Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1990, p. 8

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-- I hlM ~II~ PAýGE 8, WHffBY FREE PRESS,'WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1990 Waiting list for assisted hbusinýg growrvng In 1ura By Mike Kowaloki ThIe number of families requ- îng subsidized housing in Dur- hem is increasing every year, says the Durham Region Nmon- Profit H-ousing Corporation'. But. only with mnore funding froin senior levels of governent will assisted housing needs be adequately addressed, 9saý aime regionai councillors. Concillors attendingi last week's annual meeting of the corporation were told that while the overail vacancy rate in Dur- hem has improvedi, the number of families on waiting lists for -assisted housin«.has grown.* A CHECKIIST 0F EVERYTHING YOU NEED T OO0K AFTER YOUR POOL THIS SUMMER tf LIQUID CHLORINE IALGAECIDE Have yubet a urpolsupl tore iately and had- your water analyzed o probal found that yau needed shck, puc.ks, boosters, st~iizrs tet its anduther praduots too numneraus ta mention. At SWish, we believe you cmn KEEP IT SIMPLE. We have a Fre. Guide To Cure And MaIntenane cof Your Swmming Pool. which Wiil answer any problem yau may have. The heart and saut of a simple programn centres eround Swish-Blrite 12% liqmd chlorine. it's 12% avaliable chiorine andl 88% watqr. There's no seciment for algae ta form eround or ta clog your fliters. Most public pools in Whitby, bshawivanad Newcastle use Swish- Brite exolusivoly. You like the convenuence af pucks? Consider the Ralachemn Automatic Pool Chkxlnatur.. Swish-Brite is automaticaily fed into yowr pool. Alil you have ta do is change the container every 2 weels or so. Swish-Brite is economical. Its less than a quarter of the price of pucks,', one.alf the price of pawder. Came on down ta the Swish Ciean-lt Centm 'and let us show you how ta iook after your pool the easy way this sumer. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 t-I MAKING BANKING MORE CON VENTENT FOR YOU. Monday - Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EFFECTIVE JUNE 8r 1990 CIBC, 101 BROCK ST. Ne. (DUNDAS AND B ROCK) will now be opened extended hours to serve you better. Corne In. Fred Wynistorf, Manager, and staff are proud to serve you. We always have Itime for you; anytirne. If you have- any questions about CIBC -accounts, rates and services, please cali us at 668-3351 or please cal CIBC Contact 980-CIBC Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. G&t us o0kirzfOyOU! I m - I-I Almoàt 706 faelies; werp registe ed hth Drhx Housing Athbityin 1â89 com- ped til slightly lesthàn 500i 1988 azd just iover 400 the year beore. Seniors depîring subsidized hIousing alo sow a dramat ic increase. Ini 1988, tbere were sligty more than 20 enior housiholds on the waitin? liat for housing. Lest year thatnumber had juin- Iped to about3 0. .General ianager Mofeed Michefl said e corporation has made great p ~gress in providing affordabie h using since its establishmený in 1985, but he conceded more is required.' Michael sa'id the Region is doing its share and called- on others in the pommunity such as church group Lad co-operative eosý prop>4nents ta continue The corporation currently operates six buildings in Durham for a total of ý61 units. Two builoIings providing another 187 qnits are under con- struction. wlile another eight projects containing 521 units are planned. Three of the projects are pro- posed for Wtb -- a 110-unit development on Winfield St., an 84unit building on Perry St. end a 51-unit building on Dundas St. W. Corporation- president Diane Hamre of Newcastle said the, corporation regularly requests thepmaximum funding available for housing. "Each year we apply for the maximum number of units. We will alwaiys take what we're assigned,» said Hamre. "We're doing everything we can, it depends on funding fromn upper levels.» O'sh awa councillor Linda Dianne blamed bath the federal and provincial governinents for neglIting the housing crisis. «Theproblemi will be much more seriaus in the future if we don't remain vigilant and do sornething about it,» said Dionne. "We have ta continue to, make it aur priority and the govern- ment's priority.» Dionne said housing has suf- fered at the expense of other issues. «Housing no longer makes the front pages. Meech Lake doesn't mean a thing ta someone without a place talive» 'Whitby councillor Tom Edwards asked Michael ta, explein the significance of Dur- hamn Region being identifled by the Ontaria governinent as, a «priority area» for assisted hous- lnhsmeexis the vernn t recogiizes Durham o he e high et growth ereas in the ro- vince,» said Michael. More funditng'for housinF Ieo- jects should head Durhem s 1ay as a result, Michael added. Michael, albo Durharn Regiýn's planning jcommissiongr, expressed concern that the Perry St. developmnent plenned for Whitby mayýibe in jeopardy ifit takes Towni council. too, lone ta aprave it. Michael said the project could be abandoned if the corporation is not in the position ta finalize purchase of the property by Sep-' tember. The proposai was the subject By Mike Kowalsi What if they cailed a meeting and no one showed up? That wasn't exactiy the case with last week's annual meeting of the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation. But it camne close. Not enough members of Dur- hem Region council were able to, attend t he meeting. As a resuit decisions made at the meeting will have ta be passed retroac- tively. at a future meeting of council. Excluding staff, lawyers, con- sultants and other non-cor- poration members, only a hand- fui of regional councillors atten- ded the meeting. The 33 regional councillors aie the only members of the cor- poration. President Diane Hainre, of Newcastle termed the lack of a quorum "unfortunate» but doub- ted council would take stops,'ta prevent it froin occuring again, steps such as appointing citizen members ta the board. «lIt took us three years ta convince council ta go inta hous- ing, exlained Hemre. «The final thing that convinced them was that it wouidn't be a finencial burden on the tex- payers. Council would have total control.» Hemre said the cortion exists solely ta address housing needs in Durham Region not currently being met by private developers. «If t he private sector were ta, ever pick thein up .(subsidized housing) I know council would want ta dissolve the corporation." of a publici meeting eerlier this year and is being circulated ar png public agencies for, the apriropriato commenta. Me six-stary apartment build- ing includes a mixture of units intended for singles, cou p)les, physiically;!and developmentaily handicapped, and the frail elderly. Edwards noted that theéro posai ran inta, opposition frm ebehoeowners when it canebefore Whitby's planning conImittee. Edwards said it was ironic that «the people who are most vociferous againfit this are: the onesi who iiil need it the goonest." Hainre said 'if a proposai ta add citizen members ta, theboard carne forwerd, it would be taken ta council. «But I would be very surprised if regional council would go for it.» In defence cf the absent coun- cillors, Hamre seid, "Members of regional counicil are very, busy people, it's not lack of interest or cering on their _part. They're very suppotve of what we do.» Former sol1icitor's namelisted, in report Throu h an oversiqht, the naine of Durham Régions formr~ solicitor- appears in the annùal report issued by the Durham Regian Non-Profit Housing Cor-. poration. Shan Jain is listed as a mein- ber af the region's legal de part- ment. However he has not Ibeen Durhem's solicitor since being fired in March. Corporation, president Diane Hiaire said Jain's naine in the report was an,«nfrtnate over- amesaid the report was prepared "a considerable time» prior to last week's meeting. She purposely chose not ta, mention it at the meeting but wili be pointing it eut ta, the people responsible for preparing the report. NOW OPENEDIj THE NEW HOT SPOT 1 ALL THEi GOOD TIMES YOU CAN HANDLE FEATURING e LivE, ENTERTAINMNENT & DANCING 5 0,'s y 60s, 70's' & 80's Music Incdûuding Every thing From a 50 Fn' SPORTS BAR Cw 0 GIANT 10 FT. SPORTS SCR EEN S e Pooi. 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