Whitby Free Press, 28 Mar 1990, p. 31

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WHffBY REE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH,28. 19M. PAGE 31 Comin g events AUCTIuN bALC "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesdlay at 6:30 p.m located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass,- china, collectibles, primi- tives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Con- signment &, estate selling our specialty". Cail us today. Previews .rm100 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 pr7RTClp7£iPO(I7fL~ EMPTY SPACE! OnIy because your ad isn't being read right now. Phone 668-6111. rPase check your advertisement for errors on the hiable for faiIure te publish an ad, or for typographicda fpbiain h htyFe P esw in in~ nlr, a tr.ri haunnri f .. re L .-------------- àfi rst ot be *rrors m JuLJiçiJLio.JII yonaiU LIIoLAJ orImeI pace occupiead b the errer up te a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right te classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline> $5 for 20 werds; 12o each additional word Blanket Ads - te blanket a wider market (see separate panelI for sam pie rates) BILLED $750 for 20 words; 15c each additional word AUCTIONS/AN NOUNCEMENrS 770~per agateline (14 agate Unes per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 bIIIed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS <Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics)- Regular display rates apply - 82# per agate lUne minimum size 1 column inch $1148 (14 agate Uines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Sharelife cvas April 1 Sharelife volunteers will can- vass door te door iu Durham Region on Sunday, April 1 in their annual appeal for funds for the disadvantaged. On 'Sharelife Sunday,' a total of 14,000 volunteer canvassers will take part i the charity fundraising event that takes ïPitch In-il RecycEi ~ SmaiE Do Ym u ti place threughout the Roman Cathelie Archdiocese cf Toronto, extending frein Toronto te Pene- tanguishene, Oshawa te Orange- ville. Funds collected -are distrlbuted te Catholic charities threughout the archdiocese and te agoncies cenducting develepinent projects iu the third world. .The two Sharelife agencieszi Durham. Regien are Catholie Community Servces in Durham, which prvdes counselfing fer indlvid uals and families expenioncing difficulties, and St. Ehlzabeth's Visiting Nurses, which provides professional nursing service iu the home on a visltiugbasis. Sharelife. will raise almoot $9.5-mOllion fer charities during this year's caxnpaign. For more Pnormation cail zone vice-chiman Susan Dulny at 683-4813. BIG SISTERS Big Sisters of Newcastle-Osh- awa-Whitby will hold their annual general meeting and annual appreciation night, to thank volunteers and sponsors, will be held on Thursday, March 9, 7 p.m. at the Oshawa Golf Club. There will be refresh- ments, cash bar and entertain- ment. For more information cal 436-0951.- ANNUAL MEETING The annual general meeting of the Ontario North Shore Branch of the A.E.C.E,O will be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Friday, March 30. Reception at 6 p.m., dinner, 7 p.m. Cost of dinner is $15. OGuest speaker will ho Carolyn Winter, president, of AECE,O. Topic will ho 'Leadership in Early Childhood Education, Where Do You Fit?' For reservations, ca Sue Wells, 683-5241, ext. 228 or 1-800-263-3170. KAREN~FRASIER Karen Fraser, author of 'Women Like Me,' a national business directory for women, will ho guest speaker at the March 28 dinner meeting of the Durhamn Business and Profes- sional Women's Club, at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Fraser, who has conducted career deve- lopment and quality-of-life semi- nars for the past 16 years, wil discuss «Are You Futuire*Tense?' To attend. the meeting, cal Nancy MeNamara at 433-0168, Janice Nixon at 427-8216 or Fran Taylor at 985-4451. Fee for members is $25, for non-mem- bers $30. SOCIET Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Monday April 2, 7:15 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa (three blocks north of King St. on the northeast corner of Centre and William streets). A workshop on naine bonsai (miniature bonsai)'wfll ho held. Members and anyone interested in the art of bonsai are welcome to attend. For more information call 571-3153 or 683-2568. KN11uTERS'GU[]IL The Oshawa Machine Knitters' Guild will next meet April 3 at 7 p.m. at St. John's House, 64 Coîborne St. E., Oshawa. The technique to be'shown is two- color work. New members are welcome. For more information caîl Colleen at 579 -2073. A prograin èspeially for Alz- heimer familles will ho held Wednesday, March 28 7:30 pamn, at the Rouge 1H11Plic Llbrazy, at*Rou mont and Hwy 2, Pick- ermg. The program is entitled 'A Caegvers Story' Refreshinents will ho served. Ail welcome. For more information call 576-2567. ONE PARENT FAMILlS The North Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Familles Association will meet on Wednesday, March 28 at 8 p.m. at Christ. Memorial Church.on the corner of Hillcroft and Mary streets in Oshawa, for cards and conversation. New members are welcome. For more information, cail 668-5144 or 576-5853. COMEDYNIGRIT 'A Cornedy Night with Yuk Yuk's' will ho held by the Kins- men Club of Whitby on Friday, April 6, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., at Heydenshore Pavillon. Funds raised go te the Whitby General Hospital First Glass Fund. Tick- ets are available by calling Dave Stowell-Smith at 436-7979 or Bryan Childerhouse at 668-5206. BIGBROTnE1RS The 2lst annual meeting of the Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby will ho held on Thursday, March 29 at Lviv Hall (St. George's Ukrainian Hall), 592 Albert St., Oshawa. The business meeting will ho held at 6:30 pm., dinner at 7 p.m. annualmeeting t 7:45 p.m., anâ awards at 8:1 p.m. Tickets are $10,' to e hopchased by March 23 at 44 William St., Oshawa, Monday te Friday, 9 a.m. te ô p.m.. or caîl 579-2551. -MEETING lhe Association for Bnight Children will meet on Thursday, March 29, 7:30 -p.m., at Dr.S.J. Phillips public school. Guest, speaker will ho Marlene Gutsele, Durham Board cf Education con- sultant for the gifted. For more information caîl M. Reid at 436- 3767. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo *Club will meet at the Whitby Public Libr- ary on Menday, Apnil 2, -7 te, 10 p.m. Slide climiie L and 'Close, Gloser, Closest' will ho presen- ted. Submissions for print clinic III will bhoqgnloeited. vox POP- The neit Vox Pop Forum will be- held by Ontario riding MI> Rene Seetens at the Whitb y Puib- lic Llbrary on Friday' night, March 30. -The Durham Region Aquarium Society will hold its l8th ýannual show on April 8 at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coîboîrne St. W., Oshawa. .The sehedule of evenits for the afternoon include an auction of tropicl 'fih supplies aud other hobb~y related items frein i1 ami. te 4:30 p.m. and the fish exhibit will ho open froni I te 4:30 pam. Tore will h EESISTING DRUGS 'The Family Education Resource Centre ocf Diirham House and the Substance Abuse Council of Durham- Region will prenant a two-hour wesc o parents of teens and pre-teens on Wednesday, March 28 fri é7t6 9 p.m. at Paul Dwyer High Sehool, Oshawa. The worksho,*bich ceets $8, will focus on de oping an understanding of drug aund their effects, communicating effectively with children about drugs and drug use, and helping them make reiponsible decisions. To register cal the' Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 R63. PARKINSON Parkinson Durham Region chapter will hold a general meet- ing on Monday, April 2 7:30 to, 9:30 p.m., at the church hio use at St. Mark's United Church, corner of Byron and Coiborne -streets, Whitby.Guest speaker will ho A.B. Rustin from the Parkinson Foundation. New members and spouses, friends are welcome. F or more information call 668- WATEKCUOWRIuLSM Watercolor classes. are. now being taught by popular waterco- 1er artist Margaret Reseman at Pearson Lanes, Whitby. Al levlsof xprieceare welcome. Cal 66-452 ormore informa- tion. GENEALOGICA SOC~IVIy T he Whitby-Oshawa Genealo- fi cal Society wll eeton Tues- LaLAprl 9 7:5 t 10p.m.,i the Whitby Public*Library aug-i torium. Guest speaker will ho Mar" Lynn Williamson curator of theScugogSheres kuseum. There will ls-o ho a presentation on how te preserve documents and papers. 'Ail welome.' For more information ecall Bessie Gannon at 723-7460 or ýJoyce H1ilton at 668-8177 SMORGASBORI> Whitby Legion Ladies ,Auxili- ary will-hold-their sprng smer- gashord onSaturday, A »1 7 at the Legion, 117 Byron St.S. bar Mnsat6 p.m, inerat 7.p.m. ets are available atthe Legion. BREATEOF LIFEDANCIE The eighth annual BrethOf Life Dance will be held at Iro- quois Park on Saturday,. April 28,ý8 p.m. lb. dance raises fhnds for thîe Canadian Cystie Fibrosis Foundation. TIckets $18 each, will b. sold at Irequols Park on Saturday, April 7, starting at 8 Bradey arksite cspproved fRÃ"M PAGEi "If's close enough te the recrea- tien complex if someone wants te take 1 advantage cf it,» said Brunelle. "Seniors want their own place, at their own pace.» Mayor Bob Attersley said there was nothing te, prevent council from incluchng the centre in the recreation complex. Ho reminded council that the original motion rocommending the complex four years ago indlu- ded provisions for a seniors' acti- Wecnput a building on property we already have. There are sewers and other services on the site." Councillor Tom Edwards su- ported Bradley Park but said, "I would ho much hapier if the recommendation aid we approve the site and cosrction starts next week.» Supporting the Bradley Park option were Brunelle, Buffett, Bugelli, .Drummin sd Edwards. Opposed were Batten, Dennis' Foxr and Attersley. Council's decision ends g long search for a location for the proposed 15,000-sq. ft. facili"y. Town staff fxnally chosè Briad- loy Park over other options in- cluding expansion cf the oxisting centre on Brock S t. S. Cost cf a two-story building is projected te ho $2.7-million~ wlule a one-story "slab on gradee (having ne basement) would be almost $3. 1-million. The Town would hoeéligible for funding frein- both the Ontario Secia1leervices and the Munstry cf Tourisi n d Recreation.ý 38 exhibit cl..&.,..z.Iuding noet, photographîr, crafts aud 30-. dfeet fish -classPast years' shows ,bavehave wn exhibitors frem acrosa, Ontario suid a few fri= the United States. Admission te the 'show- is free. Further information can ho obtained by calling Peter Pullman at 683-4652 (after 6). or John -S- th- at- 57-4124.-- -- Aqarum show lin Oshawa 'on Ap ril18 p

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