PAGE 28, WHMTY FREE PRESS'WEDNESDAY, MAY e0.1990 WH1TBY T[GERS Running Club organ- ized the first 50k race in Whitby on Sunday, with 35 runners participating. Ian Barron of the Tigers described the race and turnout as "Isuccessful" Peter Tomblln photo Tigers hold frst 50k race Andy Jones of Ottawa won the first annual 50k road race held bythe Whidtby Tigers Running Club o n Sunday, Mýay 27. Jones covered the distance, held over a 1.6k route, i twe heurs, 54 minutes, 17 seconds, a Canadlian record for that route. He won $200 as did Heather Stephen, winner in the wornen's division with a time of four heurs, 26 minutes, 23 seconds. Thirty-five runners toek part in the race, organized b yTiM r and sponsored by the ptMist Club of Whitby KP Copy Centre (Whitby), Calecle Springs East, Big 0 Denuts and Ian Barron Moters Ltd. Ail meney raised went te the Whitby General Hospital First Ciass Fund campaign. Whitby NHL'ers to'be honored at ceremony Whtb'sNHLers will be Joie Nieuwendyk, Garýy Roberts, hnrda'Rcgition Dy'te Peter Vipond, radigarno be eidby he roolinWhibyMike Keenan 'and Dunc Wilson Miner Hockey Association on (net aIl wiil attend'due te prier Sunday, June 10, 2 te 3 p.m. commitments, butý they may be Plaes coaches and referees represented by family members). wno formerly were part eof the Whitby miner hockey association and who have attained NHL statue wiii be honored. Players te be honored include Presenters will include OHL stars Keith Primeau, Craig Donaldson. and Adam. Foot., aise all from Whitby. Reps winseodgm Whitby Pýrecious Plates N Things rep A sooeer team defea- ted Scarborough* Blues 5-2 on May 22 ini an under-lO remer division soccer Rame. Jason Schleiffer soered three goals and, George Epaminondas and Chris itutherforcfhad singles for Whitby. Midfieiders John Gillinngham. and Matthew Wheian applied constant pressure on Blues te heip Whitby gain' their second victory of the season. Tender problems' delay sehool start- up Whitby basebal T-BAIL May 14 Weacott Graph. 5MB marine May 16 Literacy Coun. Da1ry Qusen Trophie Hous May 18 Trophie Hous NEReaty TOP Qullty BD.O. Ward May 21 B.D.e. Ward Llteracy Coun. May 22 5MB Marine Trophie Hous NRS Raalty May 23 Top Quality DuWrs Towing May 24 Trophis Hous 1TT Cannon Top Quality May 25 Daiiy Queen à BJ).O. Ward 0 5MS Marine à Dur. Equip. 3 NES Rsalty a 26 Dur. Equdp. 22 B.D.O. Ward 28 Mtchell Broq, 33 NRSRomty 36 Whit. Opt. 36 BotaiyClub 17 Fawctt IMte 9 Netwok Arch. 28 Ltray Cui 20 Dum.Equlp. 38 Wo.ctt rap. 32 Mtchell Bros. 27 Duy Qusan 39 BotyClub 32 FIT cannon 23 NAGOL 31 Fawoett xotor 38 Network Arch. 36 Dus.Towlng 35 RotaiyClub 30 Mtchell Bru 35 Wc.coti Grap. 30 LiteracyCoun 33 Whit. Opt. GP W L T PME Gold Div. B.D.O. Ward SMS Marine Gmap. Dur. Eqwip. Mitchell Brou. Litaracy Couz,. Red Div. Trophie Hous NlS Realty Daiiy Qusen Whit. Optimiat Fawcett Motor Rotary Club Blu Dlv. TOP Quality IT Cannon Duff. Towing Network Arch. NAGOL Kûinamon Club May 22 Prn Hting 12 Dodd5ioe Gus Brown 12 Fond. Bsd Bà rr-Bayan 14 Dmdgn Mark.1. Polar hunAaL 19 Nut.C.O. Mode Shop 10 CnD lit. à farch Alum ý '9t Eluaida DIS Insur. Hanet Pla. M" 24 Kiwans Gus Brown Bany-Byan Mark Alu.. Cnd. irs N[qy25 Kiwanis Hlafft Za Mo'de Shop Nur»sChev. Hmnet Plaaice 4 marchAlum. 4 Bari-Brayan 4 GtuiBrown 3 Modie Uicp 3 Nurme Ch.. 3 Cdn.TIrs 4 Whit. Kiwanis 3 Polar Iana. 2 DIS inaur. 4 Notion Auto 3 Fonde . Bofing3 Pro Henting 3 Whitby Toyota 2 Butin,'.Deli 3 WhiL Opt. 3 Design Market. 3 Dodd & Souter 2 18 Notion Auto 1 17 Butlerls Deli 16 Deelgu Market. 12 Whit. Opt. il 14 Notion Auto E' 14 DIS Inaur. 9 Fan,,'. ioOL 9 DIS insur. 15 Nurm Chev. 1 13 WhLtToyota j 19 ButlelaDeli 1l GP W L T PIS 00 0 0 1 0 o'1 o'1 1 0 5QuSF May 19 Mid". Muffler 56'Jideo World May 21 NRS Reelty 14 lKinamen Club Fitzgeruld C. 9 March AIum. Beckford 8cr. 8 Home &BRura Fronternac IL il Merrick Homos May 22 Pethina Peint. 12 Brook. Cycle Mr. Regurfaecer 5 SunLo. Fam. 'Jideo World 12 Whit. Fitefight. Optimist Club 14 Owauco Volk& May 23 MIS Rety 24 Midas Muffler Kinanen Club 7 Logal Beagles May 24 Optiolt Club 8 Whit. Ffreflght. MIS R1uty 12 O«wo volka. Fitzgerald C. 13 Wanai..» May 25 Marh Aum. Il Soichotti Corp. Homo & ButaI14 Frotenmc Moch. PerthinsPauns 14 Mr. Bemarfacor Beckford 8cr. 12 CurtiB 'w Morrick Homo. 9 Brook. C'cle MSrnck Homo. 3 1 Mldas MuMw r2 1 Mr. Resurfcer 2 1 SorichmttlC. 2 1 vids, Wodd 2 11 Curt Bgwn 2 0 owauocoka.2 O SunloaFarms 2 0 Whit.Firefight. 3 0O mwIRs May 14 Dom'à Auto Donut Pro.. Whit. Audio cenre City May 18 Whlt. Optimiat Dom'. Auto 0 AUDiv. centre Cty Raya Enter. Cont,,iy 21 Kentucky P. C. 8ciowdon Euh. Con& Gum KP Copy B'DIlv. Dom'.Auto Whit. Audio Danut Prm. Whit. Opt Wit. Clomnera sae Brook. Kina. May 22 Whit. Ja.ycee. May 23 March Alu.. Whit. flons May 24 Whit. Jayces Com.. Ln. 7 10 3 LIl 3 9 2 2 5 4 7 7 7 GO' W L T PIE NlISReaIiy 4 4 O 0 8 BekfordcSm 3 3 0 0 6 FilgeralC. 3 3 O 0 6 FronlX 3 82 1O04 Kiinoe Club 4 2 2 0 4 Optl.laClub 3 2 1 0 4 Porkin.Paint3 2 1 O 4 Brook Cycle 3 1 2 0 2 Home& RumI83 1 2 0 2 LealBoeglo 2 1 1 0 2 imarhAlma. 3 I 2 0 2 6 7 18 nwden Euhb. 3 il Bo'Enter. 1 12 Kentucky F. C. 5 7 WhiL Cenet. 4 8 8ckowden Euh. 6 9 Century 21 3 GP W L T Prs BANTAM 10 Vixk Inaur. 10 Whlt.Klinan 3 Io.Enter. 4 Petro Canada 12 Swish Main. s -dm dP W L T P'Fg Whit. Jaycoa co.. Fin. Martch Mu.. Whit.L ma Vick Inmur. Whit. Kina ffimh Main. Pts o na ROY%. Enter. IIIDGEIYJUVENUZ May 13 Mairk Auto, Goldhawkt May 17 Brook. No. Goldhawlm May 21 Goldvi B.d Wlng B. Gtok Tyc. 3 Brook.No, 9 Bad Wing 18 MarkAuto. 5 GrSokITce r 12 MarkAuto.. By Trudie Zavado'vics Even though that part of the There will be a four- to six- suppiementary tender applica-. week delay in construction of tien must be ignored, because it Oriniston public school i WhitbY was late and tenders were public due to a 'tender? predicainent knowledge, the company's main before the Durham Board of tender was the secon dlowest, Education. formai in its application, apd met. Tenders for construction of the al secfcations. schooi had closed May 17. Fol- 9Theiboard, faced with con- iowing the lowest tender bid demning one wrong and condon- policy, the construction of Ormis- ing another, voted te have al ton te be located at Garden St. tenders re-submitted. and Rossland Rd., would have Cnngfrilptinn was to have gne teToromConstruction b bu i-ue h c.i Willowdaie, the iow bid- begunabu md-n.Th der at $3,746 000. school 15 scheduled te open i HoweverdU to a shortcoming etmer19. i the tender, the architect fii*ni Trustees had mixed feelings cf Allen & Sherriff, designers of about the process. the school, recommended that the job go te Bradscot Construc- «We have te follow the proces tion, the next iowest tender at because we're hi* the public eye,," $3,754,000. said Ajax trustee Darrel Berry. Their tender application was Whitby trustee Patty Bowman correct and formai. supported issuing the tender te The flaw on the part of Torcom Bradscot te stay in strict ternis Construction Inc. came when of the process and 50 that there they listed their sub-contracters. would be ne construction deiays. Dorothy Mazeau, a partner «rPve neyer seen bidding se with Allen and Sherriff Archi- tighty n said Oshawa trustee Ruth tects Inc., expiained that Torcom LaFarga. «It seems te, nie, this 18 failed te, compiy with the specifi- a very precise process we foilow cations laid eut in the area cf ail the time. e have te be fair holew inetal doors and frames. and be seen te be fair." She said they were required te "We don't seeni te be ieoking use deors made by S.W.Flem- for the best quaiity product for Ming or doors similariy appro- the best prcn said Oshawa ved, te meet beard specifications. trustee Cathy ONIynn. Ini the past, doors made b aa Duncan Read, a lawyer and company cailed Canadorhad trustee in Ajax asked,»at they been approved approved fer pre- (Bradscot Construction) did was vieus projects. Tforcom included a littie wrong se it shouid be 'Metal Door (a co<an using a condoned. Torcom ( Construction similar product tte&anador)in Inc.) did a bige* rn ei their tender instead of S& can'tbe condond? W.Flemming. . xis action disqua- Mazeau responded by saying iified 'oromi îL the tender pro- that the original part of the cess. It was 1at#r reveaied that process is te bid on specifica- Canadoor construction bas gone tiens. "We're shooting for a base bankrupt). bid - everybody's bid on an equai Bradscet Construction in fild. Torcom didn't saythey Markham, Mh1 submitted their wouid go with S.W. Flemming on suppiementary tender forni 'b their base bid.» twe heurs afei al tenders were This is net the first time this te be i, were xext i une for the bas happened with tenders. Tlhe ~job. They offer4d a $9,000 credit board rejected four tenders on in the çieta.1 déoi~s in their appi the Anderson project for the \tt.~'ttIà -1 t.%, i i I. ~~a L4~i i.~4. &atw# A 4'4.5I.Il Cq 1 4 .OI& i . . . . . . . . . . ......... .... . . - -J--