Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1990, p. 31

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wH1TBYFME PUB%8 WEDNESDAY, MAROR14o,1M9, PAGE 81 SARTICLES.i .ý,FOR SALE MANUFACTURERS' SECONDS at great bargain prices. Please cail for directions, 434-8870. DOUBLE BED, steel, frame -with coasters box spring and mattress. Orthopedic Bay Rest. 20 years warranty. Practically nlew. 430-3272. BEAUTIFUL FUR JACKET. Size 10, worn once. $500. 579-280.1. GOLD CHESTERFIELD, excellent condition. $375. 668-4972. SHAREWARE FOR IBM-PC and compatibles, thousands of tites. Phono/write for fros dlsk catalogue to GD Software, 518 Wiley* St., Thunder Bay, Ont. PM MN. Phono <807). 623-8992. 24 hrsi7 days. B PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS; Canadas 'Ioaing manufacturor offors- four models to chooso from. SAVE MONEVI MAKE MONEY. Free brochuro, caIl or wrte: ENERCRAFT, 474 Wolham Rtoad, Barrie,'Ontario, L4M 6E7. Phono, (705) 7p+4,1211. B NORTHERN FRUIT TREES, Decorative Shrubs, Evergreens, Seedîings,- Nut- Trees and Raraflora. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable pnices. Mail-order only. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, "Marbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. B THE GREENHOUSE And Hydroponics *lnc. 63 Clarke Sider oad, London, Ont. NSW 5W7, <519) 452-3919. Complote hydro- .ponic systems. W. do mail orders.. Send $2. for catalogue, $2. rebate on your first purchase. B MATERNITY CATALOGUE. Fre 32 page fashion catalogue. Great Times -Maternity, 7148 Fisher St. SJE, Calgary, AB, T21- MW. Phono, (403) 253-6066. B STORK, CRAFT CRIB including mfattress, jolly jumpar, Fisher Price high chair, and bath tub set, baby carrier. AIl1 in 'perfect condition. Brand new Snugglo baby carrier. Phono, 430-3272. SELUING CHESTERFIELD and' chair.^ Mattross, box sprtng and dresser, etc.. Asking $350. or best aller. 430-9059. COMPUTER FOR SALE. IM Compatible. Fuli package and 30 meg. hard drive. Must soli. $1650. 3 months aId. 668-8617. BUSINESS BOOKS, Self- Improvement Tapesî (Dealer inquiries weîcome). Hundreds of Titles aveilable. Free deteils. Cenimex Enterrss 934 Childs Drive, Milon, Otaia 1T 4J6. B UPRIGHT GREEN PIANO. $900. Cal 666-3749. LESS ENERG Y 13 - CONSUMED MANUFACTURING NEW PAPER FROM *WASTE PA PERS THAN FROM TREES.f GUN BARGAINS- Save up to 140%/ by subscrifing ta The- Gunrunner". The Canadien monthly newspaper listing hun- dreds of new, uscd, mQdern and antique fireerms f r sale or trede. Subscription $20/v .ta: Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alla. TUJ 3Z4. Sampie Copy,:$1.75. B REBU'ILT APPUJOCES. Up to 2 year . uerantee. Washers, diryers, Trges and staves, dishwashers and microwaves. Oshawa - 23 King St. W., 723-9777. Whitby - 107 Dundas St. W., -668-9444. Peterborough - 464 George St. N., <705) 742-4222. M &M Appliances., OLD WRIST WATCHES wanted. Eatons--Quarter Centur Club - menums rectangular wrist welches ( 25 yoars service watch) wilI pay $3000 and up'for this watch. Also wented aId Rolex wrist watches especially the following Rolex modela - Prince, Oyster Porpetual, Oyster Royale, Chronoçiraph and Cosmograph. Also buying Patek Phillip, Cartier, MaIvado, Vacheron Constitine, or any other high grade or complicated wrist watches such as Chronographsanad Moonphase wrist watches (mens oniy). Cal (416) 365-7240 collect or wrte: B. Walsh, 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 1S2. B WANTED: USED OR NEW animal cages. Preferably <dog cages) whoiesale prices onIy. Cal 430-7886B or brin9 ta Pet Depot and Imports in W htby. TOP DOLLAR PAID for aId gold and diarnonds. Trade mns welcomo. Estato j ewellry sold on cansign- ment. Sh ire's af Whitby, 436-9070. Whitby Mail, 1615 Dundas St. E., LUN 2L4. ABOVE TOP DOLLAR PAID for aid gald end diamonds. Trede mns weicome.- Estete jewellry sold an consignment. Parky's, 111B Dundas St. W., Whîtby, 430-8387. FREE TO GOOD HOME: Speyed very friendly, black dog. AIl shots u-to-date. Loves children, needs yard ta mun. Owner ieaving province. 668-5548 or 668-0948. KI TTENWS AND affectionate cats, ail ages, need loving homes. Litter trained, shots, dewormed, fixed. Long and short-haired available. 1-852-3814. MALE HAS LUXURY HOUSE ta share with responsible non-smokers, close ta Whitby Go, available immediately. $395. per month, inclusive. 430-8314. FEMALE WANTED ta share ail facilities in 2 bedroom apartment. Close ta Go. Utilities incîuded. $325. Calil 430-1424. ONE BEDROOM apartment availablo Apnil 1. $532. monthly. Includes appliances, parking and utilities. Apply 110 ictoria Si. W. 666-0271. WHITBY QUI1ET DUPLEX. 1 bodroom rt Men$595. plus 1V2 utilitios. A for Ln,576--2500 or 668-2112. TWO BEDROOM, i1 V2 baths, $925/month, ail included. Avalable May i. Cali 666.9820. ROOM FOR RENT. Ktchen and laundry facilities.ý Non-drug using mature gentleman preforred. Flost and last week. Cali 430-0404. FOR RENT. 2 rooms, ideal for'law office or other professional offices, in downtown Whitby. Available immediately. Terms negotiable. Phono 668-1677 or 686-6194, ask for Dianne. OFFICE FOR RENT. Downtown Whitby et 4 corners. Second floor. Suiteble for lewyer, doctor off ice, accountant, etc. Cal 623-5524. HAUBURTON WATERFRONT. 50 miles af canooing, 100 f. pines, good swimming, hydro and road. $32.900. 683-4019. NORTHERN -ONTARIO. Luxurious tourist resort with 800 foot'frontage on large lako (own sandy beach). 12 units plus restaurant, bar, etc. Elegant big building neods cosmetic adjust- monts. Excellent potentiel for conversion ta, luxuriaus vacation condas. Unspoiled area af count- less and 'unparalîel beauty. Abundent with f ish -and big game. $350.000, baroan. S. Krsuskl, Real Estate Broker. (705) 737-5394 <Barrie). BEST BUILDING BUYS. Final Clearance Sale. Various sizes & types. Clearing miscellaneous stock for spring. Limited steel. Save thousands while suppîy lasts. Paragon, 24 'hours. 1-800-263- 8499. B DIRECT FROM OUR factory. Steel buildings, sale., Quonset 25x30 $3,399; 35x40 $4.625 with sliding doors. Straîghtwalî 40x60 $9,509 wood-steel with ertdwalls. Prices good 'fiI March 3V190. PIONEERI ECONOSPAN, 1-800- 668-5422 (24 hours).' B SELI STAINLESS STEEL Distillers for -pùrost. drinking water and earn extra income. Act nowî Contact Water Purity Systems, 5312 Walkers Une, R R.#2, MUft4n, Ont. 19T 2X. <416) 336-7950. -B BUJILDING SPECIAL clearanco. 20X20 lit., $2,900; 24x24. ft., $3,100; 28x36 ft., $4,500; 32x36 if.. $4,900; 36x48 fI., $6,900; 40x6 f., 48,800. Cal 985-7930. STEEL B~ LDINGS for immediate Iliculdation. 20'x30' $2,306; 25'x30'1 $2.9.03; 30'x34 $3,672; 40MX61 $5.091 Complote wth end wàlls.. Other sizes availablo. Posftive savings. W. pay for the cl 1-800-668-4338 or 1-416-792-270r4. B PRIVATE MORTGAciES- The place to go when your bank says eNOm0. Serving Whitby- sinco 1973. 668-7200- ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. BUILDINGS LEFT OVER from International Machinery Show. Good selection ai Quonsets, Straghtwl Quansets aid Conventional. PCeD Future, 1-800-668-8653. B HANDYMAN SPECIAL, 1OX50 2 bodroam. Muet 'be maved. Na wheels. $4,995. (613) 382-4218. B ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurence beceuse af age, poor, driving record., or suspension ai license? Perhaps w can help. Phono, 666-2090. 81 JAGUAR Classic XJ12. Blue. $9900. certif ied. Excellent condition for the -prestigiaus car. 416-266-8922, Toronto. 1979 BLAZER 4X. P.S., P.B., 350 Corvette engins, BF Goodrich 35w tires on 1988 Chev. Alum, rally rims, 3w body Ifft. Many new parts.' $3000. Phono 668-.5040. 1981 CHEV, 12 TON MX. In vory good condition. Cap included, P.B.. P.S., hook-up, certifiable. minor rust. $5000. or, bost aller. 668-4430. 1982 THUNDERBIRD small V8. Overdrive, 105,000,. km.- Asking $1050. as is. 668-5638. TIIANKS TO ST. RID)E andtho Sacred Heart of Jooisu for favors roceived. May the Samred Heart of Jesus b. adored, glorified, Ioved and preserved throughot tho worid now and forover. Oh, Sacrod Heai of Jesus. pray for us. St. Judo worker of miracles pray for, us, St. Judo helpor of the hopeless,,pray for .&.Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day, your prayer will b. answered, rogardlos of how hopeîess your situaion seems. Publication must be pîomised. GR THANKS TOST. JUDE. Oh holy St. Judo Apostie and Martyr groat in Virtue and rich in'Miracles. Near kinsman ai Jesus Christ faithful intercossor of ail who invoke your Speciai Patronage. In limne af need, ta You I'have recours from the depths ai my hoart ýand humbly beg ai Yau,. St. Judo,, worker af Miracles and Holper of the hope- les whom God hms givon such Great Power ta corne ta My assistance. HeIp me In my present and urgent petition., In, roturn I promise ta malco your. Name known and cause you ta be invaked. Publication Bleromisod. St. Judo pray foradi us who invoke Vour ald.- . DP FINANCIALLy SECUR4, sýrîcoro gentlemen, al > ges, dosiro correspandonce, comnmunication,, etc., with seriaus ladies. Age, rate no factor. (604)ý 547-2020, anytime. -B MEET FRIENDS 1114 your erea wha velue the love, felawship and simplicity ai the original New Testament Christian Church, aid follow simple Bible toaching in daiîy 1lite. Please caîl 1-800-263-0154. B WOULD YOU LIKE TO correspond with unattached Christiarn people, eges 18-80, the abject being campanianship or merriage. Write: ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE iMO. B BIRTH CONTROIL and farniiy planning cauniseîîing. Free and confidientiel, availablo Mondey ta Fridey, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic every Thursday 3.'00>jp.m. ta 6:00 p.m. For further information, calI 420-8781 or 433,-8901 MORTGAGES $5000.5.0o,ooo -Re&umetiai, CommercalConstruction -Up to 90% Flnanclng and Refinanclng -lst, 2nd à& &d & poof alet ~ Problernm tg. *Fast Approvas - Fast cloalngs- 24 Hr. Service FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION AVAILABLE PRE-QUAUIFY BEFORE YOU WUY 223 Brook St.W. < CITICAPITAL Siiàte 201 666-5007 Whitjy, Ort. *lst, 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate *Up'ta, 90% financing e Consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thoipe Conunuity, Finandal SCYiCS Carp. 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby m m (FE c

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