WHnrBYFRE& PREIWEDNEDAwMAY 30. 1990. PAGE 25 They're Off to OSAA Anderson CVI athletes won three events and Henry students won two at the regional second- ary schools track and field chame- pionships last week to qualify for the0FSAA championships in Sudbury this weekend. Pennie Santiago of Anderson won the midget 400m and was fourth in the 200m run. Gabriel Shu.cf Anderson won the midget long juznp and was fourth in triple jump. Andy Brereton cf Anderson won junior long jump and was fourth iil100n. Jason Brumley was on the 100m hurdies for midget-age boys and was second in both the 100m and 200m runs. 1Jason Bacchiochi cf Henry won the 110m hurdies. Aise qualifyinq for OFSAA were Jon Hopkrs cf Henry, second in midget triple jump; Suzanne Perroni cf Anderson, third in senior 100m hurdies; Joanne Hood cf Anderson fourth in senior 1500m; Alisia I4umph- rey of Henry in junior high jump. BayforÈd wins jr. titie Shayne Bayford cf Whitby won the Junior men's freestyle event in t he provincial relier skating championships held over the weekend in Toronto. Bayford has won a provincial championship for seven consecu- tive years. H e now goes to, Mon- treal in July te cempete in the nationals in which he has won chanxpionships for the past five years. Bayford,, 15, won silver in junior figures at the previncials. At a previons neet in Meico City, he won bronze in figures foi junior men. He and brother Cerey are aise, on the provincial relier hockey team that wili compete in the nationale. Ontario lacrosse W L T OF GA PM Peterborough 4 0 O 48 22 8 Brooklin 2 0 02915 4 Owen Sound 1 1 01724 2 Brampton 1830 35 42 2 Pargu 0 40 29EM O nhumlvG- Brooklin at Brampton &SM P. GP a A FIM GaryBIMts. Peter. 2 Il 2 13 T. Condhngey, Dr.nip. 4 S 6 12 PauliDrote, Fergus 3 4 8 12 Jim Veltman, Bramp. 4 3 9 12 Juf WUla,gBramp, 4 e 6 il John Puaeo, Brook. 2 6 S il Bob Burnley, Pâqua 3 4 5 9 B.FeruuonPmte. 2 1 à 9 PetarParte, Book. 2 5 3 8 K VanSikie Brook. 2 4 4 8 Keith Begley, Brook. 2 5 2 7 X mipton, Bramp. 4 6 1 6 Jbm Wood,Ferua 8 3 2 4 6 Dandy Flynn, Bramp. 8 0 6 S Kein IMculty, Fequa 2 3 2 5 A. Shaughneuy, Pet.t. 2 2 8 6 Bill Callan, BruokL. 2 2 8 6 Greg laine, Brook. 2 1 4 6 mart Cochrane .. 1 1 4 6 1arren Axford, Petar. 2 8 1 4 joeflultz, Petoe. 2 2 2 4 52aIUyd,FeY=us 3 2 2 4 Jmeynnramp. 4 2 2 4 Craig Mlfgan, P.t.t. 2 0 4 4 Wayne Batley, Pet.t. 2 0 4 4 JUNIOR A W L T GF GAF1'B Péterborough 4 1 0 05 5E 8 St.Catharinesu381 0O82 42 O Baarr" 32 0 6 7 6 SxtNatiom 83 2 0 570 '0 Brampton 3 2 0 49EM £ whitby 1830 3936 2 Mhmahmugu 08a0 398BD Boy Areu 0830 2848 0 WdwadoWNI@'uG. MIma.aug ut Whitby 8 p.u St. Catharinea at Saniaam0p.m. Six Nations ut Day Arm Sp... ~G A FIS Darria lgaur. SI. C. 8 14 19 88 Crlg Stevenson. Pt.t. 4 4 19 23, RandyMouron,SL C. 8 8 Il 19 Tyso oelLhl,BL C. 4 Il 7 18 Scott Rogers.Pét.t. 4 il a 17 JoeFPabian, SLC. 8 5 12 17 Wayne Grant, Pdte. 4 14 2 il Grog VanSickie, Whit. 3 14 2 16 MBIIs GamoduL&.N. 4 7 9 16 Mke Unes, SL C. 4 13 2 15 Dave WrightSarnia 8 a 9 15 TrevorBidL4 SL C. 4 2 13 16 Mik Mer, ELN. 4 7 7 14 Cam Bouberiy,S&.N. 4 10 3 18 J1.Mura, Sarnia 4 10 3 13 RicbKiflgour, SL C. 2 8 7 18 Na Doddridge,MIm.e 2 7 5 12 Mark SilIon, Bramp. 3 6 7 12 " lCrough, Pet.t. 4 6 7 12 Todd Whitlock, Sani 4 3 9 12 Jaon Doucet, SL C. 8 2 10 12 Jof Jordon, Sarnia 4 S8 3il Jef Snyder, OL C. 4 7 4 Il. Rck squirs. EL 4. - 4 , gIP the great ones from out west? «We have a winning traditi and we treat are players ve well,» Vipond said. Wilie Arnold scored two goi for Owen Sound. Keith Begl scored three goals for Brook while Paul- St. John and B Passfield had singles. Redinen defeated Bramnpt 17-13 on Thursday lest week. Parke scored three goals a had three assista. Bill Callan a Tom Wreggitt aise, had thi goals each. Redmen scored seven goals the third period te, pull off t victory. Warrioers fail tc St . tarnes Whitby Warriors droppedà 11-7 decision to St. Catharines junior A iscrosse action over t weekend. Darris Kilgfour led St. Cat armnes with four goals and foi assista. Greg VanSickle had thri goals for Warriorsi. Steve Dyme: soered two goals w*ith, singles Todd Wilson and Glenn-'Clark. Ail out! COMPETITORS in the S-metre hur- dieu event during the Durham oie- mentary sehools' track and. field meet iast week at Civic Field. Whitby tykes- win tournlament Whidtby's newly formed tyke A lacrosse team, sponsored by the Brooklin Redmen, won the fifth annuai Peterborough Lakers Classic tournainent held in Peteborough ay 26 and 27. Whitb opened the tournainent on May 26 by defeating the hometown Peterborough club 3-2 in the morning and then went on to, deteat Hamilton in the afternoon by a score of 7-3. Aiready having secured a berth i Sunday's championship final, the team went on te defeat theé Brampton Excelciors 11-1, thus ending the round-robin portion of the teurnament with a perfect 3-0 record and securing first place. The charnpionship gaine was a repeat of the Whitby Warriors against the hometown Peterborough club. This was a comnmon scenario, last year with the teams.meeting seven times. I ail seven encounters last year Peterborough reigned supreme. This year, however, things were considerably different. With the experienced coacbing of Ian Wailes and assistants Harold Hoar and Murray Down, Warriors blew out the defending champions 9-3, winning the tournamnent for the firat time since 1986. Whitby's point-getters during the tournament were Jeffrey Frazer with 12 points, Blaine Down with il points, Michael Konieczny, six points, Bobby McBride and Mike Morrisoei four points eachi, Ian Haywood and Stephen Hoar - three points each, John Chesebrough, Sean MacRury, Matt Mca, Matt Meyer and' Kyles Wailes, twe points each. Jay Harrison, Mike Semeniuk and. Rory Smith had one point each. Tara Wailes recorded a 2.25 goals against average over the four games and aise contributed offensiveiy with two assiats. The entire team contributed a selid defensive effort as can be seen in the consistently lew goals against record. The tyke A team is now preparing for the upcoming Wbitby Lacroms Tournament on June 8 and 9 when they hope te keep their undefeated record intact. ion ais ey lin hili ;on nd nd q= Tom Gibne cf Whitby, anchor- C'irella of the NHL's Quebec Nor- in inan from ChTO-TV and Dav dciques, former Toronto Maple -he Andreychuk cf the NifIL's Buffalo Leaf Dan Daoust, musician Sabres, wili be among the cele- Hagood Hardy, and Joe illey cf brities taking part in the fourth CFTO-TV. annual Celebri . Cup gof tour- A limnited number cf golf spots nainent June Y3 atLakeridge are. still available at a coat cf Linksi Whitby. $125. The prioe includes 18 holes Proceeds from the tournament of golf, electric cart and dinner. and dinner, presented by Man- Each team will include a cele- life Fijiancial, gotthe Chil- brity. an dren's Wish Feundation of in Canada which realizes wishes cf There Are aise a few tickets -he terininally iii children. available for dinner, at a coat cf Honorary chairman is Kevin $40 each. ffh- McClelland cf the Detroit Red Sinoe it began four years ago, >ur Wings. Guest speaker at the the teurnament has raised more dinner wiIl be TSN's Paul than $15,000 for varieus chari- -ee Ronîanuk. ties. nt Other, celebritiep include mppin, or4 Mor inonappal toeb o.erf the Ide'nopamlp cI .,,.k i a e ~~ or By Chri. Bovie Brooklin Redmen are winding up their transitionai phase as coach Peter Vipond prepares te structure the team for the sea- son. Redmen sport a 3-1 record in the early stages of the season after an upset loss at the hands cf Owen Sound on Saturdaiy. But Vipond is more concerned about seeing what his players can do than nailing down an undefeated record. «We will be setting theiines up i the next week,» Viond said. Brooklins lest 7-5 game te Owen Sound North Stars (the Brooklin-Peterberough score was unavailable at press time). Vipond is aise waitingz on four key players te join the club. Paul and GS- Gait are still at Syra- cuse University where the Orangeman fleld lacrosse tearn competed Tuesday for the NCAA chanîpionship in which the Gmit brothers are playing an integrai part. Redxnen will aise, be joined by Tommy Riggett and Bill Cowan. For now, former Western league superstar Peter Parke is d9minat* , it gais and sîze. Parke, Gairy and Paul Gmit - h6ow Redmen upset by Owen Sound Celebri*ti*es golf to raise firnds