PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRE&S, wENESDAy, MAy 9,1j99 Nor-Arm propo.s ai'.worriesnearby By MikeKowalild Residents and environmental- iets are upset about a proposai that would al0w open storage of manufactured produets in a south Whitby industriai area. Representatives of two dif- féernt groupe appeared before Town council's plannng and development committee Mnay in opposition te a proposal by Nor-Ar7m Deveiopments Inc. Both the Thickson Woods Heri- tage Foundation and Thickson Point Residents' Association object te a rezoning application filed by Nor-Arni. The company je seeking a rezoning that wouid permit out- side sterage uses in its industriai subdivision on William Smith Dr. The site had orlginally been zoned restricted industrial which wouid have aiiowed general out- side storage. But Nor-Armn eought a change te preetigeîi dustrial zoning which did not permit such use. Howvever, since receiving the prestiezoig ch ange iast year, or- a requeeted that the previous outeide storage rlghte ha reinstated. Townlanning director Bob Short ted athecomnittee only non-hazardous, finished producte would be permitted te be kept on the-site. Future, tenante wouid not be ailowed te stockpile such thliugs as scra eti ggregates or hmcassaidd9hort. llowever, residents' association vice-president Joan Guiliver je not satisfied with Short's expianation. "Who knows who'li buy those lots," said Guiliver following the meeting. "We're worried about outside storage *and more truck traffic." Gulliver said residents ori- ginally opposed the entire indus- trial subdivision pro ai and are stili fighting for a Îandecaped buffer zone between the property and nearbyv homes. She said oniy a road and 400 ft. wide strip of proert, "an ope fil separate the indus- triel area from houees. «We wouid 11ke te see it plan- ted and ba a visual buffer so reole cudwakaong i ac look t the lake without:hà -ving 'This. an mduetrlal subdiivi- sion'bordering'on à a reeldential ,and conservation, area. Many people don't even know it existe and that's a shame.". Foundation 'directoîr -Margaret Carne3y said her group has writ- ten the Town and offered. te plant trees on the buffer. But the group has -;0 far not received'a response, said Carney. A recommendaâtion. on -Nor- Arm's propoeal wiil be *made when. further commente. are received.» 'Role model' earns student award. Farewell public school i Whitby je 'Studenît of the. Year' for 1990. The 14-year-old grade 8 stu- dent has been atu Marewéii since grade 3, having moved here from' Ottawa. "I was really happy te &et the award," says 'Hedderson.»It was 19:=awr *waspresented at the 1th anualEducators' Breakfast on April 27 at Har- wood Secondary School. Hosted by tËhe Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation - Durham District, the breakfast was attended by more than 325 students parents, trustees ta- chers, administrators and Loard officiais. Other awarde for outstanding contributions to education indlu- ded 'Bus Driver( s) of the Year' and 'Educatore of the Year!. Heddereon le the second Whitby student te win the award. Kara L'h Harnese of Kathleen Rowe Memoriai public echool won in 1987. An avid sports enthusiast, Hedderson plays echool volley- bail and basketball and is a member of hockey and basebal teames outeide of schooi. .He is aiso a inember of the band, drama club and formerly of the student council, whiie main- taining honor roll statue. <Td be proud te have hlm as a son. rm etili trying. te figure o ut a way e keep h9m in public school forever," says teacher Ursula Kehoe, Who, with teacher Gary James, nominated Hedder- son for the award. Nominations are sent te, the federation aiong with an outiine of why the student je deserving of the award. "Craig je very much deserving of the award - a nioe, polit., invoived, super kid," says Farewelliprincipai ]Roger Lappin. «He's ail boy, though. Hde definitely not an angeL «Craie a role model for peers mn work habits," sy eo. «He's just a ~positive influence on ail around him." Hedderson received a keeper plaque and hie name ije% 1 graVea _remai * th oero'hesho on a larger plaque that wiil until next 'year's ceremony. GRAIG HIEDDERSON of Col JE. Farewel public sehool is shown with his Student of the Year award. Fr.. Ptemphoto HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING -k AUTORZE CNSMESGAS DEALER 668811 Custom IHouse Portraits One of the most beautiful gifts of all is a'one of a kind', custom house portrait. Drop in to Turtie Creek store anytiïne and see exmples of this fine art. Ask for a free demonstration too. You¶fl want to review prints of old buildings of Whitby. There is an impressive display of art prints as well as lots of crafts and gifts. Always plenty of free parking. Open 10 to 6 West Lynde Plaza 965 Dundas St. West Whitby 430-3242