WKtPRS~WEDAY6W~GIL 14499p~ PAG!~27 j Ans nddsearn gold it N ol LI4 Music . tudens at Anderson CVI have earned a tnip to Music- Pest Canada -1990 in Winnipeg in Ma. Anderson bande won three gold medals two silver and one bronze meiai at the. recent Southern Ontari o Band Festival and ail six banda will be going west. Astronomy sx Edwin Zukowski, from' the departmnt of astronomy'at the University of Toronto, will pre- -Wer pre«Y blovn away, said Jack ' Mannetje, director of the Anderson Collegiate Concert Band, Anderson Collegiate Junior Band and. Anderson Junior Jazz Band, about the resfuits. The concert band (senior) won gold, the junior band won silver and junior jazz band bronze ina the competition. a-bjeoit of sent <Four Giant Plane ScierS Sstem As Seen Igeur I, at the Durhîa The J.>onunaniItflB gbrass band won gold as did the Fulta- sia flute ensemble. AnderJazz, directed by Bey Foster, won ail- ver. February and March have pr- sented the students with three competitions: the Oshawa. and Toronto Kiwanis Festivals and the Southern Ontarlo Band Fes- tival. lecture at College etse of Our lecture theatre on Tuesday, by Voya- March 27, 8 p.m. ~m Clleg Thepresentation is par f the Durhy Zam ScenceLetureSeris -~ On Tuzesday, April 10, Dr. Chris Forrest, fri the division S of plastic surgery at the Hospital for Sick. Children, will chscuss «Liposuction and Plastic Sur- On Tuesday, April 24, Dr. Ray ;~Woodhams, professor frm the $;departinent cf chemical engineering at the UJniversity cf YY Torontd will present 'The Age cf ~~ Super j'iastics -- Towards the IÀLits of Performance.' Members of Flutasia are Jen- nifer Elmhurst Beth-Anne Asel- ,styne, Mary dooper and Kylie Wright. Doninant Fifths is. made Up of a Jeiff Hilliard, Jamie Bramma, Shawn Mlla, Karen McGale and Kwesi Thomas. AnderJagzz, -Flutasia and both concert banda were ail invited to compete ini Winnipeg. However, those groupa that were flot in- vited to compete wili stili be attendling the festival and 4ve the cpportunity to be adudica- ted. Poster is pleased at the succeas of AnderJazz. «With such, a mixed ag,,e goup (grades 9 throughl2, am exceptionaliy proud in terýns of hard work and effort. Ail of the groups have worked really bard the last two months.» Between now* and May 16, the departure for Winnipeg, the Anderson nmusic students wiIl be finishing up their fundraising, - performing at various functions and attending regular practices as usual. Trent plans automation system A $1-million library automation systeni is one of the objectives cf Trent University' $15-million 'For TémorroW campaign. Once installed, Trent's 1,200 Oshawa.area students will be able te consuit the university' 410,000-volume Collection 50 miles away in Peterborough froni terminaIs located ina Durhamn College aund the Oshawa Public Library. This 'wili, be made possible by a $175,000 contribution frein the R. Samnuel McLaughlin Foundation. Obtaining university library books and materials lia been a Srbeni for Oshawa students. e donation from the McLaughlin Foundation, which will be used te, automate Trent's Bata Library in Peterborough, wili aIse finance one terminal in the Durbain College iÀbrary and one terminal ini the Oshawa Publieià brary, allowing users te search an on-lime catalogue cf Trentfs library holdings in Peterborough and make requests for books and materials that can then be delivered te Oshawa. The systeni should be functional for Oshawa students by Sept. 1990. Sec photos on p. 28 The-senior concert band wiIl performn at the national volley- bail championahips at Durham College on March 21, and at the ringette championahips on March 30. &t. Mannetje, says Anderson music progranis are enjoying; in- creased success because student now. take band and keyîboard courses (a' guitar course is . aiso now offered)- while elementary schcols, which he described as ufeeder achools» for the high schol, now have excellent music programs. Cotiferene for childhood educators An al-day professional development conference for eairly childhood educators will be held at Durhamn College on Saturday, March 31. The event is sponsored by the Ontarlo North Branch of theA.E.C.E,O, Durham College and the Ministry cf Communication and social Services. Conference contact is Sue Wells, 683-5241, ext. 228 or 1-800-263-3170. .ý:,FABRICATION *WELDIN SPECIALIZING IN AIL: STEEL SALES andi REPAIRS G RA DER and SNOWPLOW BLA DES BUCKET LIPS and BUCKET EDGES 524 WATSON ST. E. WHITBY, ONTARIO JEFF WHITE VAN& TRUCK WORLD ACCESSORIES & INSTALLATION __ R.V»..PICK-UP 4X 4,@VAN AMMUAL MARCH MADMESS SALE .. MARCH 19-m24 FREE HATS& T-SHIRTS 20- 50%OFF le RUNNING BOARDS $ 49.95 * TOOL BOXES $149@00 " TRUCK CAPS from $ 479,95 e MOULDED BUG " BOX LINERS' from $ 249.00 GUARDS$295 " CAPTAINS CHAIRS $ 79.95 e 112 PRICE ON INSTALLATIONS $500 OFF VAN CONVERSIONS MANY, NANY MORE TRUCK & VAN ACCESSORIES. WITE A PLAYING card on the back of her sweater, Arlene Stratton, grade 5 student at F.M.L Heard, is the unknowing participent'in a magie show performance by Magie Mike at Traflgar Castie sehool last week.FrePwpht Seondary sehool students to be honored District 17 of the Ontario Secondary Schooi Teachers? Federation (OSSTF) and the Durham Board of Education are jointly sponsoring the 5th annual Student Recogniition Night, te ho held at Harwood Secondary School on Thursday, April 5, 7:30 p.in. Up te four students fiom each of Durhiam's 18 public secondary schools will be, honored for tlieir contributions te achool life and for achievement of persenal excellence. The award winners were chosen by their teachers according to the following criteria: ea student who gives of hiniseif for the good of the whole school community or the larger community;- e a student who bas achieved personal excellence through unique, distinguished effort; 9 a student who bas overcome obstacles te achieve personal success; e a student who niay net be a future leader of society but who wili certainly leave it better than it is as a good citizen; e a student known by staff and students as the one te count on when they need help or enthusiastic support and is a dependable, ronscientious worker. The awards ceremony wili be followed by a reception for the students Pnd their parents, trustees, principals, senior administrators of the Durhami Board and the representatives of District 17, OSSTF. 1l670,SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 579-6868 SALE HOURS MON. - THURS. 9:00 - 9:00 FRIDAY 9:00 - MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 9:00 - 5:00 1)