Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1990, p. 10

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PAGE 1Q HTYF RS ~?~DYMRI14,19119 BIG BROTIIEIRS The 2lst annual meeting of the Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby will be held on Thursday, March 29 at Lviv Hall (St. George's Ukrainian Hall), 592 Albert St.,. Oshawa. The business meeting will, be held at 6:230Oj.m., dinner at 7 p.m. anulmeeting at 7:45 p.m., auJ awarde at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $10,1 te be purchased by March- 23 at 44 William St., Oshawa, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to b p.m., or caîl 579-2551. NIGHTO F CARDS <Night of Carde' will be held by Whitby Chapter #248, Order of the Eastern Star, at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane St., Whitby, on wednesday, April 11 7:30 p.m. Admission je $3. l'rizs and refreshments. For tickets cal 576-0617. BODY LANGUAGE SEbMNAR A body language seminar will be held at the Holiday Inn, Osh- awa on Sunday, March 25, 1 te 5 p.m. Cost je $25 per person. For registration, caîl Wonacott Teachin g Team, Conicept- Therapy netitute, at 668-5036. The institute je a non -profit eduacational oroanization. COFFEEBROUSE Christian Singles Coffee House will be held at -Plckering Pente- costal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., Pickering, on Saturday March 17, 7:30 p.m. Featurede will be the 'John BerocheMinis- try te Sm gles.' For more informa- tion cal erna a t 728-9720. STUD STUD (ST Usera of Durhami), a users group that helpe owuera of Atari's ST and TT computers, will meet on Tuesday, March 20 7:30 p.m., inroom 408B, Central Collegiate Institute, 240 Simcoe St. S. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet on Monday March 19, 7 pm., at the Whitby Public Iàbr- ery.. The instructional tepie will be macro photegraphy , and a 'What je itT presentation will be held. Submiseions will be made for elide clinic HII, and for 'Close, Closer, Closeet.' BIG SISTER ORIENTATION Big Sieter Orientation Niht will be held on Wednesay Merch 21 7 te 9 p.rn., at the Big Sietere ofhce, 387 Sinmcoe St. S., Oshawa (436-0951). The regular orientation, night is open te anlyone who would like more information about becoming a Big Sister. THI.1W THURSDAY 3rd Thursday Breakfast is a women's network which meets monthly at the Old Munich Cafe, 255 King St. E., Oshawa. The next meeting is on March 15 7:30 a.m. New members anâ gueste are welcome. Caîl 723- 1143 for more information. Coming even-ts SANDRABEECH Popular children's performner SanctaBeech will perform two shows at the Pickering recrea- tion complex on April 8, il am. and 3 p.m. The shows will raise funde for the YMCA-PACE (Parent and Child Enrichment) Centre. Tickets are $7, available at the Y-PACE in Pickar ig(839- 8011 or 686-1828) or Y-PACE Oshawa (434-3831). Sr. PATRICK'S DAY IM The Robert McIlaughlin Gallexpesusthe film «Images Of read' (53 minutes), -Saturday, March 17 at 2 .m. A panoramic viaw of Iralande land with a description of the country's culturel history and socal life. Admission je free. HEAD INJURY ASSOCIATION The Head Iujury Association of Durham Région will hold a sup- ort upnetiuon Wednei3- ZbýMnistCuc,411 Gil- bert. t. *t4. Iftranspr tation is needed, eaUl 576-3830. For more information 'caîl 683- 3448. SOCIETY Matsuyamna Bonsai Society will meet on Mouday, April 2, 7:15 p..at Faith Place, 44 William StW., Oshawa (three blocks north of King St. on the northeast corner of Centre and William streets). A workshop on name bonsai (miniature bonsai) will ha hald. Members and anyone interested in the art of bousai are welcome te attend. For more information cail 571-3153 or 683-2568. IIELP FOR VETERANS Veterans or members of vateran's families cen get.infor- mation about ansions, allowances or medicaý assistance on Thursday, March 15, 9:30 te 11:30 a.m. when a representa- tive frorn tle Veterans Affaire of Canada ie at Branch 112, Whitby Legion hall. For more informna- tion and appointments, cal Denis (Miles) Delaney at 668- 2730. RimSIINMG DIRUGS The Family Education Resource Contre of Durham House and the Substance Abuse Council of Durham Region wil prasent a two-hour workehop for parents of teens and pre-teans on Wednesday, March 28 fm 7 te 9 p.m. at Paul Dwyar Figh School, Oshawa. The worksh%é which comta $8, Will focus(on veloping an underetending of druge andâ their affects, communicating effectively with childran about druge and drug use, and helping tham maka responsible dacisions. To ragieter cail the Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. KAREN FRASER KR FI FRAER Karen Fraser, author of 'Women Like Me,' a national business directery for women, will ha guest speaker at the March 28 dinner meeting of the Durham Business and Profes- sional Women'e Club, at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Fraser, who has conducted career deva- lopment and quali -of-life semi- nars for the ast6 years, will diseuse 'Are ou Future Tensa? To attend the meeting, cal Nancy McNamara at 433-0168, Janice Nixon at 427-8216 or Fran Taylor at 985-4451. Fea for members je $25, for non-mem- bers $30. IF YOU WANT TO PA Y LESS TAX IN 1990 ANDIOR IF DIETER W. KIRNER YOU WANT MORE GROWTH IN VOUR RRSPTHIS Prominent Local SEMIARISMUS !! ~Tax Expert Ground-Floor Limited Patnership Opportunities First Time Offeredl SPCA GU ES PAUL LINDEN, renowned financial consultant and Real Estate expert. *Tax Planning, The Tax Squeeze - What's left to wrfte-of ? *Retirement planning in *generaîl RRSP's/RRIF's/Annuities " LImfted Partnershi, Tax Shelters. " lnvesting in mortgages " lnvesting in Prime Rentai Condo and Commercial Real Est ate " SpeCial Slide Show " New GSTand New Tax Réturns fflAT iir I V u@i± I[hI OSHA WA PUBLIC LIBRARY AUDITORIUM THURSDA Y MARCH 22 1990 1:3OPM & 7:OOPM Two Seminars For Your Con venience 'ALL5107 For Reservations Next Seminar April 19/90 BREATHOF LUEDANCE The eighth annual, Breath of Liife Dance wil be held at Iro- qýUoiJs Pr on Saturday, April 28,8pm.Thedance raises funde for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. icket, $18 each, wli ha sold at Iroquois Park on Saturday, April 7, starting at 8 a.m. CBAFTSHOW A craft show, with. 100 exhibitors, will ba presented byr Durham College at 2000 Simcoe St. N. The show will take place i the gymnasium eat the Oshawa main campus on Saturday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. THE STATIONGALLERY The exhibition, 'The Victorien CuIt of Beauty' will ba held at The Station GaMlery until Marh 24. ST. PATRICK'S DAY FUN 'St. Patrick's Da Fun,' for 3- te 5-yer-olds, will ha held Fr1- day, Merch 16, 2:30 te 3:15 p.m., at the Roseland brench of the Whitby Public Làibrary. Caîl 668- 1886 te reserva space. ONE PARENT FAMUMlS The North Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association wil meet on Wednesday, March 14 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, on the corner of Hillcroft and March streete in Oshawa. The guest speaker will ha Carry Pettit on 'Choices Fecing Young.People - and How Best te Help. ' New members are welcome. Fgor more information cail 668-5144 or 576-5853. ONE PARENT FAMILlES The North Oshawa Chapter of the Oue Parent Families Association wiil meet on Wednesday, March 21 at 8 p.m. at Christ Memorial Church, on the corner of Hiilcroft and March etreats in Oshawa. The guest. speaker will ba Anu Guthro on Aide. New members are welcome. For more information, cal 668-5144 or 576-5853. ONE PARENT FAMILlES The North Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association are having their social night on Saturday, March 24 at the YWCA on Center St. S. in Oshawa, fromn 8 p.m. te 1 a.m. Drees code - no jeans. For more information, cail 668-5144 or 576-5853. EUCEMR Ladies Aiixilliary of Br. 112, Whithy Legion will hold their monthly euchre in the upetairs ball, 117 Byron St. S. Thura. Mar. 15, 8 Pm. Admission $2.00. Cash prizes, lunch served, handicapped lift available. 683-5241, ext. 228 o 1-800-263-3170. AVICULTURAL SOCIETY The 'Durham Avicultural' Society je holding ame.eting on Tuesday, April 10, ait 7:30 P.=. À speaker from the Ontario Fee )in of Naturaliste will present ' The World of Birde Around Us.'The meeting je hi the Pickering High, School cafeteria (Church St. north of Hwy 2). For further information contact- Jacquie ait 282-5997 (Toronto)' or Vince at 723-1978 (Oshawa). Pi1neri e Bluegrasa Folklore Society wrnthold a pickin' session on Sunday. March 8,2 p.m., ait, <împ Samac' -(main counrcil hall, north- entrance. off Conlin Rd.), Oshawa. Ail wel- corne. DIAUG The DRAUG, (Durham Region Apple U 1ser G roupl) for. Apple II serie. and compatible computera wiil meet, at 1 ,st. -And&ews Presbyterian ,Churcht. , »209 Cochirane-St.L in Whitbyý--on ThursdayMbarch 15, at.. 7ý;p. There will be a p.resentation oon how to control and seeure ahome using an Apple'computer, and',a follow-up, ssson on last ùiüonthà Appleworks presentation. ,New membere ýare welcome. ,For further information, ai 427-8204 or 6682-5022. WmDOWS AND> WIDOWE]RS A pleasant social club -for widows and widowers wiihxoldits next meeting on Sunday, March 18, 7:30 p.m. in the 420 Wing* Oshawa Airport. Dancing, shuffleboard, darýts and carde. For more information call Forbes ait 430-0130 or Ralph at 725-.7203. AVICULTURAL SOCIET The Durham Avicultural Society is holding a meeting, on Tuesda, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. John Zerafa, president of theý society, will, speak on ' 'Bird Genetics,' using élides, of budgriar lovebirds and cocatelss to demonstrate. Meeting ait the Pickering High School cafeteria (Church St. north of Hwy 2). For further information contact Jacquie ait 282-5997 (Toronto) or Vince at 723-1978 (Oshawa). GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING The next meeting of the' Dur- ham Region Chapter of the Gerontological Association will be held on Thursday, March 22 7 p.m. at Bowmanville General Hospital, 47 Liberty St. N.. A speaker from. the Office of the Public Trustee will diseuse the work of a public trustee, consente and the FRAM Report. For more information cel i Bttv Plaskitt at noon, at 1450 Hopkins St., suite 106, Whitby. In addition tothe business meeting, there will be, a videa, on cardiopulmon ary resus- citation fror bystanders. F or more information caîl 666-0995. FOCTJS 0 WOMEN Focus on Moen will hold, a coffee and dessert on Tuesday, March 20 7-30 p.m., at 570 Thoruton Ad. NÎ., Oshawa. Guest speaker will be pastor Gaetane LeBcours,' with music by Cathy Friesen. Feature will 'be 'Cozy Suppers with Beatrix Potter and Fri6nds' by Gwenda Cheshire. Admission is $3. For reservations cail 430-0233. 1 m DoWs RIBNER & ASSOCIATES Financial Advisors In Retirement And Tax Planning "Services Catering To The Conservative lnvestor" 717 King St. W.5 P.O. Box 133 Oshawa, Ont. Li N 7Ll

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