WHMTY FREE1 fan y's ýifand Lounge Dole Bonne Femme VeaM Parmesan ables, c~esar or e. OPENING Thursday, May $9.99 P1a~aMWit.by 6688 SPECIALIZING IN CONTINENTAL CUISINE For Reservations eaul 666-1900 or 686-8599 121 Green Street., Whitby EXPIbORER RESTAURANT & TAVERN Live Entertainment with Conrad Benjamin Friday, Saturday and Mother's Day Reservations Recommended. 900 Hoplkins St. WhVitby 668-0316 steps iifto the ehower or bath. Some pretty fragranced soaPsi, bath oils, scented powders and 80 on. Find mom'à * ail-time favortite îmves: Gone With The Wm& Th1 Ie - Sound of Music; The Way TheY Were. Whatever ýnioms taste may be she'll remxýmber you evei'y tiine she rW~axes and reaches fo-0r the video tapes. la reat mom's tootsies! Give mom a gift certifleate for a manieure. and pedicure or facial at a salon near home or work or better yet 'a gift certificate for a massage. But most of ail - remind her how much you love ber with a big hug and kiss. You could offer her the worid... She'd stili rather go to Fazio's Mother's Day at ~c9L&i IRestaurant and Bar -,33 Simcoe St. S. shawa, 571-3042 TUE DDO(SPECT 0f WIIT13Y ...invites you ta ce(ebrate 9Mtftier's 92ay wM i s We are serving brunch from 11lam ta 3 pm $11.-95 and dinner fr om 5pm to clasing OR Choice 'of Prime Rib $16.925 Steak & Breaded Shrimp $16.95 plus ail aur regular menu items #Camp (imeutanjF(oerfor 9vorn' For reservations cal I 666-0023 or 666-5092 Day by pampering her Lý . ............... e*N DCÃY