WBUTBY FreE PRES& WDESAIMARCH 2L.1900. PAGE 31 ffNu VOU N QE N ýVOGU[E-[N VOGUE [N VOGU! Ageproofesca have en, yeasofyulok Time waits for nonmari-but it doesn't have in Icave uts mark 'on your appear- ance. -Wise.chýoices about diet. exercise and griooningL can'help you stay y 1utht'ui lookîini and fit well into mniddle age and hi n.Here., 10 ýquick de-aging actions t1r'm the ilakers of Just For Men. the. 1 irst'5-rilntte, Shampoo-in Hair Color. te heip y0iu look and'feel, ood in the yearsý ahead: *Liîmist vour e'cposure in thé sun. and use a sunscreen ouidoors, Choose a for- mula with 4 sUri protection factor (S.P.F. i tif 15 ornmori e. Csure it *s Iabeied "*broad specîtrum Thes sunscreens protect vou fron! UVB ras s that cause sunhurn and 1I VA ray s that pencit 1 e deep enough te * weaken th'skin's support strulctures. causme Vrnkles. *Keep your shades, on,'.,Sungla sse>, help prevent lunes and protect vour ew-s trom ultra-violet damage:ý **Forget the wind-burnt. .eatherý- look. iodas gro oming products make * keeping a smooth. vouthful complexion a breei.. Use à mnild soap on your, face andý acleansitigcrearn 0orscrub fr te dirCfý and gieta np atimv.For, d ry skin . appîs a moîôstùrizer after viiu, sho\%cr. vwhievurknistldm. *You mas al so -Wap t otry one. ofthe Thes're gentIler than alcohol-based Io- *t ions. Thes- help soot hé jusi-shavcd skin. reducesiLns of agipng * f ras haïr ives you an air ot di%- tinction. Use shampoos aà nd-coiditio ne rs that enhance your. naturaitoëlor' and make vour ha ir sh ipe. *But.* t*-irtr'makes sýou lookk. re-, sitinng yot,,raturaf'.hair color s'one of, the siesva 1-to turà ,buck thecloi&k. JuNt 1-er Nio. 5-niinuiv Shampee- b1 H.îïr Celer. for esampie. is shampcioed- n and rinsed eutinr the timie it <akes te shower.and shave. a draniatic advance tri the 4.0-iiinute ssait tither hairci'- lering product, requuire. Thé coler Wi1l' lJ%ýt up te s\ es.and î itsseciil Itr- ilut., hIend'. wathe Lraý. lka'isnLe sur, Ih.iiç ca.s -t-n1unae a.îd fa~rii4i eGraduai color reste rers aïea'ial no*~ fer men with thinning and graying. haïr. Grecian Plus Gras Control. Foani contains a special ingredient that actuall swells each haïr shaft. Products such aS this allosm your haïr color.to charige gtad-, -oui ~~Cniem" $10. *CIIS-RAL-FH LAUF *BUGLE BOY.* SUPER. SýeleýcT!OI10 uall'%. naturally. whiie miakîing your hair tuiler. Bý nuw%%. vcu probabiy know an et- tective ît-iness prograni ineorporates fiex-' ibility, toffing and aerobîcs. ýBut yo'a flot know the right ways to age-adjust your workouis . In 'our 20s. wlieiyou*re riaturaily strong arid flexible. concentrate on aerobics o condition your hatand lungs. nyu 3sand 4d0s alil t hrtéêe fitý nèss elemerits-',flexibility. S*trength a nd sta mina-requi ré equarattent.ion. At 50 flexihijiïtyanid- oning bcm se ciall1y impà rtarit. 'Go easier on high im- pact aerobics. but doa include aerobic activity. Best for now:, wà lkirig., swim- 'IQ D G1.,ý,* raryeng Yozg ~nssIrn OFF 5%1EýJN, BROWN ,JEAN GI SIZES28 7193 (1 block below the four corer) 430"7'664' miingand cycling. Additic Eofat weil. Be go'od 10 your heart aid coffée Cof bhodv. -A balariced. nutriujous diet heips sure'and i you seay trim., controls high biood, pres- pail o r co'. sçure anid reduces cholesterol,lIeiels. Eat urated fats.. Plentsv of bow-fai foods. %sjîoeJgrain 'trient absoi hreads: 'and cereals. fish. fowl.:w'aer. cit>- triggers %ý rus" fruit.. apples. 'carrots. .leafy green worry! Stié vèg9etables anid lean red meau&s, Learn. to opri4l age-prooteèrs: Drink les )fee tends tun raise blood pres, eaureDon*t' cook m- îth' conut'oils: the)-ire.high tin sat- S.Uniit alcohol. tblacks "nu- orptî'on. Cut, back on sait it water reteruion. An d don*t êss isthe bggest .ager, of ail. 'Be Happy -Don* tWorrv.' * . I SQ0694' EnjyTeSbtle>Eleganc OfuturedPeaf' GRAI AU ED OR UNI VLOFABRICS Lé k Y Large ,V ari*ety 0f *Designer Fabre *100% ,ýSilk -Falbrics, - Symphony Fabries,. For Yr Wedding Dreose We Carry *McCall'*s *Si mplicity &*New Look Patterns A G;reat. Selection 0f Notions ,,Lace, Trim -1ý930ý STOREHOR MON. - WED. 9:3Oà m - 6:()Opm TI4URS. &, FR1.9:3Opmà - 90 SATrERDAY' 9:3Oam - 15:0,pm 5ý7ý6 1415 KIG ST Et) OSHAWA Courtice Court Ample Free Parkig 'th Husqvarna, Swng/ Machines 2only De th,~ 2 only. 'Hu 1 on 'ly Hi 3o0nly 'Hi ià nly Hi 6ny w 6only VW 12,only H fek ma ~varns WNversrn '1>4/ gluxetop of - Rf1I NWS 0, lino eloctronlo 2699.00--,19 99.00 M0 usqvarna-990 121ý9.00 1799.0 400I usqvarna'-98O 179ê00 >1499.00W 300 usqvarna-,950; 1599.00 -1279.00 32t usqvarna-945 1399.0-0 '1099.00 M, hit"-ean's Machine 59;O0 37.00 221' fhite 1505« 4e.00 - 298.00_ý- 201'e uskyzock 340D *.~ fth diffeèrenial 1 ed 99.0 799M-0 170. bit 53 soger 89900 699.W0 20 hitedaubbebod OPENST4ýýC &FLOOR MODEL rTIËADE-INS AC COME JOINTHE- CELEBRAT9 -400 igS. 4Oj - ~ DU LS 01NLY'-ý ENTRE i ra -w ~ CREATE YOUR UNI .13E SPRIN( I - I . UP-00 TratYour Winidows to -a nwsrng 1Iook. Botter Ideas.Corne F __ m. ~ VALEODRAPE IES 43S43 ALL DRAPER'-IESMADE N, PREMISES _ 1.1 . . ................... - 7--7- * .