Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1990, p. 30

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WANTED I-'y oNTED., c/ Could you be a Red Cross Homemaker? IL. Red Cross employs. trains and supervises ma. lure. frendly indvduals bto ake care of people in their homes. " Uniforms supptied " Patd training " Pald rmîteage " Flexible hours Phonie 434-8700 (Collect) Oporated by the Canadian Red Cross Society. a non- profil voluntary organization. UPDATE VOUR JOB SKILLS! The more you know, the more you're worth. Cati the Micro- computer Training Experts. Ctass times are taitored to meet your schedute.. Cati now to register. Registerod ..with:the- Ministry 0f Cottages and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning * Centre. 668-9713. DEALERS REQUIRED for Central Vacuum and residentiat intercom systems. Ontario territory. Repiy to Bilt Thomson, 81 Kelfietd Street, Unit 8, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5A3. B TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed.ý Now is the time to train for your Class "Au licence. For pre-screening interview and job placement information- contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon Pl., Cambridge. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are 45 or over and have been permanentiy laid Off or are out of work due to business failure in the iast 6 months, you may quatify for free tuition, books and supplies. Cati now' to 'register. Registered with the Ministry of Colsges and Univorsities since 1984. Computer Learning Cnr., 668-9713.Cet. PACKAGING COMPANY! 1 Requires hard warking ompoyeis~ for our packaging department. i IGood àttendance and the ability ta! read andi wnte in Engiish required. We offeF stable emrployment and! appprtunîty for advancement' for! the dp9ht Iersons. Able ta work 3. *shifts and overtime when needed.. $7.14 plus bonefits. Apply in persan oniy. * 125 Consumers Drive ! WhItby m. - onmn.n o n0......- mO BOOKKEEPER for a small business in Whtby 10 to 15 hours per month. Needed immodiately. Cati Norm, 668-6901. EXPERIENCED FENCE and deck crews req uired. 666-1400. WANTED: HOUSEWIVES to start their own business from their home, no cash outlay. Pisase cati Sarah atÈ 430-1599 for more information. EARN 25% COMMISSION. Soit proven top*-quaiity chitdrens and ladies hosiery and accessories. Shop-at-home parties. Choose your hours. $100. investment. Contact Lorette (416) 886-2808. B -SAVE MONEY AND your environment. Rotate your corn. Less Insecticide means more birds. SPARROWS, THRUSHES THANK VOUI wFarmer's Fine Feathered Friends," Box 2752-B, London, N6A 4V3. B FULL TIME NIQ'HT manager. Sunday to Thursday, 4 pm. to 12 p.m. Experience an asset. Appty in person to Hasty Market. 1200 Rssland Rd., Whitby. FULL TIME H ELP in light housekeeping and cooking for mi'ddle-agd couple. Torms negotiahie with roôým and. board. Cail, 668-7644. EXPERIENCED ÏEDITOR Wanted forweekly, tnuvik, ,N.W.T. One year contract. Satary nogotiabte. Northern Nqws Services, Annolies Pool, Manatgiqg Editor, Box '2820, Yellowknife.- N.W.T., X1A 2R1I, (403) 813-4031.B EDITOR REGQUIRED. Progressive Community Newspa- per, circ.approx. 6,000. Immodiate oponing for -EDITOR 5 person dept. Expey4once required. Send resume: Personnel Dept., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. B REMOTE MOUNiÏAIN- resort in B.C. now accepting applications for summer.and futi-timé emptoy- ment. Positions include cNamber- maids, waitresses, gas attent4nts, bartenders, cashiers, cter#s, dishwashers. For application seiid self-addressed, stamped envotope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. VOE 2S0. Attention: John Gait. B LICENCED PLUMBERS: WC Ontario's beautiful vacatilori Residential and COMMe plumbers required - Hatibi Highlands. Wages based experionce. Caîl (705) 457-,t (days), (705) 457-2560 (evenir G'DAY FROM New Zealandi Australia: Interested -in dc farming overseas? Exporieý milking 120-450 -cows in 2 hci persons agod 19-28 contact International Agriculturat change Association, #206-1501- Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T OF :rk in iland. erciat urton on &-.F# igs).0 A BETTER TAX REMURN! The B best w4y to get it s with TaxGuiard. When we prepae, yor tax return, ~you'Il recoîve every- ad break comning .to you. YouIl pay ad the, toast tax possble. Home lairy apontetavtabenwlCt mne Toli Free: 1-800-265-1002. Farmn turs Business Consultants' - yo0ur faim E- tax experts for 37 yearst B FULL DAY PRE-SCHOOL program in My home. Rossland/Garden area. For 3-5 year olds. Snacks and lunch. 430-7423. FALUNGBROOK, WHiTrBY. M4other of 2 will provide quality home day care for your infant or pre-schooler. Lots of activities, f enced yard. Linda, 668-0108. BABYSITTING in my homo. Any age. Blue Grass Meadows area. 579-2801. HOME DAYCARE - Are you looking for better cars for your child? I'm an experienced day cars worker with excellent references. WiII take 3 children ini my home. 2 years- or._ older. For more information, please. cati Donna, 666-3243. REGISTERED NURSE & mother will babysit in her home. R.A. Hutchison School area. Cali 430-,6335 for information. HELPI '.ENERGETIC SITTER needed h. > my-home. No 'house work, just lots of TLC and imaginative'ideasfor 1 V2 year. old. 8 a.m. to 1 pým. 5 days per week. CatI 430-201,1 .affor 2 p.m. 1@0 COMPUTER TAX Program. Revenue Canada Approved, for Excel &~- Lotus Users. Persona] $49.95, Farm and Business $79.95. Avaitabte -Feb. lst. Order now, Eagte Systems, (613) 628-2500.-.".B1 E2. -B WEATHERDEK IS Canada's Ieadinq supplier of shoot vinyts used mn. waterproafing sundeckçs, roofdeckçs, balconies, pool surrounds, etc. We now have a dealership available In your area. In return for a $12,000 investment, we suppty invontory, tools and ail training. iU you want to stait your first business or add a product ta ,an sxisting one, gîve us a collect cati at (604) 860-1200. Attention: Mr. D. Chaisson. B EVERYBODY'S CONCERNED about water. qualityl 33 year aid International manufacturer offers franchise for fuill'n o atn domestic waer treating equipmont. No franchise fees. 3 remarkabte new inventions. 1-800-661-3986. B PERSÃ"NAL INCOME -TAX retumns dons by computer. Fast;- personatizod service. $25. for basic retumn. Free pick-up and, detivery. Cati 579-4364. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERVICE? if so, advertîse in our MCALL A PROFESSIONAL' section of The Whhby Free Press. No job too big or too smal Cati 668-6111 and watch the business roll i RETAîLERS5 ONLY. Video movie and Nintendo leasing. We are wett-stocked,. fast, efficient. Bi-weekty rotation. You select your inventory. Canada wide: 1-800- 665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. B HOW TrO TURN YOUR Home Computer into Money Makin Opportunities. How to Turn Vour Crafts into Cash. Write: The Paper Miii, 13 Sunset Place, Elmira, Ontario, N3B3 3E2. 1 A CAREER IN DANCING! We aie tooking* for energetic, enthusiastic people to teach dancing - witi train. Cati 430-00,14. MARKEL 11-800-26>-713. CIa~ AZ-DZ Professionat Transpô rt Driver Training. Caireers? Financ- ing ? Tax Deductiblp?. We've got tho answers. Markel .finstituts of Profossional Transport Training. Guelph, 1-800-265-7173.B FREE: 1990 GUIDE t0 study-at-home cxrrespondenco Diploma courses fo r presti9ious careers: Accounting Aircondition-r ing, Bookkeeping, usiness, Cos- metotogy, -,Electronics, ,Legal/ Medical Secrotary,, Psycholpy Travol. Granton (5A) .263 Adetaidîýe West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972.- ýB LEARN AUCTIrONEERIN.G at the Southwestorn* Ontario. School of Auctioneering. .Next *class:,June 9-16/90. For ifr~ ocnat Southwest 'ern 'Ont auo Schoot o-f Ationeering, ýR.Rý,#5, .Wood- stock, Ontario, N4Sà 7V9.T (519) 537-2115. B LOG tUILD ING Cpxeer.. Demanld for" trained 'craftèper*sons. "ýPs Woife Log Bu.ilding'School offers career course btginning- April 17/90. 10'week course, $2,000; 4 weok course, $1,0<00;. 1 woekILC course, $300. VHSi og' building video, $50. Contact Pat Woife Log Building School, R.R. #3, Ashton, Ontario. KOA iBO. (Ç13) 253-0631.B EARN EXTRA MONEVI Learn Incomo Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Services, 205- 1345l Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-8,00- 665-5144. Enquire about exclusive -franchisé territories across Canada.B HOW TO' PLAY PoPULAR Piano. New -home study course. Fast, easy metho< Guaranteedli Aiso organ and' eectronic key- board courses. For REE4Informa- tion,, write: Popular F tMsc Systems, Studio 52, -3284 Boucherie Road, Keiowna, B.C., ViZ 2H2. - B iPROFESSIONqAL I TUTORJNG I **Experienoed Teacher' I klndMduaJ Prograins I I Group or Private Lessons I * Free Cnutto I ON Ufl N ALEVIE I 668-8225I GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and Advanced. Aduts, chiidren, teens and shift workers weicome. Student must have own guitar (accoustic or electric). For appointment, cati Lou, 666-1979. Whitby. OVER 25 EXCITING Aduft Career Training Prc. rams. Home Study. Job l Training without sacrificing your prosent incomet Low tees! Payment plani FREE,- BROCHURE! Canadian Schools, 1-800-668-12-b. B STU 'McGEE - Floor*-Sanding. Sanding, rotfinishing, 'repairs and staining. Supplied, laid and finished. Over 20 . years experience. Caîlcollect aftor .-6 p.m., <705) 944-5529. SHELLED PAINTING .and Docorating. Paint and Wallpapor. Cleaning. Brush' Roîl, pry Caulkingý, Woodstain. Re9sidential, Commercial,- Industrial.,, Cý, all 434,1325. SHIOP 'HOME Renovattons licensed carpenter. Overl4yar»s exporienice. Basements and docks a speciaiity. Available now. Georgie Shipp, 723-8089.1,; NO TIME -TO DOt.y6r hàusë* cleanIng? --l'Il ,doukfrydF Reasoniable rte1 Traiïy 666-5461. 4 PAINTER WITif - DRY W4kLL experience iooking ointr contrac ts ...no,.job;too smalt. ,atl evenings, 433-0908,or 4%>3Oýý8 SILKý., Ft-OWERS-- arrangeqç designod- 'for-you. R sonàbm rates. For more ifrain ~l 579-2801. - ÇASTLETOWNE HM imprvevieris. W pcii.1 boh internat and- externat '-horrÏe improvoments - discounhtto ýsôur citizens. For fre.e stimaàte "catli ur new .Whitby office, 430"1440"no for our special, winter . rates. (Licence bonded -and-insured). GENERAL -CONTRACTORS, framing, insuiating, bo6rdi g taping, skytights, 'saunl+as, reç rooms, basement apartment(0, cedar siding, replacement wihdnýàows and more. Cati-Jimý or Terry--at 430-1321. SQUEAKY CLEAN. If U cI on' have tirne to dlean, cati me. Evenings, references. 430-7474. Please beave nameannub. DECK SALE - 20% ýOFFi, Book! yor Dutm designed 'dock nowý fo sp i g installati n a d h g savings. Lewmac Cnt.-6itructioVi. 428-8892. 1Ail Makes Complète Tune-Up $39.95 Recondtioned S$5d?8OMachinesl TOPUNE SEWING. CENTRE 571-1385 40 King St. W. Oshawa, CHESTERFIELD' SUITES, toveseats, sectionais, iess than hait price. Large seteCion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. MATTRESSES and box- springs at hait prîce. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawg. Phono 725-5181. .

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