WH1IY FREE PRESSiWEDNESDAY, MAY.16,1990, PAGE 27 LEAHN AUCTIONEERING sat the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: June 9-16, 1990. For information, contact: Southwesterm Ontario Sohoot of Auctioneering, RR #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. B CERAMIC CLASSES, T-shirt Painting. Tues. 6:0 to 9:30 or Wed. 12:30 to 3:30. $3.00 a ctass& Suppiied extra. Make your own gîfts. For more information, catI Gingerbread House Ceramics at 668-5485. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class rAZ-DZ Professionai Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financ- ing? Tax Deductibte? Weve got the answers. MarkelItnstitute of Professionai Transport Training. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173. B QUALIFIED TEACHER and mother of 2 wishes to provide cars for your prosohooler(s) in her home. Cochrane/Rossiand. Cail 668-2378. REUABLE DAYCARE avoale in, my home. 7 years experience. Gardon and Manning. 9 months and up. 430- 7052. REGISTERED NURSE & mother wili babysit Wr her home. RA. Hutchison School area. CatI 430-6335 for information. SUMMER I FALL DAYCARE. Mother of 2 - Palmerston Ave. sohool,,aiea offers.daycare. Cal atter 6 p.m. or weekends, 668-0874. MOTHER 0F TWO would lk. to babysit your pre-schooler. G~arden and Bradley area. 430-1453. I AU A MOTHER 0F 2 who wouid like to care for your child in my home, GarderVRossiand aiea. 430-9077. TREES FOR SALE. Come to our faim and select your own trees. Colorado Blue Spruce, 1 V2 fi, $8. Austrian Pine, 5 fi., $15. Canadian White Spruce, 5 fi, $15. Whie Cedai, 12 fi, $8. Sîlver Mapte, 6 fi., $15. European Whits Birch, 6 fi., $15. Pickç and dig your own trees. Cali now, 655-4816. GARDEN PLOTS for rent. 30' x 50' $25. Northwest corner of Rossland and Gairard. Cati 668-1116. WHITE BIRCH, $25. Blue Spruce, $25. Golden Pftzer, $7. Andrea Juniper, $7. Mock Or-ange, $7. Non King Cherry, $7. Bridai wrath, $7. Phone 655-8088. FREE: 1990 GUIDE to study-at-homs corresporidence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Etectronics, Legal/ Medical Socretary, Psychoiogy, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. B TRAIN TO MANAGE an spart- ment/condominium compiex. The government icencsd homsstudy certif ication includes free place- ment. assistance. Fres brochure: (604) 681-5456 or RMTI 1120-789 W. Pender, Vancouver, BC, V6C -1-2. B TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with paceentheip is available. Complets details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at 1-800-668-0031 irîclude postal code. B CLASS A'Z' OR D'Z'. Cali now for professional one-on-one training by the experts. Rsgistered, approved Private Voctional Schooi. Kim Rlichardson Training Specialists (416) 765-3445. B FTIUMER ITUTORUNG I "BY THEVWEEK i *SMALL GROUPS I COMPU1ER ASSISTED * AIR CONDffIND I Reglter Nov I 668-8225 I Educational Corisultfig L i- --S9rcs ---- Sewing Machine Fapairs Ail M*66e )olteTune-Up $39.95 7irotioned SewingMachines TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 4 571ý1385 400 lGng St. W. Oshawa I .4t&. AppiancesJ Rebuit AIanoeu Up To 2 Yu Guarantee. Fxdc tvsi IXuhwaahers & Mlaowaveu. Wlty-07 Duadas m.,0894 Ouhava - l a23 St. W., 7-r9T:77 APPANCE RPLANEPRS. WasheOr SI drErsUNsToveOs, di-1 waser, ma21aplancs0 wido ars o ditoers, microwve speci- ialists. Ail makes. We buy used appliances. 683-8519 or 430-7382. ~SERVICESI POOL OPENINGS AND rears-- maintenence, vacuming, inrrepair cait 433-0908 or BACK BY POPULAR. DEMAND. One day onty. Everything must go. Saturday, May 19, 9-4 p.m.. Furniture, games, baby supplies, lawn mower, etc. 15 Fuiwood Ores., Whitby. MOVING SALE. Sunday& Monday, May 20-21. 10-4 p.m. ramn or shine. 3 Kilberry Drive. Swing set, sandbox, ping pong table, picnic table, dishes, books, baby Rtems, car seat, stroiler, sheers, maple buffet & hutch, toys, crafi supplies, fridge. GARAGE SALE for the F.C.P., 90 Calais Street., J une 2, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Varied items required. 88 BONNEVILLE, air, cruise, p/s, p/b, eloctric windows and iocks, stereo with cassette and more. 1988 MUSTANG convertible, white exterior, red interior, air, fuît power inctuding door Iocks, fuliy odys, 42,000 km. $15,500. Julis, ds,668-6112. 79 CUTLASS SUPREME V6, nsw tires, exhaust. AM'FM cassette. Runs good. Best offer. 668-4430. 1989. LX PROBE. 3 years remaining, paid 1 year. Must ssIi, take over lease. $430 per month. Ask for Domenic 576-6999. 1984 FIERO SE. FAve speed, white, AM/FM cassette dock. Exceltent condition. $4200. certif ied. 686-2322. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension cf license? Perhaps we can hetp. Phone 666-2090. 1985 CROWN VICTORIA, certified, $2,500 o-b.o. 1975 Mercury Marquis $1,000 ob.o. as ls. Phono before 10 a.m. or after 9 p.m. 430-3280. 1983 PONTIAC PHOENIX 6 cylinder- ps, pb, NID coils. Good condition. $2,395 certified obo. 668-9521 after 6p.m. FARMERS: For AIl Your Livestock Equipment Needs see Rea's Weiding/Real Industries in Manitoba. Panel $4.75 linear foot; Feeders from $87M5; Automatic Headgates $265. Squeeze chute with headgats and palpitation cage $1,395. Gooseneck Livestock Trouler 6x16 $4,600. (Prices FOB Rathwel.) For more information calI in Ontario Jim Whittaker, (705) 374-4604. B STOP. Don't throw it out. Somebody might want it. Try the ciassffieds. Phono 668-6111. RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdiscs, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing. We are .well- stocked, fast, efficient. bi-weekiy rotation. You select your inventory. Canada-wide:- 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. B PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS:, Canada's leading manufcturer offers four models to choose from. Save Money, Make Money. Free Brochure, oeil or write, Enercraft, 474 Welham Rtoad, Barris, Ontario, 14M 6E7. Phone (705) 734-121t B "SUMP PUMP OWNERS" Stop Flooded Basemnents due to pump or power faiture with the New Battery Back-up Sump Pump System. Free Brochure. Chelie, 1554 Gregory, St. Catherines, Ontario, L2R 6P9. (416) 685-6037. Direct Sellers also required for this hot new item. B 40 GALLON ELECTRIC water heater. Ideal for cottage. Exceltent condition. 430-0404. WHITE SATIN DRESS - brand new. Nover worn and stili in store, ready for fitting. Appropriate for promn, smali wedding or formai evening dress. Cail 666-9626 for more information ater 6 p.m. ELECTRIC STOVES for good condition. $100 436-7102, Oshawa. sais, each. TOP SOIL. Garden time. Light, f luffy and shredded. 1-5 yards, $75. 649-1341, 686-1717. WOOD. Chsap. 2x4 - 6', 8', 10; 2x6 - 6', 8", 10'; 2x - W, 8', 10'. New and used. 649-1341,686-1717. ADMIRAL DISHWASHER (avocado), reasonable. Cali 666-1928. FREE CLEAN tilt from swmmilng pools, 655-8035. UPRIGHT PIANO $1,150. Single bed wth drawer under, night table and sheives $85. 668-6333. PUPPIES FOR FREE to good home. MVother' gentte German shepherd, Labrador father. Cali Ron 430-0404. r MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S.., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CHESTERFIELD, two end tables and cottes table, two table Iamps. Four kitchen chairs chrome, ons armchair vinyi.. Ideal for cottage or roc. room. Ail for $200. Also livng roomn set: Chesterfield, love seat& chair for $750. 668-3899. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats,- sectionals, iess than hait price. Large selection. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 726-5181. 131KE FOR SALE. Men's 10 speed, bNue, good condition. Best offer. Cail AI, 428-9369. 144 ACRES, Marshall stack amplifier (100 W), Garnet Stinger 50 Watt amp, Qibson Les Paul, Vantage Avenger, Water treatment systems, teievisions, TP187TRW camshaft and Edelbrock performer manifold for smali block Chev, blender, vacuum cleaner, rebuiit 2-barrell rochester carburetor. 430-7974. SELUNGD! buffet, hutch, soiid pins table & captain's chairs, coffee table, end tables, drapes, washerldiryer, desk, bikes, stereo, singie bed. 668-3203. LAWNBOY LAWN MOWER, 19- side bag, $125. 668-9759 afler 6 p.m. 0WD WRIST WATrCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter. Century Club "- mnen's rectangular wrlst watches (25 ysars service- Ch) will pay $3,0 and up for tis watch. A iso wanted old mmle, wrist watches especly the Ifowlng Rotex modeis - Prince, Qyster Perpetuat, Oystsr RoyaleC rnograph and Cosmnograph. Aiso buying Ptek Ptilitp, Cartier, MoVado, Vacheron Constintine, or wny other hi gh grade or compllcated --wrist welches (men's ony. Cali toit-Ires, 1-800-668-8463 or wrte: B. Walsh, 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 15S2. B OLDER PAINTINOS and works of Art. One or entire collection. Kart Mearns. Box 1266. Caledonia, Onta".o NOA 1AO, (416) 765-6782. B -BLA 1NKET- To ReaCh A Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership 0f the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Central Ail Oni Ail Car Ontario 49 newspapers $142 fh tario 185 newspapers $289 for iada 581 newspapers $913 for For further information please c 668-0594 or 25 words 25 words 25 worcls :all: --ffi mmufflmmmfflmmfflm