File to be closed on a rezonlng application from Monarch Construction for the NW corner of D undas St. W. and D'Hiler St. Tghe original application had proposed uses for a funeral home and a drug wamehouse. The applicant la submnfttlng a new application district commer- cial, hlgh denslty residential- and posslbly mixed use. The site la the former location of Lynde House whlch was moved to Cullen Gerdens In 1986 to cleart the site. Recommended to counciL. An application from the Reglon of Durham to construct a sewage pumping station at the NW corner of Cochrane and Rosaland. The building la to be constructed ln a heritage style and la to be faced with atone. The majority 0f the site la on the f lood plain of Lynde Creek and CLOCA had expreased some concerna however they were satlafled that reason- able safeguarda weme inciuded ln the plan. Recominended to counciL Site plan of the Canadian lire Gaa Bar at Bowman and Dundas St. E. la to be amnended to remiove references 10 a Pit Stop/ Lubritorium Rtecmnmended to councW Items from Whitby Counei agenda,(s). Operations Committee That Whitby Transit passes now be lssued for the calendar month rather than for a one-month period f rom date of purchase. This wll allow bus drivers to maintain better contrai over invaild p asses. Reommended t. counci] That stopplng on* the north side of Hamret Street be restrlcted to buses oniy between the west ilmit: of Henry Street and a point 35 metres f urther west. Harriet St. runs along the south side of Henry St. High School. Thiswill ensure a safer process of loadlng and unloadlng students from buses. Rlecom eneto counciL That counci accept the $42,783 bld of Centennial Construction Equlpment Rentais for rentai of street sweepers and flushers 10 asst wlth the annual sprlng cléanlng of town 'roads. The hourly rates represent an 8.4 per cent increase over rates p aldin 1989. ommnde to council. Proposed Ontario Motorist Protection Plan. Mr. Alan Furlong was unable to attend the meeting due explain the provincial legisiation due to, prior commitrments. Planning and Development Committee j' L By Mike Kowaloid for its re-establishinent. Whitby councillor4ý have dev- Ge agteaDna ised a' solution toi downtown GrgPreteaDna parking probiems Créated *by the Street businessmà n, Said 95 feeparkingbylaw.. spaoes was a weicome start, "but The fine for parking more than it won't be near enou h to cover three hours in a muncipal k - ail who want te park downtown.» iglot will be increùefrm$5 Pargetter toiS the 'committee Wo$5 and leased parking.willh e heappreclated their reason for re-instituted. abolishing -parking- fees but Both measures wr adopted asked membéeste ook at it from by council's operationM compmttee ane~oyer's perspective. a andrecomnende to We r trying to run a business council. but we're constantly being dis- Although council âpproval is ruj>ted 4y employees running out required, that willi lonly be a every three hours te move their formality as a majority of council cars SIX inches.» members support the decision. Committee chairman Joe Whiie the committee unan-Buigelli was quick te take excep- moushy suported re-introuctao tion to that comment. sh- oflas parking, coluncior "We did it to encourage hp Marcel Bruneihe argued against pers te go downtewn, not to increashig fines. provide parking for anyone's Brunel e feit the full implica- emPloyees. tions of Whitby's move. to free He said council would be pre- rarkng lstyear are stili not pared to add more leased spaces nonadsuggested that no if the demand is there but feit action be taken until council has this was "a prudent first step.» «I believe we should only raise also welcomed the committe fines if oui: costs are going up or recommendation but said one of the eistin*g fines are not doing the, two lots to be designated for the job," said Brunehie. leased parking may flot be appro- Council abolished parking fees priate. hast year te avýoid paying a new The designated lots will be at tax te the provincial govermnent. thecorner of Coîborne and Green Downtown emphoyees and com- and the west side of Perry mutrs oontoo adaltgeOf Filip said the Perry lot is too the ail-day Paring and no far removed from the downtown spaces. were left for shoppers. core and may prove dangerous Council responded by impýosing a for women who work late and $5 fine on vehiches parked ione muet walk severai blocks te their spot for more than tharee hours.) cars. Bruneile did not find any sup- Foihowing the operations com- port for his position of not rais- mittee vote on the two recom- ing fines from the other commit- mendations, planning committee tee members. members Who were meeting else- Councihbors Tom Edwards and where in the municipal buihding Lynda Buffett both feit a deter- Monday night, were informed of rant was needed and neither felt the committee's decision by a the $15 figure was excessive. tnemheeToscocilors Coincidig~t the fine Mi were inormally poiled and in- crease, thecoi*mittee agreed _t dicated their support of the designate 95 paces fori easei recommendations. parking at $60, r month. Comxittee chairman Bugeili (When Lree aring was ado told reporters later that this ted leased space where tho "Consensus of council" wihh allow te no longer b necescmvp town staff an extra week te tewn officiais. soon receive prepare changes te the parking nuinerous reqiiests for 1eased aw. prioronpg vnle.)~ But it must stili be iegally WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1990, PAGE 3 Counm'Cil- acknow«ledges C anada's bilingualism agenda position concerning 'the Ontario government's -controversial FrenchLanguage, Servces Act (Bill 8)., «I told them Bill 8 dosen't affect us, nor do I want to critic- ize other municipalities which. have taken a position against it. "I just want to re-afflrm our position on Longueui, that. we should act on our 21 years 'ýof friendship.» Bill 8 extends provincial government services in French to designated areas, but does not affect municipalities., Neverthe- less, a number of Ontario com- munities have responded by declaring themselves «English- &ounciflor Tom Edwards sup- SEE PAGE 42 VALUABLE COUPON mmmmmm *LASYCHANCE AT '89 1I(>E Bybfth nom $25000O F ..tepurchase of your Centrai Air ConditionerI * or Naturai Gas Fumace, Expires Mar. 15/90 iqtiq0" e s e li!Co .ca &C so isml *Ohtario New Home Warranty Program .,I Hour East 0f Oshawa eBeat The G.S.T. T.V. ROBERTSON, Whitby, was the wnr Of the «Heart of the Town» Celebration-jefly beau contest held biy the BJA. IIow nîany canal"e9 worej in the jar? Là eah finafly spilis the beau. as there were 1359.Leah guessed 1333.j Free Pr.m Photo Peter Tomblia Parking. fines tripled e g EFo f n inef centrai Air Cendltfionorsr And Ga&Frns SA VE.. Wfth NaturaJ GasFUL SAIR CONTROLI15Y Conwert your 011 orPat&Lbu *IOctrlcsystem to 4 natural gu à & » asant o I to W% on yourCnta h.alng bill. l Condfltonng AultiitedFEATURES: Arxunmlcim izu'dcenyhev 1)çalcduly conrssaor ShocIk.d»orWng PUT VOUR PURCHASEs copp« tLnm ON VOUR GAS BILLII sFM«rer (stmwdd Cail Air Contrat for dotailsI0on Mlunks> TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS LIMITEO TIlE SPECIALI By Mike Kowalolki Whitby councillors have corne :)ut «four- square" in favor of Oanada's two officiai hanpiuages. Town council's operations com- rnittee unanimnously sumprted a resohution Monday whxch pro- claims Whitby's continued sup- profCanada's two foundini ethnic) groups - English ang F'rench. The resolution was introduced by Mayor Bob Attersley. The mayor told the committee his resolution was prom pted as a show of support for WhAItby's 21-year-old twining arrange-. ment with the city of Longueuil, Quebac. Attersiey said that ause of the twinning agreemenV, media from bôth Qebecand :Ontario have asked him about thé town's 1 .