Ille 3.-ACtÙIm' qYV VIVTKEI&U W>I134 iPeY4eý ieîiz'ui PAGE 32. W1fl'Y FM pRES%,WZDNESDAy. MAy 9, 1990 'r /e c, Wh ite Rpse. CAIAFTS& NURSERY SALES LTED ERA NIUM Ch»seeromppink, red; whte or SARRIVING FRESH DAILY Ea. SKYROCKET JUNIPER 9 Slender pyramidal Shape plant with ight biuish grey tug and interesting brilliince in the sunshine. This is a very versatile plant which can be used to create înteresting accents In the landacape. Should be planlad in a sunny location and doas not require pruning. 3-4' Tal ~SALE19ur reg. 29.95ea. C) EMERALD GAIETY; This new compact but spreading variety has white etched leaves con- lraslîng beautifully agaînst other touiage 0OEMERALD GOLD; L, Golden variegatedluage wil creale a bright con- trast n the iandscape. Compact grower. 688 e 8.98ea q» INIAIURE ROSES Lovely hardy miniature roses for rock gardens and yeilow bi- cotouri nk. rdand morel Our reg. Cou ntry HiERBS SOver,20 varîstîma la choase tram.. ~>Includes basîl.: parsiey. sage. marlOram, laven- der andi more SALE HO1RS; Mon. to Set 9:00e mn.-9.OOp m. Sun. a Holidays 9;OOa.m.-6 OOp.m. pO-GREEN FERTILIZEF IAIL PURPOSE 7-7-7 2kg EVERGREEN 12-10-10 2kg - GARDEN 7-14-7 2kgj ROSEDd79-5 2kg Our reg 4 29ea 1000 Bloomlng Hdmumsplnnofra beautilul display 0f colour hs Fal -ear ater yearl Summer Fow erinng ,HANGINGU BEASKET DELUXE 6" BASKETS Ov,.rtlowîîîq wîth c.loirltil bloonîs Chc os liorun Ftifis a, Geid îîum lvyî à ONLY WHILE THEY LASTII ~ *Flower &Vegetabe BEDDING PLANTS ARRIVINO FRESH DAILY ~U Coleus Ageratum Phlox S Lobellia Balsam Petunies Choose from 3 styles Our reg. 11l.99ea. SALE Pansies Peppers Marigoids Brocoili Dusty Miller Cabbage Asters Vinca Onions. Celery -Tomatoes F BUY DY THE FLAT&SAVE it48-72 olants per fiel NL IMPATIENS & BEDONIAS SALE ENDS MAY 17, 1990 LIMITE D TO STOCK DINI HAND f ROSSLAND RD l N I N l i H"WY 2 oCr TAUNTON iRD Ez z 0, « HWY 401 nz qi HWY 401 WHITBY OSHAWA 1243 DundeS St E 300 Taunton Rd E 0 FURNIT uRE SOLDAT Rtson & Taunton 1 TLAC (i IIEIJWAY STORES I& iYDRANGEA 4 or more speclacular pink blooms malte Ihia an ideal glîl f ONLY ......... 1590 sMUMS Choose trom longlasting yaliow white or maue.Ley longlasting i < STARGAZER LILIES Bright pinli flowers malte this an impras- sive gifi. Can be planled in the garden and anjoyad for years to coma. ~.ONLY. l - onglasting pink tiowers altractiviý§yde- corated for Momi1 l g BASKET 0F BLIOMS Colourlul Violets, Begonias& Kalanchoes I n a pastel paintad basket. .59 OMILY...........59 MARTHA WASHINGTON GERANIUMS Pensy-faced Geranium in pink & mauve Foiled with a Moiher's Day pc ONLY ........... DI EFFENBACHIA ~~gA iongtasting plant in a pastel hat basket wilh a pick & bow i OMLY....... SPRING GARDIEN An 8" pot iltled* with colourlul annpuel, Ilowers. A cheerlu1 gîft i ONLY ... I.. 4. %»Mmi >MECE SET 1-Mid Back 1 - 5*Oval Staclcong Table Chairs i 7TUmbrella -Chair Padsi Umbrella -Place Mats Base Our reg. 437.85sot. MBRELLA 3 position tilt, sturdy trames, comas n 5 colours. Our reg. 139.99ea. ARRANGEMENTS Sea our beautîtul salactign of artificill arrangements Iust for Mom on Mothar's Day .Choose from e wide variety of syles f Our Sreg. 7.99-27.99ee. SSALE RM 639,,3TO._ SEAT uECI I PADS R"CfA SE Taxtilerie seat pads in assortad colouS. PICS m 1 VML. White resin.4 position. Our 5 Position chair. reg. 169.9 9 toorte hbcn comiortable cn-288 sas 4 Ourrag59 9eaChaise Cushion. I SALEOur reg. 79.99, SALE NO1 KENNEW -* 1 ýfll- - , 1