r' I.. ~ qfi *k %è~u 'i 1 1 ( rle r i yir a PAGE 4, ,WHMTYMFEBPRESSWEDNESDAY, ffY 0l19 Police investigatebeak-mnS Durhanm Regional Police are investigating two saparate bur-. glaries of Whitby businesses last week. Police report that t least* $6,000 worth of mercha4dise was taken from Durham W uipment Rentais. 1020 Dundas S.EK. Entry w gained by bresking a glass doo on the east side of the buildin Pending a compiete inventory o stock by store staff, police say t least nine chain sawsiand wo conçrete-cutting saws were 8s-Ian. Ini the o er incident, police report that jeves broke into the Daily Plane magazine store in the Whitby .ail. Aimost $3,000 in cash cîgarets, lqtter tickets anâ videotapeswere tken. Police halve no suspectsei either case à t this time. Recycling .Is Smat Do Your Pbt! j) Crime Stoppers and Purham Regional Police'are appealing Ifor the ý public's haip in solving the disappearance of Julie IStantoni of Maury Crescent in Pickerixig. On Monday, April 16, at about 2 p.m., she was seen near the Iintersection of Maury Cree. and Lynn Heights Dr. in the Finch AveiDixie Rd. area. Shortly after, neighbors offered her a ride but she decined, stating she was waiting for someoeie. About five minutes latar she was seen getting into an older modal Chevrolet Monte Carlo, grey in color with- a ioud muffler. The driver was described as being about aga 30, with a beard. The car drove away and sh hsnt been sean since. Age 14, she is describd as 57" tail blonde hair, wearing a black nylon jacket, biack t-shirt, "faded blua jeans and tri-coiored suede shoes. A re-enactmnent of ber disappearance will be shown on CITY-TV on Thursday, May 31 during the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news. It wili also be showni on CHEX-TV in Petarborough and CKVR-TV in Barrie on Friday, <lime 1 during their naws and again over the weakand., Crime Stoppers is asking for anyone with. any information on the disappearance f this girlte calil. Did you see who picked her up that day? Halve you hmd who it might have been? Have you any information wbich you think might belp? If se, cal Crime Stoppers. YouMllneyer have te give your namne or appear in court. A Crime Stoppers raward of up te, $1,000 is being offered for information ieading te bher whereabouts. Callers neyer have te give their names or appear in court. A further, substantial reward is aise baing offered. The Crime Steppers phone nuniber is 436-8477 (that's 436-TiPS). Long distance cail cdllect. Sergeant Sandy Ryrie is the co-ordinater with the Durham Regionai Police Force and writes this article te. help combat crime. -A citizen board administers the Crime Stoppers progarms of whkch there are now over 850 in North America. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to, Durhamn Regionai Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario, LRi 7K8. There's so much going on at our Garden Centre you just won't believe it.. . Affer aIl, we are the biggest Garden Centre n Durham Region! That means loads of garden values for you, and plenty of choice, too. Here's some idea of what ta expect at Brouwers: EXOUISITE EVERGREENS + DOZENS 0F DUCKS + PERFECT POTTED PLAN TS + TERRIFICTREES + PEACOCKS + SUMPTIOUS SHRUBS + DEER FAR AND NEAR + SWAGGERING SWANS + LAWN CARE TO SPARE + PERSNICKETY PARROTS + GYNORMOUS GREENHOUSES DELIGHTFUL DONKEYS.. . AND MUCH, UC M RE Sale ends June 6th, 1990, while quantities last. M 'Savon JuflIper:Vase shaped spreading juniper with a soft feathery foliage. Reg. Price $9.95 NOW ONLY $6.95 Dart's Red Spirea: A compact flowering'shrub that grows Io 2-3 feet. Reddish purple flowers in mid-summer. 30 cm. Reg. Price $14.95 NOW ONLY $9.95 Mountbatten Juni per: A beautiful upright juniper with blue-green foliage. 90 cm. Reg. Price $49.95 NOW ONLY $39.95 Fa*.iaewMapie: Leaves start out deep red then change to a bronze-green in the summer. 30 mm caliper. Reg. Price $124.95 NOW ONLY $99-95' GERANIUMS Beautiful, huge 6" potted geraniums. Assorted colours, ail grown by Mr. Brouwer in our own greenhouses. Reg. Price $4.99 (sold at $6.99 elsewhere> This week only $3e99ea. PETUNIAS Your choice of M j~JOHN BROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario Li S 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680* OPEN: Monday to Friday: 8 arn - 9 pm_____ Saturday: 9am- 6pm, Sunday: 9amn- 5 prn r Rx 15 Ail Purpose Fertilizer" Highly recommended by John Brouwer Garden Centre for flowers, shrubs and trees. 680g Reg. Price $6.99 - NOW ONLY Reg. Price $11.99* NOW ONLY $8.99 Golf Green Weed and Feed 20-34 Ferdlllze and weed your lawn wiIh this easy to use one step prooess. 50% of the nitrogen le slow release to fe.d your lawn for the nex! two months. Free spreader rentai wfth every purchase of fertilizer. 9 kg. bag Reg. Pnce $21.49 NOW $1 4.99 14 kg. bag Reg Pnce: $2799 NOW $1 8.99 ~LjlliL.' ~Ià iD ___I ut. Tree preservation policy FROM PAGE 1 policy inte site plan ag reements wouid be more effective than a He aso aida byiaw couid be subject te challenge bacause the Ontario Municipal Act stipulates that such a bylaw must be in place at the regional lavai, not .Just the local municipality. "By making it part of the site plan agreement it wouid be a contract batWean the Town and devaloper, that's enforoeabla," said Brunelie. Ha noted that the Town of Newcastle want the bylaw route and basesice axperienced pro- biams bacausa Durhamn Region does not have its own trea pre- servation bylaw. (However, that may change in the near future. The Region's planning committea is expected te deal with the issue on Juna 5.) Bruneile bas provided Town staff with a modeitreepreserva- tion program based on the policy foilowad by the Town of Picker- .VL-9 proposai aims te «praserve as many qualit trees as is rea- sonably possible in a mannar that is pracical and economi- caily teasiblie," according te the preamble.. "Participation in the Tree Pre- servation Programme should be a basic r~ireent for ail appli- cants ofdraft plans of subdivi- sion,» it reads. Brunelae said that by foliowing his proposais, site plan agree- ments would stipulate what trees and woodlots must be main- tained. Penalties would be inposed on developers removing trees with- out written permission from the Town. Penalties would include the developer repiacing the tree(s) at bis cost or t he Town cashing the developer's latter of credit te, pay for the replacement. Brunelle hopes staff will report on bis proposai as soon as pos- sible. 1«This whoie tbing is not dead and over. Thera will ba somne kind of policy corne forward and an opportunity for public involve- ment at the committea levai,» said Brunalle. «It worries me that people may think the momentum's been iost, itVs not. I hope the many people who've called me about this wil participate inthe process.- lie]h] 1 A cU( I(lt I.ii GERANIUM S LOTS OrtCOLOURS FUCHSIAS BEDDING. PLANTS We instail Toro Lawn Sprinkler Systems We repai ranymake DIET idth MEDICAL SUPERVISION DRw S. K. BERNSTEIN F3HSIC N1 A N OFFCS N WHITY, OSHAWA, IURON1D, SCARBOROUGH NORTH YORK, MISSISSAUGA, BRAMALEA BRAMPION. THOMM.ILL, RICHMOND HUI, SIOLFFVILLE PHONE 666-5939 80 Thickson Rd. S. ' Dlease Decyclé This Ne~'apaper il zý m RFURU -r