Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1990, p. 2

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PAGE! 2, WHYMY FREÈ'PFý WEDNESDAY, MAY 30,i 1990 Town suppors rail crossing impr.ovementý The Art 0f Deck--Nology Competitive PrIces - Unique Custom Wood Docks & Fonces - Curves. Angles. Gozobos. Porches - Visit Our Design Centre & Showroom Deck-Nology mc. 939 Dillingham Rd. Unit 4, Pckering Ont. L1 W 1 Z7 (416) 831-1616 DECK-NOLOGYINC. C-- vD,-oni4Wimionn.1 ZDANOWICZ FARM FLOWERING BASKETS & PLANTERS BEDDING PLANTS Hwy. 7 BROOKLINI Cu~ Rd. 4or Taunton cc _ AJAX Hwy. 2 N.W. CORNER AT TAUNTON ÀAND CORONATION ROADlS C'ail 668-5509 for more information E s . c olemo For Veur fNm* Centralf Air Condftioners Coleimn Has Extended This Offer to June 15/190 TA KEADliViii ANTA GE THIS LIMITED TIME SPECIAL t Coleman ai-d mare regsiered trademamlsof ithe Canadian Colernan Ca. Ltd. used under lîcense. mF VALUABLE COUPON- mmm * ~ ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER * With the purchase of your central air conditioner M>t valid wilh any otheroffoe) (Offeexta'ided to Jue 15/190) - ~ &I - --- --- --- -- DURHAM REGION'S LUVMBER SPECIALIST FOR O VER 50 YEA RS Spring is finally herel Corne in and let our friendly staff g ive you a q uote on cedar and pressure treated lumber for decks and fences. OSHAWA By Mike Kowall Town council wants imj>rove- ments to the rail crossinig on Garden St. But whether counicil will actually bite the bullet and spend $795,000 for the work will not be known until:next year. Council Mondayý approved an operations commte recommen- dation calling for the widening of Garden St. at the CP Rail cross- ing to four lanes. The project was referred te, the 1991 budget discussions for in- clusion as a capital works pro- Weýhitby had originally applied to the National Trasportation Agency in 1988 for funding te belp cover the $7-million cost of a bridge or underpass at the crossing. However, in a letter to the Town earlier this year, federal Transport Minister Doug Lewis said ahl funding for such projects had already been committed. Lewis did say the Town was free te, proceed with a bridge or underpass on its own. A report from the Town's pub- lic works department says the widening of Gardon St. from Dundas St. te Taunton Rd. bas been an ongoing project since »87. But the crossing was omitted from the, program in the hope of a grade separation being built in the future. The staff report says the cross- igposes a u potential hazard" to bot moorsts and pedestrians. 'Mhe transition both north and south of the tracks from four lanes to two can be a traffie hazard during peak periods,m states the report It adds that motorists must slow down while crossing the tracks to avoid danxaging their vehicles or "in extreme circum- stances? losing control. Councillor Marcel Brunelle told the committee last week «it's a shame.we can't get znoney from CP itself, for the project. Stili, he welcomed the recom- mendation. «We've been asking for- it for many years. Itfs nice to ses we're going to do soniething with it." Please give generously to Tm.î KIDNEY FOuN[ATION OF CANADA. Regent'ys Best Deal Caîibbean Cru'singe ...Canada's favourite crui orent89per person cnolse double fom 1 9 9 ccupancy InCludes rouncitrip airfare from Toronto Saturday departures weekly. Regent's famous one and two u Caribbean cruises, a seII.out f'o] week .-,rwa. e- -. past six witer seasons, return with Epfrotiki Line's beautiful fiagship. the mts Pegasus. Thousands ai repeat Regent cruisers attest ta the grawving papularity af Best Deal Cari bbean Cruising. For winter 90/9 I. Epiratilii Line' sSplendid flagship, the mts Pegasus, returns ta delight yau, with a wvide range af excellent modern facilities for 700 passengers, srniling service, and an abundance afisuperior dining. And there's a newv une-up af dazzling entertainment Ieaturing guest appearances by famous artists, plus sarne very special attractions guaranteed ta delight and excite you. WhY. Caada'sfavounecruises? l3est Deal Prices represent lncredible value Non-stop enteitalniment, including a full Ifor money. From only $899 plus taxes. 4t programme of shows, and star bonus Regenit has agaîn chartered the popular attractions every week. 2 mts Pegasus, a great 17,500 ton F lree wine with dinner. cruiseship for 700 favoured passengers. 4 every evenlngl More ports of caîl and more time ashore Regents Junior "Good Tinmes" Club is 43than any other cruise lie. 6lprovided free for junior cruisers, on Go on .. compare! Dec 19, Dec 29, Mar 9 and Mar 16 For Canadians. by Canadians Exciting Entertainers Regqents staff on board arc cangadian. miost ai the tRqgen*s already very fli eniertairnmcnt programmire entertainers arec anadiani. and yauiI Bfnd yaur tavourite is luriher enhanced by a top star bonus Icatur cery %teck. Canadian beers aird liquors on boarfrit ms regasus Jusi 'tome of lRegents stars next vivier inclutrie Liona ttoyd. ta make yau (cet ai home. lruiy Canadian croitses. Carroll Baker. tompin' Banniriawiss.Vrnque ttiveaui, far Caniadians. by Canadiansi Avaitabte anly fronti legent. Baby cuitota. and -Shirley" Sofamton. Join the fun and exciiemient. and the standing avations. on is 'egasuis! Great Dining Junior Good Times Club YoutIl enjoy 5 tinals evety day!l arly rrrrning collier. and trot Ira idrent ireulo chargie for chitcdren 6-12 )cars on ncroises Canartian breakfasts. full lunches inctudlng on-dcck fepartifli Dec 19. Orri 29, Otar 9 and M'ar 16. A tutty barbecues. afernoon tea. 4 arnd 5-course otînners inctudinr stipervse5d programmorf fuIn and gamcs. arts and crafis and wine, and mldnight buffets! tirqanized tritps ashor Great for klds . egat for parents! Additional leatures More Ports Tilan Ever Beforel -Two week Transatlantic Advenure Crulses, depart mg Regent'fslatous itineraries are tegeund. Travet striters. travet onty Dec 4,190 and Apr 20/91 frorni S1299 - Ten Days agents, anrd ttruusands oflsafisfied Regent cruisers alt agrer . Christmas Cnhlse dert ing Dec 19/90 frotti $1349 . noborfy dorsit betterl And row ilegent allers yau More - Two Weck Cartbbean Cnatses, sec the inhale Caribbran catourluf. memnorabte ports than ever belare tram Sf1529 -.Crulse fi Stay. conmbirre a neek cruising % ith . . .eight or nine on each one iveefs cruise ... riftecri on our a mccli astrare. extra htai week (rom anly $269 - Childien labutous two rerl cruise. Much more lime in port ta enjoy (6-13), [rom $549 - Extra Aduits. 3rnt'4[h persans in a expfaring. shopping. sighfseelng. or simpy y azing away the cabin ony train $649 - Single otier. selecien depailtures day on a sunny. sandy beach. Oniy liegenit ies you sa ucb supptemnent ont> $250 per weeli * Port and Passenger lime ashorel taxes are also payable by att passengers. InrORTrAr« i ITIFO M.il,carei, ,I remuabawi n o ,,itsiparnry Ari.rririt',,rc.-tre ,,r,nur,,nno,,ilieca i,,t lier 'tr-hp. 9t ,alirdi peiniandt prreutriiay> eperrnîciupar- dpi drat0e, andir oirrri,,itur c,Si t.et-i it,,, Carbbean C iw -'irocnhumoit,, f1 l.ont iand ndi t riicui s . r %t eo iur.r n d ,11apirabie tari al.ord irlrt, 1i cro ise pritreSrange rti899ro 10 89 tr9 deieniriqarirtiur ic ar and a in aleairt, )A ý?e MI kugent treaitsyvou r03'aIIy! Z;g715 nI 0155-747 Jumbo Jet iOn13GENT HLIAY el.uacts Fegasus Choose firei two labulous one week cruises Deparlures tram Tronto on Saturdays Dec 29 Feb 9. 23 Apr 6 Jan 12, 26 Mr 9,23 frai C-,,n eauere SAn.S., npa i Sut 8a.lnailo - 6pin - tntg,,tonrr 2 Sun renade Tan t pe. is iti lluge S) 3M Tîtntldd an 190 t Po" 0l Spaet Tu T.,Car#a, Barn Spir 12 (L.a Guaw Vnzueta) 5 Wed tBonaire. amn 5 (Kr tendtqt.r cu'aao pu t.Onteçi 8 îW4Denriattî 6 01v.Armba 7a. ion 18 tOimînriad) (Fit Fri. ai sea crurs.in 8 PORTS OF CALL OR... Departures front Tronta on Saturdays Jan5, 19 Mar2. 16,30 Feb 2,16 Aprl13 D. C-na eîganr,,. A"-.,n iu' ii i Sur Santo Domingo, - Lpn - Dounrcor Reru 2 Sun Sonn. tan 2.1 18 Puefra ROc,, l Mue) 3 MWreSITioma. tan 1Ifpm 14 US VeourtIlanrts 4 Tui 5iMaten an omer 15 5 W.rt Antl.oa Pli Ne TpeM t Ti.Oulia 8Due1(ion, 4 7 Fr i. I incnt u. Nouir 5 Imth.rso" Bequta 2p. - 5 Poil El,zatnerhl 8 Sur Baibagno Tare MIORS OF CALL or the whole magnilicent two week crwise Pick uj your frt brochui firoru yo favouril Narln traisel shop. ie &XDeaI lte 80 THICKSON RD. -S. WHITBY 666-8266 WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ovESt 138 LOCATI1OM ACnon CANADA .At ooo..uuu. atuutbtèaOaO#8, c.a 8P6880888088 188i8 888888.1 Discover si

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