PAGE 36, WIflTY FPMPRE.91%WEDNSD MAY30 COMPUTERIn6mth BUSINESS APPLICATIONS ACCOUNITINO & COMPU TERS SECRETARIAL e Legal e Executive e Medical e Word .Processing .Dental COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TEON NOLOGY 10 month course at Pickering Campus Financial assistance is available to qual4fied applicants. OSHAWA CAMPUS il SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-1 163 (Scotia Bank Bldg.) We are Iooking for good Frelnce Writors to work on speCifiC assignments Please submit sampleÉ of your work to the Whitby Free Press. 131 Brock St. NJ/Box 206, Whitby A CAREER IN DANCING! We are looking for energetic, enthu- siastic people ta teach dancing - will traini. Caîl 430-0014 HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS and interested persons needed immediateiy tasiif tays and gfts for National Home Party Plan. No lnvestment, deliveries* or money collection. Cati (519) 258-7905. B TRAIN TO MANAGE an aartment/condominium compiex. The government licenced homnestudy' certif ication includes f ree placement assistance. Free brochure: (604) 681-5456 or RMTI, 1120-789 W. Pender, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 172. B READY FOR A CHANGE? Tops'n Trends, a leader in ladies fashions, soid ad home parties needs sales people. Stafl today, earn today. Caîl Lynn Rooney * 1-800-268-5670. B ANIMAL HEALTH Technician required immediatoly- for busy progressive S/A practice. Apply: * Bracebridge Animal Hospital, Box 1567, Bracebridge, POB iCO, (705) 645-5090. B TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Naw is the time ta train for your Class IAP licence. For pre-screening interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. -1-800-265-3559. *Head Off ice: 16 Corydon Pi., Cambridge. APPLY NOW. $11.05 ta start. Students 17 and aider. National firm has immediate openings in its marketing, advertisinig and sales promotion department. Schoiarships and internships availabie. No experience necessary. Training provided. CatI 436-7394 Mon.-Fri., 9:00-6:00 for interview. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. If you are 45 or aver and have been permanently laid off or are out of work duo ta business failure in the last 6- months, you may quatify for free tuitian, books and supplies. Cali now to register. Registered with the Ministry of Calioges and Universities since 1984. Camputer Learning Centre. 668-9713. HOUSE/APARTMENT for rent. if yau had advertised here, 1000s ike you wauld be reading this now. UPATE YOUR JOB SKILLS. CERAMIC CLASSES, T-shirt HOUSEKEEPER big or srnall, The more you know, the more Painting. Tues. 62Ã" to 9:30 or short or tail, maid to order who f i115 you're worth. Cali the Wed. 12:30 to 3:30. $3.00 a class. them ail. References. Reliable. $25., Micro-computer Training Experts. Supplled. extra. Make your own Cali 668-7045, 668-0844,- ask for Class times are taitored to meet gfs For more information, cail Judy C. your schedule. CatI now to register. G-ingerbread .House Ceramics at _____________ Registered with the Ministry of 668-5485. Colleges and Universities since __________ HILLSIDE FENCING and docks. 1984. Computer Learning, Centre.II Industrialor residenti'al woo>d arid 668-9713. 1 SLJMMER 1 ok *. li% Alb"-8 -L WANTED - RELIABLE part-time help for Wed. evenings 6230-ltOO. Must be able to Ift some heavy furnture. If interestod, phone 683-0041 or 985-8161 LEGAL SECRETARYS experienced in art & entertainmrrent Iaw and reat estate, availabie to do typing ei home. AES Alpha Plus or PC WordPerfect 5.0.430-0817. HANDYMAN with dump truck, tailgate lift. Clean yards, basemnents, garages, cut trees, etc. 655-3004 after 6 p.m. weokdays, anytime weekends. EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big baitworms 'in your basement,- garage or shed. Odorless operation. Low investmnent. Market guarantieedl Free information. Early. Bird Ecaiogy, R.R. #1, Smithvilie, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent Bail Farm, R.R #7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumnari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK iJO, (613) 378-0023. B BE VOUR OWN BOSS. Stant jour own mail order business ad orne. Free details. Write to: Dept. 1019 20799 Lakeshare Road, Baie D'Urf e, Quebec, H9X 1S1. B INVEST $12,000 in a high 'end dock wagerpoofing dealership for this area. Top quality product Une aiiows for above average rotum on investment. Wo supply opening invontoy, tools and training. Successful deaiershups establhshed across Canadla. Phono coliect, Mr. D. Chaisson, (604) 860-1200. B START NOW!!! Join the wonderful worid of fashion. ebe independent 'meet new people 'instant income. Cai us coliect for more exciting details (416-632-9090). Ma Qherie Home Fashion Shows (Est. 1975). B INTERNATIONAL HEALTH company seeking distributors for aur new expansion throughout North America. This offers total fimandiat freedom Io qualified candidates. Cati now (416) 338-5550. B BALLROOM DANCING. Learn the easy way with homo videos from Fred Astaire Studios. Only $14.95. Free inform pion write: Videos, 398 A eb LUne, Buringtan, Ontario, L2X8. B iTUTORING i BY THEWEEK i COMP[TIR ASSIS7ED I W CONDI'ONED i Regftrtsr Nov I 668-i8225I I &iuct'~OiConsulltlng i ~ services GUITAR LESSONS - eqnners and adlvanced. Accoustc or electric. Cati bLu, .666-19799 Whitby. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professionai Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financ- ing? Tax Deductibie? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173.B LEARN AUCTUONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario Schooi of Auctioneering. Next ciass: June 9-16, 1990. For information, contact: Sauthwestem Oiarlo ShoofAuctioneeringfRR#5, (519) 537-2115. B FRENCH lariguage specials - French course. Students and aduts speak French in 2 months. Caîl 668-7462. TRUCKING. CAREERS. Driver job training wth placement help Is avalabie. Compieto, details can bo malled to you. Phoneo Rodgers Schooi ai 1-800-668-0031 include postal code. B FREE: 199 0 guide ta study-at-homne correspondence- Dipioma courses for prestigiaus careers: Accounting, Air. conditioning, Bookkoeping, Business, Cosmnetology, Elec- tronics, Legal/Medial. Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972 B CLASS AZV OR'D'Z'. Cati, now for professional one-an-one training by the experts. Registored, approved Private Voctional Schoo. Kim, ichardson Training Specialists (416) 765-3445. B caniin. MAU iypeS w ciewKS. Post-holes drilled and posts set. Cali today for f ree estimates. (416) 985-9078. Bobcat with back hoe for hire. HURTUBISE'ELECTAIO Service Upgrade. installation of dish- washer, centrai vac, garage door openers, rec room, out door lghting. -For free estimato, cati 685974, Whftby. SHELLED PAINTING and Decorating. Paint and Wallpaper. Cleaning. Brush, R~oll, Spray. Caulking, Woodstain. Residential, Commercial, Industrial. Cati 434-1325. STU McGEE Floor Sanding. Sanding, refinishing, repairs and staining.' Supplied, laid and finished. Over 20 years' experience. Cali colIlect atter 6 p.m. (705) 944-5529. D.S. CARPENTRY - Renovations, additions, docks, gazebas, roofing and finish carpentry. Quality workmanship guaranteed. References. Free estimates. 10 years' experience. Cati 430-8660. GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framuing, insulating, boarding, taping, skyiights, saunas, roc rooms, basement apartrments, cedar siding, replacement windows and more. Cati Jim or Terry ai 430-1321. BLANKE 7 To Reach A Wider Market' Adve rtise throu ghout the regional membership of the Ontýario and Canadian Com»munity Newspaper Assçciatiofls. eçntral Ontario 49 newspapers $142 for 25 words Ali Ontario 185 newspapers $2à ,9 for 25 words Alil Canada 581 newspapers $913 for 25 words For further information please cail: 668-0594 " Personal caterîng for ai occasions , " Hot & cold bujffet " Every morsel is hom emade LORI 668-8121 SHIRLEY 668-2438