Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1990, p. 5

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WB1BYRE PlRSS, WEJJMEDAY, MARH14,19M0, PAGE Awlright you people, listen up and listen up good. Today we!ro gonna talk about press and cenorhip and stuif like that. Good stuif. You what? Weil, it botter wait. This is important. First let's deal with democracy. 1 Democracy is a wonderful concept. It means ail ihe poople in a country give the powe r of governmei o whoover has the most monoy. Waddyamoean, the vote? You ever heard of people electing a poor person 'as head of goverrmnent. 0f coureflot. Take Yew-Knitted States. See, always the rich people who run for office and got elected. Taon they run things for rich poole. Hock, take Canada. Once i a whilo we elece poor peoplo but make them into backbenchors or put themr in opposition. Thon ignore theni. Hock, if thoy're soesmart, why ain't they rich? We eloct rich poople ta govern, thon wonder why the country ije mn for tho nich. Now Eastorn Europe and the Soviet Union. Democracy. Boy, do those people have a lot ta loarn. Election% for on. thing. Bot a lot of those people believe that just b~y voting for whqever they liko that the govrnment wiil begin ta do thigs the p1pl like. Ha. Obviously, thoy've nover hoard of zthn-ecapital punishmont vote and stuff in Canada. ThIat bringa us ta fre press. Those Ruskies start ta get a Freer Press and start getting thin hlke color pictures on page threo of nubile youmg IMos weanng sable wraps and not.much moe thatIl wet their appetites for more press frooedom, you bot. Speaking -of pross freedoni, labor difficultios may curtail tho profit-spewing Metroland chaixi. 1%e, ail these cheoky'reporters and oditors -jet a glimpse of the total profits Metroland makos and want a little slivor of the pie. The response of managemnt? You can't have m ore than 5.5 per cent increase because you)re WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Cheelky not reil reporerlke thoyha'on the Toronto star andotrplcsNos, Motroland newspapers, management has tald omployoes, are just there ta write 'nice' pieces about 'ic.' thinge that happen in the conimunity. Se. the danger when MBAs and other twita get inta positions of power? 'They begin to treat newspapers and editorial fr-eedonis as suaeta bo churned out purely for the largest profit in the shortest period of timo. Okay, okay. Just beave mo up hère on my soap'box for on. mor paragraph: Sure, newspapers, like aùy business, must rum at a profit. And competition is a great leveiler. But always there must ho a dividing lino botweon oditorial and advertising and when the lino is erased we have some difficulty. If nows and editorial material carry only «nice' stories, thon readors are cheated. I know, I know, television does that ail the time just ta nM-pmxze profits, se why shouldn't nowspapers? Well, tho>r shouldn't because it works. Every newspaper advertisor knows that one news st;or.S is worth four ads -- and the smnart ones keep pushing for advertising features. Not bocause thoy'ro nows, but because they attract readers. But if 'nows' can bo bought or influenced by advertisers, who's ta believo anything you read? Or 500 on television, for that matter? Democracy, as wo said at the beginning, givos power ta the people with the moot money. IniEaStern Europe right now, since ocononues are bankrupt from years of ComÎmunist kuIe, citizen;ý marching in'the streets bky the thousands, nay tons of thousands, hold the oconomic power and thus tapple governments. In North America, the economic* power resides with businesses, the advortisers, the corporations. Citizens like to shop se they give that econonuc (and political) power ta, corporations. Hlence, Metroland reporters are supposed ta, write 'nice' stories about 'mice' conununitios ta help soU 'm nc. ads. Sure, Ws fl. ot that simple, but the. trend i. clear. Huh? Yoah, I guoss that was« more than one paragraph, wasn't it? Okay, lil come down now. So the Middlesox Board of Education bas curtailed distributi o fa book by Robert Munsh. Munsch's bost known book is about a pre-schooler who gets bundled up, or plac ed inthe. car, or in bod, and thon who yells, 'I ott gope.. Pre-achoolors identifyr with this. In the. book bornn.d in Middloez, Munsch portrays God as a pre-school girl. Ho aWnt far off the mark. The MidUesex board, though, i.. Laughing stock may not b. too harsh a terni. i ower hose prices in reglin, saysbor A substantiel increase in tlistings i. rosulting in lower house prieu in Durham Région. Februaày's average house price in Durham Region was approximatley $180,000, down two par cent fi=om lastmonth according ta John Coulter, presidont of the Oshawa and District Leal Estate Board. Statistics froin the Oshawa and District Leal Estate Board show a 70 per cent increase in the number of listings comparod with Fçbrary 990.This ropresents longer ta selI their property. le wilIl a" have ta bo more open-midndod when it cornes t nogoàations The. number cf sales were down Ir b49per cent comared with the boom marlket of 189i maly, dollar volume sales for il rosidontial real estate in Durham Régioni dropped lw 51 per cent compared with February 1989. Coulter attributes.the overai 50 percent drop inthe number of sales and dolla volume tu the. r on r Prssr i PrCe coupled witli thé numbèr <f listings and the 1over number of purchaseo. According to outer, one third Of bouses Eold in th¶ Troto area last month wore under $200,000. "With the flatter Toronto mari<t w. continue ta se. an influx of people coming ta, our communitios tao purchase more affordable V,-propes and to erijoy a better standards of living." qoulter says we are B IA st r at eg to be unveiled The board of management invites al membors ofthle Whitby Downtown BuuineasImprovement Area to a general . etig about «The. Unvoiling orDowntWn Whitby's Strategfo i99Or There will bo disçuion of now prootins, an e'panded prevention and mord. The meeting willbe held at the Knights <f Columbus Hall - 133 Brock St. N. on Tu wday, Marh 20 fron730 t 9.30 pa. Lfi reshmnts sev . WOULD YOU LIKTE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN AN ORIGINAL? "Nobleton Manor"by Paul Rankin RONDEN ART GALLERY presents PAUL RANKÏN in person MARCH l7th lOam-5pm 133 Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa 432-1580 .xeronin a more normal type <fZ roiestte market. "Vendors should oxpect to list their properties for at least tbree or four months. ight now, w. stiil have a substantiel amount <f buyors. However, if interest rates g o) up s w l f e t t enum ber of ls-iebyr h an enter themrct.twilas make it prohibitive for those who wa nt ta seIl and move Up." Coulter romains cautiously optimistic that the market wiil romain stable during the flrst and second quarter <f 1990. "A lot <f it will depend on interest rates." Ta. Oshawa and District Real Estate Board reprosents more than 1,500 liconed. roaI estate WHITBY 1121 DUNDAS ST. EAST LOCATION ONLY rattioners in Ajax/Pick.rng wnitb., Ohawa, 'Bowmanviie PSt P3rM and Courtice. ODREB, a membr <f the Ontario Rs Estate Association. and the Canadian Leai Estate Association is celebrating its 36th year <f servce ta the real estate idustry. Llmlted time offer. Cafl oda y. 666-4540 3ntoS WkO~ FOR TEI E0FO TWOMEMBERSHIP - Tu ~Eîropean Women S Hea(tbtCU 'f t

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