Whitby Free Press, 28 Mar 1990, p. 47

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WkIITY K1ME43PRSS, The. Auto !Secton MARCK28,'199, PAGE Nationals5 in WhîtbyI FR OMPAGEAi 12 where the public, of course, 15 more than welcome to drop by and take a Loi Saturday morning begi'ns with openg ceremonies featuring Why officiai; folowed by a parade through town (the route will be announced closer te, the event so you cari corne out and watch). Once back at the park, the cars will be on display for Saturday and Sunday, along with vendors, food stands and a craft show-and-sâle (public welcome). Whie the garnes are open te, participants only, Wts alwms fun te, watch such events as a radiator Ml (the abject is te fil a rad, but it usuaily ends up with one person getting soaked), skci race, spak-pi chane and tire races. A .£Lce he ldSaurday night is open to participants only, buft ti public is welcome t., corne in at any other turne Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $4 for aduits, $2 for senior and cbldren under 12 free. 0f course ail these good times aren't just for the benefit of the street rodders.It's a "CANATS tradition" that a local charity receive a portion of the proceeds and for 1990, Street Dreams Car Club bas chosen the Whitby General Hospital fund. Anyone wisbing any ind of information about CANATS is welcome te, write te Box 456, Brooklin, Ontario, LOB iCO. CANATS 1990 is opo"n te, ay car 1958 and older. While the sjho focus is modified street roda, any car is welcome, whether it's a fully-reatored antique or chopped-andîoweed custom. lhe age requirenît is the onfly restriction. If you would like to enter your car, write te the above address for an entry form. If you don't want te pro-register (entering by mail'saves you $5) just brig your car down te, the show and the club wiil see that you become part of Canada7s only national street rod event. The club is currently puttng ttier the craft show-and-sale and is interested in' iiearmng fron people who would like te display and seil items. Only haridmade crafts are acceptabled and preference wiil be given te local residents (church groups and lodges are welcome te appy but muet b. willing te ssII on Sunday). If you would more information write te the Brooklin address or cail Barb Goldstone at 666-1195. Finally, if you're just someone wio appreciates "vintage tin," mark July 6-7-8 on your calendar. CANATS only happens once a year and this is the first time it bas ever been in tii. Durham area (for 1991 it moves te Prince Edward Island). Don't miss out! Deects 0nCentury0ifant car seats The Canadian Automobile Association, i cooperation with Transport Canada, is advising consumera of a safety-related defect involving 2,963 units of tii. Century Infant Car Seat 4580, manufactured by Century Products Co. between Auguat lst, 1989 and October 3lst, 1989. The problem is that the screws whicii secure the carrying handle to, tiie sheil of the safety seat may work loa.e, causing it te separate froin the sheil. Altiiougii the performance of the seat is not affected when used as an infant restrainst systein in a vebicle, an infant could be injured if the caryn handle falis off wiiile the bbisbeing transported out of the. car. Tii. Century Infant Car Seat 4580 is sold in Canada by Consumera Distributing Co. Ltd. Anyone owning one of tiiese seats siiould immediately check tiie date of manufacture and model numberhgiven on the. compliance labe wciis glued onte tiie carrier. If the date code is 8908, 8909 or 8910 (indicating that the system was manufactured during the. eigth, ninth or tentii montii of 1989) and the. model number is 4580, consumera may obtain a free repair it consisting of two modified screws and instructions from the. Consumers Distributing outlets wiiere the seat was purchased. CAA recomniends that owners of the Century Infant Car Seat 4580 tighten thi.eisting screws and carry the seat by tii. base ratiier than by tiie handle when it is used as a carrier until tii. replacement parts are obtained.L The 3.2-million niember CA operates a National Child Restraint Information Program in association witii Transport Canada. Anyone witii a question concerning this public notice or any otiier ciiild restraint systemn may contact CAA Toronto at 964-3170 or 1-800-268-7068. Car dealers are upset FR OMPAGEAi now that individual mU-nicipali- ties have control. He said dealers are finding a shortage of' qualified people to work in automobile repaireaïad sales and any move te make tiiem work Sundays will cause problema. «We've found that witii shift work, people are not hiappy witii The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) bas been advised by Dorel Industries Inc. of a consumer problem with the Dorel 2000 Safe-T-Ryder child car seat. The nuts on the arm bar are coming off, thus allowing the arm bar to become semi-detached from the. side mouniting of tii. Transport Canada bas tioroughly investigated the problem and testing shows that this does not represent a safety-related defect. However, in the interest of custenier satisfaction, Dorel is making replacement nuts and boita available te, owners -of- the Safe-T-Ryder Model #2000 free-of-charge. The units affected by this consumler information notice were manufactured during 1988 and 1989. Anyone owni-ng one of tiiese car seats siiould check the boîts p* odica]ly te, malce sure they are stipiproperly secured by the arm bar nut. Consuime may obtain their free replacement hardware by contacting Dorel directly: Catherine Jolicoeur, Dorel Industries Inc., 4750 de Grandes Prairies, Montreal, Quebec HMR 1.A3. Tel: (514) 323-5701. Fax: (514) 323-9444. The Dorel 2000 ýSafeT-Ryder car seat bas a swing-over arm bar. Models 2001, 2008, ànd 2474 of the Dorel Safe-T-Ryder are not affected by this consumer notification. The 3.2-million memiber Canadian Automobile Association operates a National Child Restraint Information %rgram in association with Transport Canada te inform the Canadian pubic of issues relating te the safety of cildren in, cars In this region, anyone withY questions concerning this information notice or any otiier child restraint system may contact CAA Toronto at 964-3170 or 1-800-268-7068. Antî-dinkîng, drîvîng campaîgn begîns in May A surnrer-long -anti-drilcn and d rivi g a pag, "Arv Alive DriveaSobr"wiII be launched in'Ontario during the week of May 13. It will focus public attention on this continuing social'problemi at the time of year when most traffic accidents occur. The tiieme, 'Driving Sober la No Accident,' Wini* stress that there is a choice te, be made and, if youre driving, the' right one should be perfectly clear. Thi. campaigri -is being put togetiier and prmoted, by tiie Conxmunity Consultative Com- mittee of the Countermeasures Office, Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario.' For furtiier information, contact the. Counitermeasures Office at (416) 326-4406. it. In -tuis business you need iiigh-quality, satisfied employees." lHe pointed out that in Mon- treal, dealers are not only closed Sundays but Saturdatys as well because of the employee siior- li He warns that if one municipa- there's a wide-open situation.» HURR Y!! IEY WONgT LAST LONG!1 D)orel replacing parts Of 1988-8.9 child car seats pu thru & brak muffler Me centre V muffler & brake centre rr

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