'~ .tf i(~ I& U A 'l I 'à . >' yw ~ .i.i~ ~'?r-u PAGE 38, WHYI'BY FREE -PREoe WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1990 BIRTH CONTROIL and famlly CENTURY. HOME Iocated in SUNDAY AUCTION planning couniselling. Fre and BACHELOR AND SINGLE 'Sauna, an approx. 2 acres. 4 REMINDER confidential, avallabl Mondayta fumlished Mrris, in Pickering bedroom, .2 bathroomns, extensive THIS SUNDAY, J UNE 3, 1:00 P.M. Frlday, 820 arn. ta 430 p.m. Cllnlc Villageq on the GO Bus Line. $90. upgrades. Excellent price, PREVIEW 12 NOON every Thursday* 3:00 p.m. ta 6:00 and' up. Bachelor $500/month. $349,000. Askçing $285.000, AT KNIGI{IS 0F COLUMBUS p.m. For further Information, caIl Utilties shared. Available flexible, 576-7532 or 728-154. CLUB, M3 BROOK N., WHITBY 420-8781 or 433-8901. lmmeciately, 427-6811 ____________ PARTIAL LIST ONLY HOME MO VIES transi erred ta vldea tape. European videa tapes convsrted. Low, low prices. 728-9565. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. For help, cal the Denise House for women and children. Tolfres 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731'L Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge.) LOSE WEIGHT the sale and easy way withà but dieting with new suppress tablets. Full information. Send SASE ta: Bodytrim, Box 8448, Dundlas, Ontario, L-9H- 6M1. B BAHAIS5 BEUEVE: Let your adorning be forgiveness and mercy and that which cheereth the heaits af the weil-favoured Of GodI. Cal 668-8665. WANTED: Overwelght people ta lose Up ta 25 Ibs. in 30 days and earn extra $$$. 100%/l guaranteed, 100% natural. Cal tolfres 1-550-0226. 1B OVERWEIGHT? Try aur new Appetite ContraI Program - lose Up ta 29 Ibs. in 30 days. No drugs. 1000/ guaranteed. Surprisingly affordablel Caîl (416) 338-5550. Distributorships now available. B ADOPTION, PREGNANT? Warm loving established couple anxious ta adopt. Working with government icensed social worker. Please cail colleot (416) 593-4245. B FILLER: Nothing for sale here. If y ou had advertised here, 1000's ,k y ou wouîd b. reading this now. 668-6111. ONTARIO SIMMENTAL Weekend Sale, J une 2 & 3, Markham Fair Grounds, Markham. Offering 123 Lots (69 Fullbload & 54 Purebread): 6 males, 20 cow/caff pairs, 62 bred females, 32 open femnales, 3 embryo lots. Contact Transcon Livestock (403) 938-6680. B SHORLEA SIMMENTALS Herd Dispersai, June 1 - lpm, Shores Sale Arena, Glanworth. Offering 65 Lots - 60 FuIlblood & 5 Purebreds. Contact Don Shore (519) 633-0629, Larry Armstrong (519) 631-9585, Transcon Livestock WHITBY ROOM FOR RE-NT--- Close ta shopping, laundry,on bus route . Share camman rcom and bath with twa ather men. mnust be RELIABLE 111 $70.00 per week or 280.00 monthly (prefered). Cali evenings 666-8366. WHITBY - ONE BEDROOM apartment available J uIy 1. $528 monthly includes fridge, stove, ~a ig& utilities.' Apply 110 icto ria St W., 666-0271. BROOK.DALE ARMS now renting new ans & two bedmoom apts., $650 & $795 per month, al Inclusive. Apply at 100 William St. W., downtown Oshawa, 723-1282. REUABLE COUPLE, pensioners, seeks 1 or 2-bedroom apartment close ta shopping, at reasonable rent. 985-4745. Conslian st. 2nd 3rds No Up dt Ch90% UfIona0'cFag SSidPiation ad le- re 9financ g Cail Glenda Thorpe Commuity Finandal Sevices Corp. 9e5 DM" sSt., W., Ste. 205, Whithy MORTGAGES $W51.,00000 ReeIdenià , ConmorcI.,Coguruction :Uptb 9% I9nmcIno ad fncig lit, 2nd & &rd à IPw. of Séde & PRMlem Itg. Fut Approvals - Feut Cloange - 24 W. Service FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION AVAILABLE POE.OUALUFY EFORE YOU BUY 223 Brock89. N. CITICAPIAL S»te201 «S88-5S07 Whltby. Oit. PRIMATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your batik says uN0'. Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS.. .. IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM bungalow in Whftby, 61pplances, extras, near GO. Ope House June 2 & 3, 1 - 4 p.m. 88910, 725-8645, $198,900. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby at 4 corners. Second floor. Suitable for lawyer, doctor's office, accountant, etc. Caîl 623-5524. COMINO EVENT? Phone 668- 6111. STOP. Don't throw It out. Som ebody might want it. Try the classifieds. Phone 668-6111. SCOTT, Have a wonderful 27th birthday and an even better year. Joanne ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS SAT. JUNE 16 -10 A.M. GIGANTIC BOAT AUCTION, ALSO FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLE AUCTION AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY Fantastic Liquidation ot New& Used Boat inventory as well as faim tractors, Iarm machinery, cars, trucks, motorhomes, RVs, motorcycles, riding lawn mowers, construction & woodworking equip., power maowers, rototillers, Ige. quantity NEW Handyman & heavy duty tools. Ust cf boats inc. 17T ta 26' runabouts, cuddy cabin, day-cruisers & cruisers ta tollow. Cal now ta cansign.' ORVAL hMLEA AUCTIONS 324-2783 L NDSAY ORVAL& BAR YYMcLEAN, AUCTIONEERS ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS MON. JUNE 4 - 7:00 P.M. NEW FURNITURE AUCTION AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY Large quantity C>t chesterfield suites, loveseatp, recliners, sectional chesterfkIods with sofa bed, beautiful 9 pý;. dining room suite, chairs, w<çcden dinette suites, 2 & 3 PC. sofa & chairs, bed chesterfielda, glider rockers, new mattresses.- (seconds) queen, double,'& -single sets, rug roller frames, bedroam suite. Excellent opportunity ta purchase new brand name fturnit ure. ORVAL McLEÀAt4AUCTIONS 324-2783LI DSAY ORVAL& BAR Y MLEAN, AUCTIONEERS 9 pc. walnut dlnling room suite, high-back pump or gan and stoal, 4 pc. fancy carved bedrcamn suite, qusen size brass b.d. Oriental carpets, set of press-back chairs, oak bow front and other china cabinets, curla shelves and stands, oak washstand, variaus parlour and occasional tables. and chairs, parlour suite, aak sideboard, cheval and wall mirrors, assorted dressera, chests and vanitles, dlock, linen boxes, country beds, glassware, china, crystal,. brasa and cast iran decorator pleces, oak desk, library table, cas! iran bell plus much mare. Snack bar. Termas: cash, cheque, (Visa, M/C 3% premnium). 'AUCTIONS 1UNLIMITED 519-527-1633 519-345-2082 EQIAL: Saturday Auction, June 2, 10 arn. on location, main corner Hwy. #8, Dublin, Ontario (near Stratiard). 300 plus chairs, cast iran -fence (100 ft. +), furniture, contents of refinish & antique shap, 1000s ut in as found antiques and reproduction pieces. AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brook Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primi- tives, and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate in one af Ontario's "True", Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment & estate selling our specialty". Cal us taday. Prsviews Irom 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION JUNE 2 -'6:30 P.M. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week to include: 9 pc. mahogany diner, mahogany corner cupbaard, Victarian settee, 2 wing-back chairs, oak beau-front china cabinet, large flat-to-wall (B.C. f ir) chesterfield suite, 1897 school desk, bedroom suite, high-boy dressera (Drexel), pin. blanket -box, colour T.V., recliner chair, pr. Royal Doulton platters - flo-blue piecesp.prcelain figurine îarnps, Morecrafpieces, wooden wheel bicycle, coin., à tarnp, hockey & baseba.--Il card collection. Plus private art collection ta include: AJ. Casson, Trisha Romance, James Lumbera, Bateman, Raxanne VMvan Smith, 2 Bartlett *engravings (1842). Plus contents aI woodworkç shop, band saw, waod lathe, jonter planer, bench grinder, exon metal helving shop vac, rototiller, 3 prtabl pumps, gas enorgines, Snap- n tool cheat, 11 impact tools,â.br saw, plus lots cf other items. Another very large sale, ONE DAY ONLYS $5 MILLUON xpprox.),100% UNRESERVED L'0ATRVATV, SNOWMOBILE & MOTORCYCLE -AU)CTION Satrda, Jne2 - 1000 &Mn.. Bots: Ple te rough Mini; Cuddy; Indy! King; Dynasty: Geminl, Chris Crait Cuddy; . Ameraspart, Kawasaki Jet Skis, -:Wilker Catalina; Weekender; TNT, Mercury Outboards,- Inflatables, Komfort trailers, many mare.fRVs: Starchase- 33; 34; 35 & 36 ft. MHs, Triple E Regencys; Empresses, Prowler, Combicamp HDTP <tent, Rangers, much more, Financinig at PRIME (oac).' Preview, pre-rogistration, .pre-finance approval available on location tram May .21 ta sale date. Location: Barrie, Vespra Rd. & InnisfilISt. Take Hwy. #400 ta Essa Rd., east ta InnisilI St., north ta 100* Innisf il St. For further information, cal Aero Marine Auction Sales (705) 734-4777 or sales site (705) 739-8460. VIP Updats Service - inside inf & pre-régistratlon ia ota Aircraft,. Boat & RV auctions in Ontario: Send name, address, phone & $25 registration tee ta Aera,-Marine. & RV Auction News, 93 Lindsay St. S, Lindsay,' ON., K9V 2M5. Visa/MO. <705) 7344199. Agent for Aera Marine Auction Sales Ltd. Next sale J une 2. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JUNE 1- 6:00 P.M. The property aof the late MAUDE JORDON of Valencia, plus athers. Washstands, oak rockers, antque dressers, Tiff any table lamps, spInning wheels, new wicçe settee, rocking. chairs and tables, copper bolIers, china. cabinet (glass 3 aides>, pins tables, large modern china cabiet, Harmony electric guitar, 3 hp. lawn mowers, 5 hp. Gilîson rear time garden tiller (good. condition), 21 ft. Glendeta tandumn axIs, house trailer fully equipped (excellent condition), quantit~ of tools, china, glass and collecti le Rems. DON AND GREG CORNEIL R.R. #1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183 EVENING AUC-TION SALE WED. JUNE 69 5:30 P.M. Selling Public Auctian,39 Acre -mFord 7000 Diesel tractor with cap, Int. 434 gas, tractar with loader, faimn machinery,» antiques and glassware. The property cf Freida & Dan Cochrane, Lot 2, Conc. 8 East, Scugog Island. 1 mile east ai Port Perry on 7A Hwy., then north on Reg. Rd. 7 for 2 miles. Turn right on 8th Conc. Watch for signs. Real Eta: 395 acre hobby faim with ranch style custom buit brick home, steel clad barn & driving shed. ln-ground pool, palnted fences, year-round pond. =ad Is sandy loam, slightiy * rolling, cleared. 2 road trantages in quiet