Whitby Free Press, 21 Mar 1990, p. 36

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PAGE 36, WH1TY FREE PESWEDNESIAYMARCE 21, #00 BANK ELLIN &O F &NANC AURVICES Tý SIfSyou eel euIjmake t happn.fas rwnksfila.re teai yulthe INailsecs and Tsoffer ood Rearatoportutis ouwnths fARom now yuoaljob. einoyu e areerh F inancia! assistance is available Io quali fied applicants. M[i 111 iN I [111OM [S] on C f iII~i OSHAWA CAMPUS 11 SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Scolia Batik BIdg.) ýPICKERING CAMPUS 1450 KINGSTON ROAD, 420-1344 723- 1.163 EamAGod Income From Wee Watch Private Hom' Day G arei, ii.ýiooking for mature, rellableIndividJaJS Interée tecil provlding quality day care in teir own hm we urter: e Full tralnlng and ongolng support e Necessary equlpment. for chlldren 6 weeks and older eFull lnsurasnce coverage * eyment'for statuatory ho Idays. ý'- . ý i *Paynfient for the*flrst 5edays 668m-1492, Y a icensed Agency EDITOR REQUIREDJ'rogresssve Community. Newspaper..-circ. approx. 6,000. Immediate opening for EDITOR. 5 persan dept Experience required. Send resume:t Personnal Dept. P.O. Box '220, Goderich,, Ont. N7A* 4B6. B UPDATE YOUR JOB SKILLS! The more you know, the more 'you're -worth. Caîl the Micro- comfputer Training Experts. Class tirnes are tailored to meet your schedufe. Caîl now *ta register. Regisf'eredwth the Ministry of Coîlegas*'and Universities since 1984. Comfi'ue' Learning Centre. 668-9713 .. EXPERIENCED "'HELP wanted for- donut shop. 'Morning and amoon shufts. G6Ã"d pay. Cal! 6Ç68-8551, George. -- Could you be a Red Cross Hamemaker?,I Red Cross epos trains and supervises ma-. lue redyindividuals 10 take care ai people i " Uifomssupplîed " Pald training " Pald rmileage " Flexible hours Phono 434-8700 (Collect) Operated by the Canadien Red Crss Society. a non- profil volunlary organization. SUPERMARKET CASHIER and deli clerk. FulIl ime/piart -time. Experienced' required. ,,Contact Joe, 427-4311. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS 12 HOtJRS $195 Leam the basios 0f your computer Induding DOS. 4 Evenlngs 6:30pm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:0Oam-3:0Opm LOTUS 1-2-3 - 12 HOURS $195 Leam tue. most popular spreadsheer """'Evenings 6:30pm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdlays 9:0Oam-3:0Opm WORDPERFECT 5.0 12 HOUAS $195 Leam word prooesslng. 4 Evenings e:3Opm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:OOam-3:OÇpm Some pre-requlsitea mýy apply. I PICKERING CAMPUS I ~ ~>440-1344 CELESTE Ã"ESIINS is coming to Ontario. Céleste Designs is now laaking for Fashian Consultants ta market aiur up-scale wamen's lin. of clothing. We affer'an excellent marketing plan which gives yau unlimited, earning ,patential. Yau have the opportunity ta enter on the ground floor level of Canada's fastest growing fashian industry. For information cali: CaraVJana calleot: (604) 521-4179 MIon.-Fri., 9-5 p.m., (Paciflo Coast Time). ,B ACCOUNTING CLERK 111 The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified apIicants for 1h. above ionin aur, Troasury Department. QUAUFICATIONS: Completion of intermediate level of a. recognized professionai accaunting program; up ta twa (2) vears directly relaed experience in a municipal financiai accauniting ,envirorimont and 'experienice wth the use ' of comnputerzed' accounting. applications; and, possess strang interpersonal, skçiîls, and -have a keen -sense of accuracy, thoroughness andý detail. SALARY: $26,399.00 - $29,999.00 (April 1, 1990) Please forward a detaiîed resume indicating education, experionce, reforences, etc. prior ta- Friday, March 30, 1990 ta: Personnèl Department The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossîand Road East WHITBY, Ontar'o LUN 2MB NOTE: W. thank alil those persans wha apply, but advise. aeknawledgement will only t49 forwardod ta those applicans who are invited for an interview. WAITRÉSS NEEDED fuli- timo and n patlime p ryi persan ta HatXt7 MachserFghway 12' HOSTESS NEEDE D part tlmne/ occasional. Must* work wieekends. AppWlyn pèrson. ta ,Haugen's, Manchester Hghway 12 at 7A. HOMEMAKERS REQUIRED In the Whitby area. We require mature, caring professionals willing ta work on a one to one, basis in private homes. We offer incentive bonuses, flexible hours, short/long term assignments. Starting- rate $725 per hçur.,Caîl Valmed Health Services. 433-1494. MATURE AND' STUDENT applications being accepted -for summer emhployment, at Chateau Woodand, Haliburtan. Cook, baker, dining roam Manager,-soci directar, Wm'ter/waitr_'sbar- tender, housekeepers, office and childre's pragramn. Accommo-0. datio n avaîlablMe. Write: 1 Sulgrave Cres., WilloWdale, Ont. M21 1W5.B EXTRA INCOME! We train youý ta grow big, baltwormns in your basement,* garage or shed. Odorless aperation. Low invest- ment. Market g uaranteedl Free information. Early Bird- Ecoiogy, RR#1, Smnithville, Ontaria, LOR 2A0, (416,i643-4252.- Chatham Kent Bah Farm, Rm#7, Chatham, Onitano, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Bah Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK VJO, <613) 378-0023.B OVERSEAS HiJOBS ýý di'cemnand in Australia, U.K., France + 1ý different countries. Neod pers , ns willing ta work overseas on cantracîs. Al trades. Supervisory positions also availahle. Cal: SMART INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 1l-719-687-6084 TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now Is the time ta train for your. Class «Au licence. -for pre-screening IntervieWe and job p lacement .-information -contact Mrv 'Orrs'sTransport' Driver Training. 1-800-265,-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon PI.,Cambridge." FOREE COIJPUTER T,.T NING. If y ru 'r, 45 or over d dhave bee permanently laid of or are out of, wark' due ta business failure in the lasI 6 mnths, you may qualify for free, tuftion, books and supplies. Cail now to register. Reg ister.d wilh'the Ministry cfN' Coîleges and, tJniversitios,,sinc. 1984. Computer L.aming ,Contre. 668-9713. I PART T1M« S ALES HEJP Requredffr lUnge uxilpWperoutiet i MUST DE: omature - .well groomied a I *able to work fleible hoursI o days and. evenlngs - AppIy lapion * 1121 De=daÃŽSt.E., I j Whltby. unit 19 or oeil "0-1389 LOOKINÇ ORAJOB?, Check, he asiîedsfirst..W. can helpl A SALES DREAM. Multimillian dollar -national' firm seeks 2 representatives iln .yaur ',area. Candidates selected can eam up ta, $2,000 .weeky. Individuals applying shauld ,b. available immediately for placement. Cail J 416) 756-2111 or (416).756-7796 for your confidential interview. B -START NOWI Nf You ... want Instant earnings., unlimited potentiai, job flexibility, indepen- dence, and. lave beautiful lingeri,7 -and clothing. 'Cali. collect <416) 632-q990 MA, CHERIE HOME FASHIONS. (Est. 1975). B STU MCGEE Fioor, Sanding. Sanding, refinishlngrpisand staining.' Supplied, 'laid and flnished.* Over 1.20 -years experience.,CalI coilect after .6 p.m, <705) 944-5529. 'SHELLED PAINTING and Decorating. Paint and Wallpaper. Cleaning. -Brush,, -Roll, 'Spray. Gaulking, Woodstain. Resiential, Commercial, Industriel. CaIli 434-1325. NO TIME TO DO.. your house cleaning?.-l'il- 7 do it for you. Reasonable rates.« Tay 666-541.Trcy PAUNTER WITH DRY WALL experience iooking, for interior contracts .., -ýno Job toc, sae. el evenlngs, 433-908 or 430-1983. CASTLETOWNE HOME im povements. Wespecilize -in bat iternai and external home impravfements -"discount ta senior cýizens. Fo6r'f r..estimatecali aur new.-Whitb. office, 430-1440 now for' a ,ur _3pecial wlnter rates. <Licenç bonhded and in s ured). GENERAL CONTRACTORS, framlng, insulating, boiarding, taping, skylights, . saunas, rec rooms, basementI, apartments, -coar idig;replacement windows and more. CalI Jim or Terry ai SQUEAKY CLEAN. If yau don't have time ta d.ean, oeIl me. Eveihings, references., 430-7474. Please,49ave name and number. DECK SALE, - 20% OFF. Book your custom designed -deck now for. spring installationý an& .huge savings. Lewmac'- .,Construction. 428-8892. FRESHEN UP FOR SPRING. First class painti ng and decorating. Excellent- rates., Residential and commercial Interior and, exter*ior. OeIl Stewart>, 430-2097.- T 4 S SERVICES. Cemont work,'. roofing. foundation ropairs, asphait repairs, > patios., docks, «fences, 'chimney and brick' repairs and backhoe, and-..bobcat. For ,Jr.. ai la 1 1

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