinny Slyfild. The subject property is located in Part cf Lot 19, Concession 1 as shown on the sketch beiow. DRIVEi PLACE OPA 90-029/C01W Coming events VON MEEMIG Victorian Order of Nurses, flurliai branch, will hold their annual dinner meeting on Wed- nesday, June 13, 6 p.m., at Cul- len Gardens. Guest speaker will be Carol Kushner, author cf 'Second Opiion,' w;ho will dis- cuaes 'TMe Troule With Health Gare in Canada.' Toreserve tick- ets ($30), cail 571-3151. THEOS A seif-help group for widowed men 'and women meets at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli, Cochrane St.., Whitby. Al widowed men and women are invited to attend the next meeting at 2 p.m., June 10. For nmere information eaU 668-2648. WTRAWBERRYTEA The annual 'Strawberry Tea' will be held at Fairview Lodge on Tuesday, June 26, 1:30 te 3:30 p.m. Entertainiment wiil be pro- vided by local pianists . The tea will be held te, celebrate Senior Citizens Month in June. Ail wel- came. MEETING The Spanish Canadian Society will meet on F'riday, June 8, 7:45à r m, a Cntral Colleg"iate Inati- lute, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Ail members and newcomers are welcome. This is the last meeting cf the season. For more informa- tion caîl 579-2334 or 430-7829. WIIEELHA CLINI The Ontario March cf Dimes LliAiaim Regional ,Advisary Ceinmittoe will hold their animal <Wheelchair Clinic' on Saturday, June 9, at Durham Coilege from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. Many individuals and local busmnesses are showing their support fur this event. During the iast dueni, over 75 wheelchairs were servkced throughout the day. Organizers for this year's event estimate that the saine number of individuais will benefit from the clinie, Individuals who are interested in benefitting f-rm this free service are asked te contact Claire at 434-5280, before May 25. AL-ANON The l8th annuai Alcoholica Anonymous lakeshore district conference will be held July 13, 14 and 15 at Civic Auditorium, Oshawa. fIere will be guest spe akers, panels, informiation abut AI-Arion and Alateen, and a banquet, dance and fellowithip. For more informnation write te Làakeshore District Conference, Box 2003, Station A, Oshawa, Ont, Liii7V4. CONCERT IN THE PARK The Oshawa-WVhitby Fiddle Club will perform i the band- shell at Rotary Park on Sunday June 17, 7 te 9 p.m., the firat of three summer performances by the club in the park A collection will be taken, ail money te be donated te the WhitbjyGeneral Hospital Firat Glass Fund cam- paiLan. Bring a lawnchair. PANCAKEBRUNCH A pancake brunch and bake sale will b. held by St. Leo's Church at the community hall, Cassels Rd., Brooklin on SundaLy, June 10, 10 a.m. te l p.m. Coat 's $4 aduits, $2 children, free for pre-schoolerr. SPRING RALLY Faith Baptist Ghurch Women's Basé,=n y ellowship is hosting its a n aSpring Rally on June 21 at the church, 95 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. The meeting wiil commence at 8 p.mn. Special speaker for the evening wiil b. Carol Kent cf Port Huroni4 Mchigan. She is the founder and director of "'Speak up With Confidence' seminars andteaches communication '1skills nationwide. The tepie will be 'Secret Passions of. the Chiian Woman.' Every Christian woman longs- for fulhment and victory in speciflc, measurable areas cf lber life reflected uniquely in her sphere of influence. This toapic explores ten différent areas in which most woman struggle for fifflhment and success, including the passions for significance, security, mntimacy, success and spirituality. Special music will be presented by Margaret Brown. Ail ladies are welcome. Refreshments will follow the meeting. YARD SALE The County Town Singera wil hold a yard sale on Saturday, June 16, starting at 8:30 a.m., on Church St. i Columbus (Simcoe St. N., about two miles north of Durham College). Proceeda will go te the singing tour in Europe i 1992. ý SELF-DEFENCE 'Every Woman, Can...,' an ini- tensive self-defenoe prograin, will be held by Outregch Abuse Pre- vention on Saturdays, June 16 and 23, 9 a.m. te .4 p.m., at Whitby General Hospita. Cst is $45 perperson. Té register or for more informiatien cali- 432-7821. ÏffiD ST Usera of Durham (STUD), a usera grouip that helps owners of Atari's ST and TT computers, will meet on Tuesday June 19 7:30 p.m., in raom 408h, Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa FUN FAIR E.A. Fairman public achool will hold the fifth annual 'Fun Fair' on Thursday, June 14, 6 te 8:30 pm. There will be a barbe- cue, bake table, games, wishinqg well and raffes,- (one prize is tickets te a Blue Jays' game). JWOMEN'SAGLOW Wemenî's Aglow, Fellowship (Oshawa-Whitby) will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 14, 7 p.m., at the arts resource centre behind Oshawa cityhall. Guest speaker will be Jean Morgan, founding president cf Women s Aglow. For more information cal PICK[N' SESSION Pïneridge Bluegrais Folklore Society wil hold a piekin' session on Sunday, June 10 from 2 te 5 pam. at Camp Samac (main council hall, north entrance off Conlin Rd), Oshawa. Everyone welcome. EPILEPSY Epilepsy Oshawa and Area chapter will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coîborne St. W.,- Oshawa. 'Family Night' includes aIl family members and friends for a fun evening. fera will be clown, videos for chil- dren, refreshinents and pries For more informnation, call 436- 3152. Admission is $1 for niem- bers, $1.50 for non-m1m ro more information eall 576-8294. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN CF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, June 18, 1990 @ 8:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be heid by the Planning and Devetopment Committee of Cauncil of the Corporation cf the Town af Whitby te cansider a proposed amrendment te the Regienal and Town cf Whitby Officiai Plans as submitted by Paul Daigle. The subject property is lacated in Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 as shown on the sketch below. ~ \rv~~- VA:-ICIC POP 002 / HIGHWAY 401 The purpose of 'the Officiai Plan Amenchnent application is te redesignate the property frem Industrial te Residential to permit a medium density residential development. The purpose of this meeting is te provide adequate information te the public and te permit interested persans the opportunity. te make representation in respect te the Officiai Plan Amendment application. If yeu are unable to attend the meeting, your representation cari be flled in wrting by mail or personal deliveiy te 'meach the Planning Department net later than regular werking hours on June 25, 1990. lnterested persons may inspect aliditionai information relating te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Read East during regu.iar werking heurs, Monday to Fnclay or may contact the Planning Department by teiephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director cf Planning Corporation of the Tomn cf Whilby LITERALLY Registrations are beiniz accep- ted for 'Literahly Lîiteracy' (literacy awareneDss presentation) te, be held Wednesday, June 13 8 a.n1. te 2:30 p .m., in the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospitai auditorium, building 30. cost is $20 (includes' lunch). Guest speaker will be Dr. Murray S pence. For more infor- mation eall Judy Galpin at 668- 588r. è«t 5510. bèfol4 JIIidAt' lnterested persons may inspeci adcltional information reiating te, the abeve application in the Planning Department, Level 7, 575 Rossland Road East during regular werking hours, Monday to Fnday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whltby . il

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